2,236 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kecemasan Ibu Dengan Kecemasan Anak Saat Hospitalisasi Anak

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    The prevalence of hospitalized child's anxiety reached 75%. The anxiety worsen the healing process of diseases. The hypothesis of the relationship between mother's anxiety and child's anxiety was emerged because many mothers had anxiety in child's hospitalization. The mothers were depressed, confused, or very angry in child's hospitalization. The research aimed to find out the relationship between the level of Mother's anxiety and the level of 3-year-old to 6-year-old child's anxiety who had hospitalization in Room Anggrek Ambarawa Public Hospital. Researcher also aimed to identify the level of mother's and child's anxiety acc ording to the their characteristics. The research used non experimental quantitative method and correlation study design. The data were collected by interview using questioner. The sample were 60 partners of mother and child who were taken by incidental sampling technique. The data were analyzed using kendalls tau formula. The research indicated that the occurance of mothers and children with mild anxiety was 63.3%, the occurance of mothers with mild anxiety and children with moderate anxiety was 10%, the occurance of mothers with moderate anxiety and children with mild anxiety was 5%, and the occurance of mothers and children with moderate anxiety was 21.67%. Kendalls tau correlation test indicated that p value is 0.000 and coefficient correlation is 0.643. The conclusion was there is relationship between the level of Mother's anxiety and the level of 3-year-old to 6-year-old child's anxiety who had hospitalization in Room Anggrek Ambarawa Public Hospital. The level of mother's and child's anxiety were different according to the characteristics. The author recommended that nurse should give comprehensive nursing care and the hospital should make Standart Operating Procedure for anxiety managemen

    Kurikulum Fakultas Sastra Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (Kesesuaian antara Kurikulum yang Diajarkan dengan Pekerjaan yang Ditekuni)

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    Kurikulum merupakan suatu ide vital yang menjadi landasan bagi terselenggaranya pendidikan yang baik. Sebagai wahana dan media konservasi, kurikulum memiliki kontribusi besar dan strategis bagi pewarisan amanat ilmu pengetahuan yang diajarkan Allah SWT melalui para nabi dan rosul, para filosof, para cendekiawan, ulama, akademisi dan para guru, secara turun temurun, inter dan antar generasi melalui pengembangan potensi kognetif, afektif dan psikomotorik para muridnya. Karena itu, kurikulum seringkali menjadi tolak ukur bagi kualitas dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Baik buruknya kurikulum akan sangat menentukan terhadap baik buruknya kualitas output pendidikan, dalam hal ini peserta didik. Pada penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kiprah lebih kurang 100 orang alumni yang dihasilkan oleh Fakultas Sastra Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia berkiprah secara nyata di tengah masyarakat dan mengetahui bukti nyata kesesuaian antara Kurikulum yang berlaku dengan lapangan kerja yang Alumni tekuni

    Aplikasi Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    Penulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai Aplikasi Pertolongan Pertama PadaKecelakaan yang bertujuan untuk dapat menambah pengetahuan masyarakatdalam mengambil tindakan yang tepat, yakni pertolongan pertama danperawatan untuk menangani diri sendiri atau anggota keluarga maupunmasyarakat sekitar, di saat terkena musibah. Untuk itu penulis inginmenampilkannya dalam bentuk komputerisasi, penulis berharap agar informasiterlihat lebih menarik. Untuk itu penulis ingin menampilkannya dalam bentukkomputerisasi

    Pengukuran Linieritas Tingkat Keabuan (Gray Level) Citra Fluoroskopi Menggunakan Metode Pengolahan Citra Digital

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    Measurement on the grey level on a plane fluoroscopy has done using processing image digital methods. The research aims to create computer software that is used to calculate the value of the image of grey level to test linierity gray level image fluoroscopy. The research can be used to help improve the quality of medical services as well as help in establishing the diagnosis.The research is done with exposed the panthom leeds test object gray scale laid between an x-ray source and image intensifier. This exposed done with variation voltage tube between 40 kvp to 63 kvp. Phantom which exposed are generates an image in the form of DICOM, then transferred to analyzed gray level using a computer. On the stage analysis made a computer program by using matlab consisting of the subroutine is: load citra DICOM, then taking an area ROI in each step, in regions ROI grey value in the average level of the voltage lowest 40 kvp until with voltage kvp, 63 its average value at one voltage a tube made a graph linierity between grey level step, with the level of then determine the equation linieritas and value of the coefficients correlation.The results obtained in research shows all variation in voltage tube having tested linierity high with indicated value of a coefficient correlation approaching +1 panthom used against image. The lowest in voltage to the voltage tests indicating the highest level linierity good increasingly. In voltage lowest voltage tube 40 kvp obtained linear equations y= 3.078x-3.461 with a coefficient correlation 0,8624 and in voltage highest earned 64 kvp in a linear equation y= 5.480x+10.431 with a coefficient correlation 0,9968. These results also indicated that gray level as part of software based matlab can be used to know the value of an image linierityf luoroskopi

