3 research outputs found

    Penetapan Kadar Kloramfenikol Dalam Tetes Mata Pada Sediaan Generik Dan Merk Dengan Metode Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi

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    Determination of Chloramphenicol in generic and branded eye drop had been carried out by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with UV detector (280 nm). The Shimpack ODS CLC C18 column was used as stationary phase, methanol:water (40:60) v/v as mobile phase, with flow rate 1 mL/minute. Determination of calibration curve linearity showed linear correlation between the peak area and concentration at 10-30 µg/mL with correlation coefficient r=0.990. The equation of regression was y=1.6429x – 5.5758 with LOD and LOQ were 5.2 and 17.3 µg/mL respectively. The precision test showed coefficient variation (CV) was 5.988%. The average chloramphenicol content of generic and branded product were 117.6 and 111.29% respectively. The sample was fulfilled the requirement of Farmakope Indonesia fourth edition. Keywords: chloramphenicol, reversed phase HPLC, eye drop

    Piperantha:inovasi Terapi Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Salam (Eugenia Polyantha) dan Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Fas/fas-l pada Regresi Pertumbuhan Kanker Serviks secara In Vitro

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    In this study, we evaluated Eugenia polyantha and Piper crocatum leaves alone and in combination for their anti-cancer properties on HeLa cells. The extraction method by using soxhlet and maceration. The phytochemical constituents of extract were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The anti-cancer property and mechanism of the extract were evaluated by its effect on cell viability and apoptosis. Total flavonoids content was higher in maceration than soxhlet extracts. Single extracts of Eugenia polyantha alone or Piper crocatum showed better anti-cancer activity than their combination. However, Eugenia polyantha extracts showed better anti-cancer activity than Piper crocatum extracts

    The Effectiveness of Giving Katuk Leaf Extract on Breast Milk Production and Increasing Baby Weight in the Independent Practice of Madiun District Midwives

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    Breast milk is the best food for the baby's needs from the beginning of life. However, a survey in Indonesia reported that 38% of mothers stopped breastfeeding due to a lack of milk production caused by various factors such as maternal psychology and nutrition. Several types of plants have traditionally been used by nursing mothers to increase breast milk production, one of which is Sauropus androgynus or katuk leaves which contain important nutrients such as protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid without reducing the quality of breast milk. Katuk leaf extract can increase the mother's milk production up to 50.47%. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between giving katuk leaves to breast milk production and increasing infant weight at the WiIayah Midwife Independent Practice, Madiun Regency. This research uses Quasi Experiment method with pre-test and post-test design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 60 nursing mothers who will be given a volume measurement instrument, a control card for measuring breast milk volume filled in by postpartum mothers who will monitor their milk production every day. The results showed a decoction of katuk leaves and extracts. Katuk leaf is effective in meeting the adequacy of breast milk and is proven to increase baby's weight. To test the baby's weight gain using a tool using an observation sheet of baby's weight gain before and after the research was conducted. The results of hypothesis testing using the paired t-test showed that there was a relationship between giving katuk leaf extract to increasing breast milk production