4 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Ruang Kelas SDN 027 Cicadas Bandung

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    Institution of education has important role to take part in solving problems in Bandung city community development. Population growth inBandung drives the impact of facility andinfrastructure addition, including in primaryschool facilities. The land area of school could not be expandable and so its insufficient and facility infrastructure because of its location among slums settlement and traditional market.The Departement of Eduaction and Cultural hassustainable programs for improving school facility and infrastructure. The facility and infrastructure of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 027 recently has not been longer proper for physical and capacity for teaching and learning activities. In this program, abdimas team helps to carry out the planning renovation and supervision assistance process of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 027. This program involves architect and civil engineer to plan, design, count the structure of new classrooms addition and also supervise the renovation for few room of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 027. The output of this activity is to fulfill the need of the SDN 027 community to carry out the teaching and learning process

    Penataan Taman Bermain Anak di Kawasan Sempadan Sungai Cikapundung RW 06 Kelurahan Balong Gede Bandung

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    The issue of riverbank in Bandung city still leaves unending problems recently as well as  RW 06 Balong Gede sub district. The lack of quality and quantity of open public space were caused by the dense of city centre settlement. The riverbank of RW 06 Balong Gede sub district is an active connecting path between Lengkong and Pungkur street so it is not safe enough for  the children to play. The riverbank of Cikapundung is currently used for composting area, storing building material, sitting area and the street vendors. Condition of the sitting area has not been proper to use because of its damage and the lack of roof cover. The UNLA abdimas team try to help RW 06 community in  composing planning concepts and the structure of organization for Taman Si Indung Jembar management. The identification process of needed space and space mapping were held through forum discussion group with the community. The planning concept is socialized and discussed with the community by participatory planning to achieve design concept according to user requirements. After the retaining wall development as the government aided, the playground become main priority to build. Si Indung Jembar Park for now has been built although there are many changes in construction actually due to cost and the park element provided. The other functions that have not been  realized yet will be developed and built gradually in the next period.   Permasalahan ruang sempadan sungai di Kota Bandung hingga saat ini masih meninggalkan persoalan yang tidak kunjung selesai, seperti halnya di RW 06 Kelurahan Balong Gede. Kurangnya kuantitas dan kualitas ruang terbuka publik akibat padatnya lahan permukiman di pusat kota Bandung. Sempadan sungai di RW 06  Kelurahan Balong Gede juga merupakan jalur penghubung utama aktif  antara Jalan Lengkong dan Pungkur, sehingga mengurangi kenyamanan bermain bagi anak-anak. Sempadan sungai Cikapundung saat ini sebagian dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk untuk fungsi pembuatan kompos, penyimpanan bahan bangunan, ruang duduk dan area berdagang pedagang kaki lima. Kondisi sebagian ruang duduk pun sudah tidak lagi memadai untuk digunakan karena kerusakan tempat duduk dan tidak adanya penutup atap. Untuk itu tim abdimas LPM Universitas Langlangbuana mencoba membantu masyarakat RW 06 dalam menyusun konsep perencanaan pemanfaatan sempadan sungai tersebut dan struktur organisasi lembaga yang akan mengelola Taman Wisata Si Indung Jembar. Proses identifikasi kebutuhan ruang dan pemetaan lokasi dilakukan bersama Ketua RW, para Ketua RT dan masyarakat lainnya melalui diskusi kelompok (FGD). Konsep perencanaan sempadan sungai disosialiasikan dan didiskusikan bersama masyarakat (participatory planning) untuk mencapai gambaran desain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan/keinginan masyarakat. Sebagai lanjutan dari pembuatan kirmir yang sudah dilakukan atas bantuan Pemerintah, taman bermain anak menjadi skala prioritas yang akan dibangun dalam perencanaan Taman Si Indung Jembar.Taman bermain anak tersebut kini sudah selesai dibangun walaupun ada sedikit perbedaan dengan desain dan harapan karena keterseddiaan elemen pelengkap taman dan biaya. Fungsi -fungsi lain yang belum terwujud selanjutnya secara bertahap akan dilaksanakan di periode mendatang

    Peremajaan kawasan Kaum, Dayeuhkolot melalui studi kelayakan teknis dan finansial

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    Analysis of pedestrian design criteria of Padalarang railway station area

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    The Padalarang sub urban is currently known as high mobility area. There are railway station and terminal for public transportation. Recently, Padalarang has decreasing its physical and visual quality due to the growth of informal housing, informal sector, traditional market and terminal. The Transit Oriented Development is an approach which integrates vehicle network system and pedestrian lane modes. These inappropriate growths generate a lot of environment problems. One of them is the lack of pedestrian lane and its linkage with housing, such as markets, stations, terminals and other public facilities, meanwhile pedestrian lanes have an important role for supporting their main activity. Especially pedestrian lanes in Indonesia which recently are still in ongoing debate as an important issue in town planning. This research will deliberate about the design criteria of pedestrian lane system become more walkable and responsive, which oriented to sidewalk users. This research was conducted through case study and data collecting by surveying, observing and mapping the physical condition of the area nearby railway station, terminal and traditional market. This study is expected to be able to help government and stakeholders as a reference in assembling the area around Padalarang railway station