    Efektivitas Senam Hamil Terhadap Penurunan Derajat Edema Kaki Pada Ibu Gravida Trimester II Dan III

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    Leg edema is one of the changes that occur during pregnancy is often a complaint of the mother gravida. Leg edema is caused because no smoothening the flow of blood at the foot. By doing pregnancy exercise regularly can improve blood circulation. This study aims to determine the effect of pregnancy exercise to decrease the degree of leg edema in the mother Gravida trim ester II and III. This study used a pre-experimental design with using one group pre-post test approach. This population was Capital gravida Trimester II and III physiologically leg edema in Pustu Lirboyo of Kediri as many as 17, while the samples used partly Capital Gravida Trimester II and III as many as 16 people using Random Sampling technique. The results showed 16 respondents before pregnancy exercise most of the level of edema in grade 2 of 8 people (50%) and after pregnancy exercise most of the level of edema in grade 1 as many as 12 people (75%). Results of data analysis obtained using the Wilcoxon test p value = 0.000, because the p value 0.000 <0.05, which means there is a pregnancy exercise influence on the degradation of leg edema mother gravida trimester II and III. By doing regular pregnancy exercise during pregnancy it will indirectly affect the blood circulation of the mother. To that can reduce leg edema in the mother gravida trimester II and III

    Efektifitas Larutan Asam Cuka untuk Menurunan Kandungan Logam Berat Cadmium dalam Daging Kerang Bulu

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    High concentration of Cadmium (Cd) heavy metal content in shellfish will affect to public health through food chain. The health effect includes acute and chronic poisoning, and carcinogenic effect. In order to minimize the health effect, it should be efforted to reduce Cd heavy metal content in shellfish by soaking in weak acid solution as chelating agent such as acetic acid solution. Therefore the aim of this study was to measure effectivity of acetic acid solution in reducing Cd heavy metal content in certain shellfish namely Kerang Bulu or Anadara indica. This study was an experimental study in laboratory, which was designed as pre-test and post-test with control group design. Twenty samples of Kerang Bulu from Kenjeran beach of Surabaya were included in this study. Each ten sample was divided into three parts and measured Cd heavy metal content before and after treatment by soaking in acetic acid solution 25 % and 12,5 % for 1 and 2 hours. Average concentration of Cd heavy metal content in Kerang Bulu was 2,47 ± 0,79 ppm. It was extreemely higher compared to the threshold limit value recommeded by ILO/WHO i.e. 0.1 ppm. Soaking in acetic acid solution 25 % for 1 and 2 hours significantly reduced (paired samples t test, p <0,01) Cd heavy metal content in Kerang Bulu 1,71 ppm (63,20 %) and 1,96 ppm (77,72 %) respectively. While soaking in acetic acid solution 12.5 % for 1 and 2 hours significantly reduced (paired samples t test, p <0,01) Cd heavy metal content in Kerang Bulu 1,35 ppm (51,44 %) and 1,71 ppm (65,93 %) respectively. It is concluded that Kerang Bulu taken from Kenjeran beach of Surabaya have already polluted by high Cd heavy metal concentration. Acetic acid solution with 25 % and 12,5 % concentration are considered as an effective chelating agent to reduce Cd heavy metal concentration in shellfish of Kerang Bulu. However, it will need further study on the effectivity of acetic acid or other weak acid solutions in reducing several heavy-metal content in other marine biotics. Keywords : Acetic acid solution, Cadmium, chelating agent, shellfish

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Nilai Pasar Dan Kinerja Perusahaan Yang Terdapat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2012

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of intellectual capital to the market value and financial performance company. This study uses a model developed by Pulic Value Added Intellectual Coefficients (VAICTM). This study examines the effect of VAIC and the three components of intellectual capital capital employed (VACA), human capital (VAHU), structural capital (STVA) towards market value (MtBV) and the company's financial performance return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and growth revenue (GR).Sampling method that's used in this study is purposive sampling. Sample used in study is all company's financial statements to Infrastructure, Utility and Transportation, issued by BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange) during the period 2010-2012. This study uses a multiple linear regression test analysis. The result of the study shows that combined intellectual capital has no effect to market value. Yet, human capital affects the market value. Intellectual capital affect positively significant towards financial performance return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), dan growth revenue (GR)
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