118 research outputs found

    Al-Zaytoonah Private University: statistical indicators, academic achievements and future trends in the light of the annual report for the year 2015 (descriptive analytical study).

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    This study aims to identify statistical indicators, academic achievements, and future directions of Al Zaytoonah Private University in the light of the annual report for 2015 and the strategic plan for the university (2012-2016). The researcher used the analytical descriptive method. The researcher analyzed the data to identify different statistical indicators And about the university's vision, objectives and values, and the number of students, faculty members and scientific research at the university, indicators of community service, number of foreign students, number of master's students, And the number of administrative staff. The researcher reached the following results: The university works continuously and continuously through the plans and programs that reach the university to a prestigious position locally and regionally in its programs and research activities, and the standards of international accreditation for quality assurance and upgrading. University education, local and regional market support with specialized cadres, qualified expertise capable of development, creativity and active trained leaders. The values ​​of the university are: national integration, continuous learning, fairness in evaluation, sincerity, integrity and leadership. Innovation, and teamwork. The results of the study also found that Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan is one of the leading universities in the field of private higher education in Jordan, and it is one of the oldest universities where it was established in 1993. The university has 7 faculties, 36 academic specialties, 28 undergraduate programs, 8 master's programs, 19 universities, and 25413 graduates by the end of 2015, (70), Of the Master's degree students. The number of students was 7701 students, 210 of whom studied in master's programs and 1477 were non-Jordanians, 19.4% of them were studying in master's programs, The university has 328 faculty members of different academic levels and 555 employees in the administrative departments. The university has seven faculties and includes (28) specialized (8) specializations in the master's degree. Key word: Al Zaytoonah Private University, statistical indicators, academic achievements.

    Use of the skin sandwich technique to probe the role of the hair follicles in sonophoresis

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    The human skin sandwich technique was used to explore the effect of brief ultrasound exposure on the transfollicular pathway of absorption. Hydrocortisone was used as a model drug. In order to calculate the permeability coefficient of hydrocortisone, its concentration at saturation in the PBS donor solution was determined. Skin samples were prepared by sandwich technique with total hydration of the epidermal and sandwich membranes. The skin was sonicated for 0 s (control), 30 s or 45 s using a pulsed mode (10% duty cycle) with the spatial and temporal average intensity (SATA) of 3.7 W/cm2. The transducer was then removed and permeation was allowed to proceed for 52 h. Then the percentage follicular contribution was determined. It was determined that without ultrasound, drug entry into follicles accounted for 46% of total penetration. As the duration of sonication increased, the follicular contribution fell to zero even though total transepidermal flux dramatically increased. This is explained by ultrasound exposure causing sloughing off of the uppermost stratum corneum. This permeabilises the continuous surface but at the same time the disturbed cornceocytes will plug hair follicle orifice

    A Comparative Analysis of the Objectives of the National Education in the United States, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, China and Japan

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    Try researcher in this study to identify the objectives of the National Educational and sources to derive educational objectives and the methods and means to achieve the objectives of National Education and the subjects and courses that are taught in the subject of national education in the levels of education in a range of countries: the United States, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, and use Researcher comparative approach in this study, the researcher depends on the educational goals through books, sources and studies and philosophy of education in these countries, analysis, and the study found all States focused on national education course dramatically and aim to reach the promotion of loyalty and patriotism, loyalty and sacrifice for him as States also seeks to develop national education material to keep up with the explosion of knowledge and technological progress, and focus on the substance of education in its role in addressing the issues and developments and problems facing the community -          Keywords: National Education, the general objectives, citizenship, belonging and loyalt

    Monitoring and Classification of Academic Problems Faced by Students in Arab Universities in the Light of Research and Studies: Evaluation Study

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    This study aimed to analyze and monitor and classification of academic problems faced by students in Arab universities through a review of research and studies in the period between 1985 - 2015, and the researcher used qualitative analytical approach, the study sample consisted of (40) study, and the study results that the most important problems facing students in Arab universities are: Problems courses , faculty, library and course schedule, and the problems of value, guidance, psychological academic, economic, and the existence of a state of fear among some students of university studies, or a state of caution in dealing with others, poor students in stages previous study preparation, weakness scientific level because of the economic situation for a number of students and the different curricula, fatigue and tiredness, rampant bribery in universities, high standard of living, the distinction between students, and problems related to the examinations and the relationship with the faculty and courses of study and area of ​​domestic academic and field body. And the lack of references. Congestion exams in a limited period, the difficulty of contact management and Deans. Keywords: Arab university,  academic problems, students

    Pattern of management of oro-facial infection in children: A retrospective

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    AbstractBackgroundThe purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and management of orofacial infection in children treated at one of the major hospitals in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia over a 12-month period during the year 2014.MethodsData from the clinical records of 94 children (33 girls, 61 boys; aged 2–14years) who presented for treatment of orofacial infection at the emergency dental department of the military hospital in Jeddah during a 12-month period. Patients were treated with antibiotic therapy. A favorable outcome was determined based on length of hospital stay.ResultsThe results indicated that the most common cause of odontogenic infection in Saudi children was dental caries (88%). The primary posterior teeth (84%) were considered to be a major source of infection. The most commonly affected teeth were the primary first molars (34%), followed by the primary second molars (31%). Six children were hospitalized; four of these stayed less than 4days, which was considered a short hospital stay. The most common treatment was antibiotics as 93% received a type of antibiotic.ConclusionsThe most common cause of odontogenic infection was dental caries which has been treated with antibiotic prescription and dental procedures

