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    This study aims at investigating junior high school students’ errors in using English past tense in their English compositions. The subjects of this study were 8th-grade students in a junior high school in North Bali. This study employed descriptive qualitative research which describes the error that was produced by EFL learners. There were four steps in collecting the data namely, asking the students to watch a video, telling them to write recount text through guided writing, collecting the learners' writing, identifying the students' errors in writing past tense, and classifying the errors. The data were analysed using Corder's framework to classify students' errors. The study revealed that there were nine types of errors produces by EFL learners. The errors are applying Indonesian syntactic pattern, using Indonesian acronym, omitting the plural marker -s, adding plural marker -s in a singular form, deleting BE, using incorrect word choice, adding articles, overgeneralising, and using incorrect word order. The errors show that the students tend to use their native language structure in composing the English past tense. Hence, the errors made by students and acknowledged by teachers should be addressed immediately by implementing appropriate strategies and materials to enhance learning. Furthermore, this study can be conducted for further research with different subjects as well as references for applied linguistics courses

    INTERLANGUAGE PRODUCED BY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN RECOUNT TEXT (Interlanguage (Bahasa Antara) yang Dihasilkan oleh Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dalam Teks Rekon)

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    Karangan yang ditulis oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama mengandung kalimat-kalimat salah yang  menggambarkan bahasa mereka.  Bahasa yang dihasilkan oleh siswa-siswa ini biasa dirujuk sebagai interlanguage (bahasa antara). Apakah bahasa pertama atau bahasa sasaran memengaruhi kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut?  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan interlanguage  yang digunakan oleh siswa-siswa yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing dalam teks rekon.  Subjek penelitian ini terdiri atas 20 orang siswa sekolah menengah pertama di Buleleng.   Data dikumpulkan melalui latihan menulis terbimbing dalam bentuk teks rekon.  Empat langkah ditempuh dalam menganalisis data, yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasikan, mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan bentuk linguistik dalam tulisan siswa. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh bahasa ibu terhadap bahasa antara siswa antara lain adalah penggunaan tata bahasa Indonesia, penggunaan kata-kata Indonesia, penghilangan  pemarkah jamak -s, penghilangan TO BE dan aspek kala dari verba.  Pengaruh bahasa sasaran antara lain adalah  padanan yang salah,  penambahan kata sandang, kesalahan dalam memilih pronomina  dan overgeneralisasi bentuk lampau -ed. English text written by junior high school students consists of erroneous sentences which describe learners' language. Either the native language or target language influences the errors. This term is called interlanguage. The study aimed at describing the interlanguage produced by EFL students in recount text. The subjects of the study were 20 students of junior high school in Buleleng Regency.  The data was collected through a guided writing exercise in the form of recount text. There were four steps in analyzing the data, namely identifying errors, classification, description, and explanation. The result shows that native language influence includes Indonesian grammar patterns, Indonesian words, wrong selection of word form, the omission of plural marker -s,  TO BE deletion, and verb tense.  Target language influence includes false friend, the addition of articles, wrong choice of pronoun, and overgeneralization of past form -ed


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    Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the students' interlingual and intralingual interferences of Tourism Study Program at a State University in North Bali. A qualitative approach was applied by examining the students' final projects of English writing for the academic year 2020/2021.  In this case study, 15 final projects were chosen using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done through reading, note-taking, classifying, and describing. The findings revealed that the most frequent interlingual form produced by the students was using Indonesian Syntax Pattern, while the intralingual form was the simplifications. Therefore, interlingual and intralingual interferences were found in the students' final project. There are two implications of this study, i.e. (i) teachers need to enhance their pedagogy for the teaching and learning sessions, particularly English grammar, (ii) students should learn more the English grammatical rules, which they can access many sources to learn English through watching a movie, listening to songs, talking with native speakers, reading novels and magazines.Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interlingual dan intralingual mahasiswa Program Studi Pariwisata di salah satu Universitas Negeri di Bali Utara. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menguji tugas akhir siswa dalam penulisan bahasa Inggris pada tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Dalam studi kasus ini, dipilih 15 tugas akhir dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui membaca, mencatat, mengklasifikasi, dan mendeskripsikan. Hasil temuan mengungkapkan bentuk interlingual yang paling sering dihasilkan oleh siswa adalah menggunakan Pola Sintaks Bahasa Indonesia sedangkan bentuk intralingualnya adalah penyederhanaan. Dengan dimikian, terdapat error interlingual dan intralingual dalam tugas akhir mahasiswa. Ada dua implikasi dari penelitian ini, yaitu (i) pengajar perlu meningkatkan pedagogi mereka untuk proses belajar mengajar khususnya tata bahasa Inggris, (ii) pembelajar harus mempelajari lebih lanjut aturan tata bahasa Inggris. Mereka dapat mengakses banyak sumber untuk belajar bahasa Inggris seperti menonton film, mendengarkan lagu, berbicara dengan penutur asli, membaca novel maupun majalah