4 research outputs found

    Penjadwalan Kegiatan Pemeliharaan untuk Memaksimalkan Availabilitas Mesin

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model penjadwalan kegiatan pemeliharaan yang dapat memaksimalkan tingkat ketersediaan mesin. Pemeliharaan merupakan kegiatan dalam rangka mengupayakan availabilitas sistem untuk digunakan pada kemampuan produksi yang diharapkan. Setiap kegiatan pememeliharaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari routing yang telah ditentukan dengan mengunakan alat dan waktu penyelesaian yang berbeda-beda. Untuk mengoptimalkan setiap routing operasi dengan tingkat waktu penyelesaian yang berbeda, meminimasi biaya, dan sumber daya manusia yang tersedia, maka perlu dilakukan penjadwalan kegiatan pemeliharaan. Dalam situasi tertentu, jika kegiatan pemeliharaan tersebut mengalami keterlambatan akan menyebabkan downtime mesin lebih lama, yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan availabitas mesin menurun. Jika availabilitas mesin kecil, maka suatu Perusahaan akan mengalami kehilangan produksi atau harus membayar biaya penalti sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pemodelan penjadwalan adalah metode penjadwalan untuk meminimasi makespan. Adapun makespan yang dimaksud dalam studi ini adalah lamanya mesin dalam kondisi rusak atau downtime. Validasi model yang dihasilkan dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasi penjadwalan model yang diusulkan terhadap kondisi aktual kegiatan pemeliharaan yang terjadi pada obyek riset. Dari hasil perbandingan yang dilakukan diperoleh nilai downtime model penjadwalan usulan lebih singkat dari pada kondisi aktualnya, yaitu selama 4 hari. Untuk itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa model penjadwalan yang diusulkan valid dan dapat digunakan untuk meminimalkan terjadinya keterlambatan kegiatan pemeliharaan

    Pengaruh Living Values Education Program (Lvep) terhadap Penanaman Karakter Nasionalisme Siswa SD dalam Pembelajaran Tematik

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    Living Values Education Program (LVEP) is one of the educational programs that teachers can use to help students explore and develop the twelve universal values, cooperation, freedom, happiness, honesty, humility, love, peace, respect, responsibility, simplicity, tolerance, and unity. This research aims to know the influence of LVEP against planting characters SD class III student nationalism on thematic learning. This type of research is quasi experiment design with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this research is the grade III SD Negeri Pujokusuman school year 2017/2018. The selected sample was grade III A, B, and C by using cluster random sampling techniques. Class III B as the control group, while class III A and III C as group experiments. The control group was given preferential treatment by the method of storytelling, while the experimental group were given a treatment using the LVEP.Data collection techniques used is observation and interview.Guidelines for observation used to know conduct of students showing character nationalism before treatment (pretest), in treatment, and after treatment (posttest). Interview guidelines used to provide the observation that includes character of students, learning model character, and implementation of learning before it was given treatment. Data analysis techniques used was t-test with level ofsignificance0,05.The research results show that there are significant had been between planting character nationalism with Living Values Education Program (LVEP) by storytelling method in thematic learning in the class III of SD Negeri Pujokusuman. Distinction is evident in all sub character nationalism observed during the process learning, namely responsibility, tolerance, cooperation, unity, love, award, and peace

    Decentralization of Information Using Blockchain TECHNOLOGY on Mobile Apps E-Journal

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    Decentralization is the division of centralized power processes as a whole into separate ones. Blockchain technology is a basic technology that enables decentralization and gives all users the opportunity to become part of the validator or node for future transactions. The purpose of this research is to develop and develop a tamper-resistant E-Journal Mobile Application system using Blockchain Technology, which supports reliable and auditable computing using a decentralized network, not only that, this research can also develop and develop an E-Journal Application System. Cellular that is resistant to interference from hackers or system crashes. By using Blockchain technology, it can solve problems that are reliable and can be done and controlled using a decentralized network. with great hope that choosing this type of decentralized blockchain technology will be useful in preventing errors and errors in the system. This is one of the main strengths of Blockchain Technology. With this decentralized transaction log, it will not be easy and it is impossible for a database consisting of hundreds to thousands of computers to be hacked or tampered with easily. This research is a model that can be implemented as a Blockchain technology development on Mobile Apps E-journals. In this study will be made using 3 methods, namely the data analysis method, the analysis method using SWOT and the development method using a waterfall with a combination of the three methods will make this research more effective and efficient