848 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Addition Of Jambal Siam Fish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) Meat In Banana Heart(musa Paradisiaca) Nugget On Consumer Acceptance

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    The aims of this research to determine the effect of addition of Jambal Siam fish meat (Pangasius hypophthalmus) in banana heart (Musa paradisiaca) nugget on consumer acceptance. This research used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) non factorial. The addition in the making banana heart nugget was using Jambal siam fish meat in different amounts. The results showed that banana heart nugget with the addition of jambal siam fish meat very real influence on the value of the organoleptic appearance, flavors, aroma, texture, water content, protein, fat and crude fiber. Based on the level of consumer acceptance and parameters tested, nugget with the addition of 350 grams of Jambal siam fish meat shows the best mix because it is so favored by consumers, namely 75 (93.75%) with such criteria (gray, golden yellow and bright), flavors (banana heart does not feel and taste of the fish meat more dominant), aroma (smell of fish is more dominant so it does not smell of banana) texture (soft, dense and fit) with water content of 37.55%, 30.43% protein, 8.64% fat and 4.81% crude fiber content. The parameters tested in the study was the organoleptic value , chemical analysis and coarse fibers

    Pengaruh Reputasi Perusahaan Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Retensi Pelanggan Dengan Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Maskapai Penerbangan Sriwijaya Air Semarang

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the company's reputation and quality of service to customer retention and satisfaction as an intervening variable in the airline Sriwijaya Air Semarang . This type of research is explanatory , with the technique of collecting data through a questionnaire. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique , the sample of 100 peoples who are service users airline Sriwijaya Air Semarang . The method of analysis used in this study is Part Analiyst or Path Analysis.Based on the calculations show that there is a variable corporate reputation , quality of service , and satisfaction positive and significant impact on customer retention is equal to 21.0 % . Based on the analysis of pathways directly influences have a greater value than the indirect effect , it shows the customer will be immediately have a sense of retention of the services of the airline Sriwijaya Air flight

    Prasarana Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Perancangan Rumah Susun

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    “ Prasarana Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Perancangan Rumah Susun ” Ardhiana Muhsin, Oky Septiariani Permadi, Nadya Olga Saraswati, Gita Purwita Sari Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : [email protected] ABSTRAK Peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan laju pertumbuhan hunian akan memberikan dampak pada jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan. Jumlah dan jenis sampah sangat tergantung dari gaya hidup dan jenis material yang kita konsumsi. Semakin meningkatnya perekonomian dalam rumah tangga, maka akan semakin bervariasi pula jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan. Objek studi kasus yang dianalisis adalah Rusunawa Kodam III Siliwangi yang berada di jalan Tongkeng Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengelolaan sampah pada Rusunawa Kodam III Siliwangi, volume sampah yang dihasilkan oleh penghuni berpengaruh terhadap perancangan rumah susun. Metoda yang digunakan yaitu studi kualitatif dengan studi pustaka; wawancara; dan pengamatan langsung pada objek penelitian, studi kuantitatif dengan observasi pengumpulan data dan pengukuran, serta komparasi dengan aturan yang ada. Kata Kunci : prasarana persampahan, pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga, rumah susun. ABSTRACT The increase of population and industrial growth rate will have an impact on amount of waste generated. The amount and type of waste is highly dependent on life style and the type of materials that we consume. The increase of economic growth in household, the more varied an amount of waste generated. Object of case study analyzed is Rusunawa Kodam III/ Siliwangi on Tongkeng road, Bandung. This study aims to assess the solid waste management in Rusunawa Kodam III/Siliwangi, the volume of waste generated by the occupants influence to design of flats. The method used a qualitative study of literature; interview; direct observation on the object of research, quantitative studies with observation data collection, measurement, and comparisons with existing rules

    Uji Daya Anthelmintik Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Lamtoro (Leucaena Leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit) pada Cacing Gelang Babi (Ascaris Suum Goeze) secara In Vitro

