1,638 research outputs found

    Pemerintah dan Masyarakat dalam Kasus Pengelolaan Administrasi Kependudukan di Uptd Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    This study tried to find out the business of government and publicadministration in managing the population in UPTD Population and CivilRegistration Sub-District Saber and understand the factors that influence thegovernment and the community in the management . This research is descriptivequalitative research method . In collecting data the researcher used observation,interview and documentation . By using key informants as a source of informationabout the study .From the data obtained findings , government and community relations inthe management of Population and Civil Registration Administration , the Districtof community participatory planning Saber involved in the process of deliveringthe problems perceived by the public in the stewardship of Population and CivilRegistration Administration . Activity UPTD Population and Civil RegistrationSaber institutional diawasai by the Supervisory Board and the RegionalInspectorate Bengkalis Bengkalis . External oversight of the research conductedby the author Parliament . The Parliament did check the field to obtaininformation and conduct a hearing ( RDP ) and then ask for the report of theOffice of Population and Civil Registration Bengkalis . While the public scrutinyof the activities of Population and Civil Registration UPTD UPTD the Populationand Civil Registration Saber listen to public complaints by opening a complaintbox . In addition to the availability of the website facebook community criticismand suggestions and answer questions about population and civil registrationadministration by staff UPTD Population and Civil Registration .Keywords : Management of Government and Society , Participation ,Transparency , Accountability , Responsiveness on UPTD Population and CivilRegistration

    Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Modal Inti Rasio Kecukupan Modal, Rasio Pinjaman terhadap Deposito, Kredit Macet dan Marjin Suku Bunga Bersih terhadap Profitabilitas Bank

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    Tulisan ini membahas pengaruh antara rasio keuangan dan profitabilitas bank. Data yangdigunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan publikasi bank yang lelahdiaudit. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode korelasi regresi linier bergandayang diolah memakai SPSS 13 dengan menetapkan 1 (satu) variabel terikat yaituPengembablian Aset (PA) dan lima (5) variabel bebas yaitu jumlah modal inti, RasioKecukupan Modal (RKM), Rasio Pinjaman Terhadap Deposito (RPTD), Kredit Macet (KM),dan Marjin Suku Bunga Bersih (MSBB). Periode penelitian adalah laporan keuangan banktahun 2004-2006, dengan sampei berjumiah 60 Bank di Indonesia (30 bank umum swastanasional devisa dan 30 bank umum swasta nasional non devisa). Hasil yang diperolehdalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator jumlah modal inti, RKM, MSBB pada bankdevise, dan jumlah modal inti, KM, RPTD bank non de visa yang mempengaruhi PA secarasignifikansi. Sedangkan KM, RPTD pada Bank Devisa, dan RKM, MSBB Bank Non Devisatidak ada pengaruhnya terhadap PA

    Application of Basic Technique Badminton Game by Using the Applications Macromedia Flash 8 Professional

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    Salah satu metode pembuatan yang dapat dibilang efektif dalam prosesmemahami dasar permainan bulutangkis adalah dengan menggunakan metodemultimedia, karena metode ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk dapatmenampilkan perpaduan antara teks, gambar, animasi, suara, grafis, sertainteraktifitas. Dengan metode ini para pecinta Bulutangkis dapat mengetahuibagaimana cara bermain bulutangkis dari aplikasi multimedia yang merupakanperantara dari ilmu yang disampaikan. Aplikasi multimedia yang dibuat olehpenulis dengan tema Dasar Dasar Permainan Bulutangkis dan diharapkandapat memberikan alternatif lain dalam kegiatan pembelajaran khususnyamengenai bulutangkis. Dengan pembuatan aplikasi yang memakai mediakomputer dan menggunakan metode multimedia. Diharapkan informasi dangambar yang ditampilkan dapat lebih dinamis, lebih menarik dan lebihinteraktif

    Tinjauan Yuridis terhadap Abandonemen (Penyerahan Hak Milik Atas Benda Pertanggungan) dalam Hal Penyelesaian Klaim Asuransi Rangka Kapal (Marine Hull Insurance)

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    Insurance is a bilateral agreement in which the first party as an insured to pay the insurance premiums to the second party as the person who is willing to bear the losses suffered by the goods or services of value arising from the insured property. Development of marine insurance relating to the implementation of the transport or shipping is done through a sea full of marine hazards. In a sense, marine insurance is not just limited to the marine environment only, but will also include terrestrial environments and inland waters (rivers and lakes). The author uses the methods of normative research that focuses on secondary data or literature data as a primary source. From the results of research already done so authors can be concluded that the legal basis of insurance contained in the Book of Acts - Act trademark law (Commercial code), Act - Act 2 of 1992 concerning insurance undertakings. Marine insurance basically guarantees loss, damage (risk) as a result of the dangers of the sea. With the agreement of the insured's coverage then the risk is taken over by the insurer, provided that the insured must pay premiums for marine insurance. About the dangers - dangers that are borne not only limited to the hazards that occur at sea, but also about the dangers - dangers that can occur canal during transport, such as a fire hazard dipelabuhan. Basically, the insurance must have an element of the insured interests, compensation received shall be in accordance with what has been previously agreed upon closing of insurance, and payment of compensation can only be given after the loss that befell the insured. From these elements, the coverage made by the insurer and the insured would be void if the insured to speculate on the state of things - things that are not tru

    Sistem Informasi Raport Berbasis Web Di SMP N 4 Temanggung

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    The processed data with computer can be more convenient and practical compared with manual system. Data processing is done manually takes time and labor so much, that when dealing with complex data processing and large less efficient. Thus the use of a computer can be optimized. Therefore the "Web Based Information System Report Cards at SMP N 4 Temanggung" and as the title made in this thesis.Design of the information system of data processing was designed in order to process data effectively and efficiently in the process of inputting student data, teacher data, the value of data subjects as well as report cards, in addition to optimizing the use of existing computer in SMP N 4 Temanggung

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Card Sort untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Kelas V Se-gugus Kebonsari Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang

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    According to the observation, the learning process carried out in primary schools throughout Kebonsari cluster in Sukun District Malang has adopted the 2013 curriculum, which students must actively participate in learning activities. However, there are still many students who do not have a courageous to express their opinions and much participation in learning activities in the classroom. This study was designed using classroom action research. The research instrument used in this study are (1) observation sheets and (2) field notes is used to obtain data or information related to classroom situations that are not listed on the observation sheet. In this research, field notes used to observe things that happen in the classroom during card sort learning model application. The results showed that in the first cycle Average student activity has been demonstrated considerably active within Kebonsari Elementary schools 1 with a percentage of 64%, while the highly active category within Kebonsari Elementary School 4 resulted with a percentage of 84%. Furthermore, at the second cycle, the students' average activity has been demonstrated active or resulted of 78% within Kebonsari Elementary schools 1, while highly active category resulted at 92% within Kebonsari Elementary School 4. Therefore, the developed Card Sort learning model is recommended to all teachers at primary schools 1 and primary schools 2 Kebonsari during the learning process.Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di SD Negeri se-Gugus Kebonsari Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang sudah menerapkan kurikulum 2013, dimana siswa harus berperan aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Akan tetapi, Kenyataan di lapangan, masih banyak siswa yang belum berani untuk mengemukakan pendapat mereka dan kurang ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan belajar di kelas. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelian ini adalah (1) lembar observasi dan (2) catatan lapangan digunakan untuk memperoleh data atau informasi yang berkaitan dengan situasi kelas yang tidak tercantum dalam lembar observasi. Dalam penelitian ini catatan lapangan digunakan untuk mengamati hal-hal yang terjadi di dalam kelas selam penerapan model pembelajaran card sort. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus I rata-rata keaktifan siswa sudah menunjukkan kategori cukup aktif di SDN 1 Kebonsari dengan persentase 64%, sedangkan kategori aktif di SDN 4 Kebonsari dengan persentase 84%. Selanjutnya pada siklus II rata-rata keaktifan siswa sudah menunjukkan kategori aktif atau 78% di SDN 1 Kebonsari, sedangkan kategori sangat aktif 92% di SDN 4 Kebonsari. Dengan demikian, model pembelajaran Card Sort dapat direkomendasikan kepada guru di SDN 1 dan 4 Kebonsari dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran

    Study Kekuatan Bending Dan Struktur Mikro Komposit Polyethylene Yang Diperkuat Oleh Hybrid Serat Sisal Dan Karung Goni

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and study the mechanical properties of polyethylene strukrur micro hybrid composites reinforced by fibers sisal and jute sacks. Preparation of composites by hand lay-up method with a ratio of fiber volume fraction of sisal and jute sacks 30%: 0%, 20%: 10%, 15%: 15%, 10%: 20%, 0%: 30%. With unidirectional sisal fiber orientation and fiber length random burlap gunny sack fibers 2 cm. Specimen testing is performed with a standard bending test ASTM D790, and microstructure. Test results obtained from the average bending strength of composites with high fiber volume ratio fraksin 30%: 0% is 74.43 Mpa. While the lowest average for bending strength found in composites with fiber volume fraction of 0%: 30%, the bending strength of 32.21 MPa. Therefore we can conclude the increasing volume fraction of sisal fiber with unidirectional fiber orientation, the higher the bending strength of its appeal and reverse the growing volume of burlap fibers with random orientation of the fibers feeding the lower the bending strength and the strength

    The Effect Of Spirulina SP Flour Fortification On The Sensory-chemical Characters Of Mochicake

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    The aim of the study was to observe the effect of Spirulina flour fortifiedto the mochi cake on its sensory-chemical characters This study used anexperimental method by using completely randomized design (CRD) nonfactorial. The treatment conducted was producing mochi cake by adding Spirulinaflour at different composition, namely: 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5gs for 1120 gs mochi each.The products of Mochi cake fortified with the Spirulina flour were evaluated fortheir hedonic value and chemical characters. The result showed that thefortification of 3,5gs Spirulina flour into the mochi was determined as the besttreatment indicated by the highest value of appearance 7.4, texture 7.0, aroma 6.9,and taste 7.7. The product was containing water 28.50%, protein 3.20%, 4.60 fat,ash 3.62% and carbohydrate 60.08%
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