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    Salah satu infeksi parasit usus yang sering terjadi di seluruh dunia adalah askariasis. Babi yang terinfeksi cacing akan mengalami gastritis, diare, peritonitis akibat infeksi, anoreksia, penurunan berat badan, kekurusan bahkan kematian. Penanggulangan askariasis yang menyerang babi dilakukan dengan cara memberikan anthelmintik. Upaya pengembangan potensi obat herbal sebagai anthelmintik digunakan kulit batang lamtoro Percobaan pertama dimulai dengan mendeterminasi tanaman, ekstraksi, menetapkan kadar air tumbuhan yang digunakan, menetapkan kadar air ekstraknya, selanjutkan skrining fitokimia. Uji daya anthelmintik menggunakan sampel 105 cacing gelang babi (Ascaris suum Goeze) yang dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok dan dilakukan replikasi 3 kali.. Kelompok pertama sebagai kontrol negatif diberikan suspensi CMC-Na 0,5% b/v , perlakuan kedua control positif diberikan suspense albendazol 0,25% b/v, kelompok perlakuan ketiga, keempat, kelima, keenam dan ketujuh diberi ektrak etanol kulit batang lamtoro dikonsentrasi 0,25% b/v; 0,5% b/v; 1% b/v; 2% b/v; dan 4% b/v. Setiap konsentrasi diberikan 20 ml disemua cawan petri yang berisikan 5 cacing, masing-masing cawan berisi cacing diinkubasi dengan suhu 37°C. Data didapatkan melalui pengamatan durasi mortalitas seluruh cacing Ascaris suum Goeze tiap 2 jam sampai 40 jam. uji Kruskal-Wallis diteruskan dengan uji Mann-Whitney digunakan untuk menganalisis data persentase kematian. LC100 dan LT100 ekstrak etanol kulit batang lamtoro dihitung dengan menggunakan analisis probit. Kandungan kimia ekstrak etanol kulit batang lamtoro berdasarkan hasil skrining fitokimia yaitu mengandung saponin, tannin, triterpenoid, dan glikosida. Ekstrak etanol kulit batang lamtoro konsentrasi 0,5% b/v, 1% b/v; 2% b/v; dan 4% b/v mempunyai daya anthelmintik pada cacing Ascaris suum karena tidak sama memiliki arti pada kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Nilai LC100 dan LT100 ekstrak etanol kulit batang lamtoro menurut perhitungan analisis probit menunjukkan 4,02% dan 35,4 jam

    Analisa Perbandingan Quality Of Service (QoS) pada Jaringan Backbone Non-MPLS dengan Jaringan Backbone MPLS Menggunakan Routing Protocol OSPF di PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Ridar Riau

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    The development of telecommunications technology based on Internet Protocol (IP) is now growing with the competitiveness of the telecommunications company to improve the quality of service to consumers. It can be obtained by increasing the quality backbone network using Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). MPLS is a new technology to forward the packet to the backbone network without changing the existing network structure. The main idea is to construct a replacement MPLS paths using label switching and distribute traffic into it. This paper compare the Qualty of Service (QoS) on Non-MPLS backbone network to MPLS backbone network with OSPF routing protocol on the PT. Telecommunication Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Ridar Riau. The Software simulation using Graphical Network Simulator (GNS3) is analyze by observing QoS are delay, packet loss, throughput, and jitter with Wireshark. In this research, there are two scenarios that will be analyzed. The first scenarios analyze the customer site make deliveries to one another customer site and the second scenarios analyze two customer sites make deliveries to the customer site simultaneously. The results show that the highest delay in the first scenario is better MPLS backbone network at 0.029999 s and 0.0124 s in the second scenario than Non-MPLS backbone network. It Followed by the highest value of packet loss on the network backbone MPLS and non-MPLS are equal 0% and in the second scenario, MPLS is better 0% than non-MPLS. The Throughput has same trend with the highest value in the first scenario MPLS backbone network is better 0.0085 Mbps and 0011 Mbps in the second scenario than Non-MPLS backbone network. Meanwhile the highest jitter values in the first scenario MPLS backbone network is better too at 0.3595995 s and 1.544403 s on the second scenario than the non-MPLS


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mekstraksi senyawa halusinogen dalam magic mushroom yang dilakukan dengan metode SPE (Solid Phase Extraction) menggunakan pelarut methanol dilanjutkan dengan penentuan kandungan senyawanya dengan kromatografi gas-spektrofotometer massa (GC-MS). Hasil analisis dengan GC-MS menghasilkan dua puncak spektrum dengan spektrum dominan yang diidentifikasi sebagai senyawa halusinogen psilosin dengan waktu retensi 20,08 menit dan kelimpahan sebesar 80,53%