    Development of an Optimised Application Protocol For Sonophoretic Transdermal Delivery of a Model Hydrophilic Drug

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    It has now been known for over a decade that low frequency ultrasound can be used to effectively enhance transdermal drug penetration - an approach termed sonophoresis. Mechanistically, acoustic cavitation results in the creation of defects in the stratum corneum that allow accelerated absorption of topically applied molecules. The aim of this study was to develop an optimised sonophoresis protocol for studying transdermal drug delivery in vitro. To this end, caffeine was selected as a model hydrophilic drug while porcine skin was used as a model barrier. Following acoustic validation, 20kHz ultrasound was applied for different durations (range: 5 s to 10 min) using three different modes (10%, 33% or 100% duty cycles) and two distinct sonication procedures (either before or concurrent with drug deposition). Each ultrasonic protocol was assessed in terms of its heating and caffeine flux-enhancing effects. It was found that the best regimen was a concurrent 5 min, pulsed (10% duty cycle) beam of SATA intensity 0.37 W/cm2. A key insight was that in the case of pulsed beams of 10% duty cycle, sonication concurrent with drug deposition was superior to sonication prior to drug deposition and potential mechanisms for this are discussed

    Antimicrobial Dressings for Improving Wound Healing

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    Wound healing occurs by a series of interrelated molecular events which work together to restore tissue integrity and cellular function. These physiological events occur smoothly in normal healthy individual and/or under normal conditions. However, in certain cases, these molecular events are retarded resulting in hard-to-heal or chronic wounds arising from several factors such as poor venous return, underlying physiological or metabolic conditions such as diabetes as well as external factors such as poor nutrition. In most cases, such wounds are infected and infection also presents as another complicating phenomenon which triggers inflammatory reactions, therefore delaying wound healing. There has therefore been recent interests and significant efforts in preventing and actively treating wound infections by directly targeting infection causative agents through direct application of antimicrobial agents either alone or loaded into dressings (medicated). These have the advantage of overcoming challenges such as poor circulation in diabetic and leg ulcers when administered systemically and also require lower amounts to be applied compared to that required via oral or iv administration. This chapter will review and evaluate various antimicrobial agents used to target infected wounds, the means of delivery, and current state of the art, including commercially available dressings. Data sources will include mainly peer-reviewed literature, clinical trials and reports, patents as well as government reports where available

    The Effect of Plant Density on Growth and Yield of Inbred Lines and Hybrids of Corn (Zea mays L.)

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    نفذت تجربة حقلية في المحطة الارشادية في المهناوية  سدة الهندية/ بابل في الموسم الربيعي  لعام  2015والخريفي2015  بهدف زراعة (6) سلالات نقية من الذرة الصفراء (OH40،ZP707،ZP670،IK8،R153 وDK) في الموسم الربيعي وتهجينها وفي الموسم الخريفي تقييم السلالات والهجن التبادلية الناتجة منها وذلك بزراعتها بمسافات مختلفة 30,25,20)) سم بين النباتات لدراسة تأثير المسافات بين النباتات في نمو وحاصل السلالات المذكورة وهجنها التبادلية وفق تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة RCBD)) اشارت النتائج الى وجود فروق معنوية بين التراكيب الوراثية والمسافات ببن النباتات والتداخل بينهما أذ تميزت السلالةR153) ) بإعطائها اعلى القيم للصفات التالية : المساحة الورقية, عدد العرانيص, عدد الحبوب بالعرنوص ,حاصل النبات الواحد،الحاصل الكلي (طن.ه-1) اذ اعطت القيم (3466 سم2،1.10 عرنوص. نبات-1،393.36 حبة. عرنوص غم. نبات-1، 6.3 طن.هـ-1) بالتتابع ، عند المسافة  30سم متفوقتاً على المسافتين الاخريتين  25.20) ) سم الصفات المدروسة كافة . اما الهجن فقد تفوق الهجين R153)× IK8) لجميع الصفات المذكورة معطيا اعلى المعدلات وقدرها (5639سم2 (1.25 عرنوص.نبات-1, 635.30 حبة. عرنوص-1 ,185.39  غم. نبات-1 10.6 طن .هكتار-1. واعطت السلالة (R153) والهجن R153)× IK8) عند المسافة (25) سم افضل تداخل بينهما.   A Filed experiment was carried out at the center of the guiding and training agriculture AL-Mahnawia – Babylon during spring season 2015 and autumn season at the same year  growing  six lines (OH40،ZP707،ZP670،IK8،R153 and Dk(to study and evaluation these lines and its hybrids at autumn season 2015 for traits : leaf area ,number of ears ,number of grain .ears-1 , grain yield ,total grain yield, by plating  at (20,25,30)cm .by using RCBD design for three replicates.     The results showed that significant difference among the genotypes, plant density and the interaction among them. The fifth inbred was superior for all study traits leaf area, number of ears, number of grains.ear-1 , grain yield, total grain yield it gives  3466 cm2, 1.10 ear.plant-1. 393.36 grans .ear-1 ,125.45 . gr, plant -1 ,10.6ton.ha-1 at 25 cm it was superior on all the study inbreds by giving a high value of these traits .on another hand the hybrid (R153× IK8 )gave a high range of all study traits 5439 cm2,1.25 aer.plant-1.635.30 gr. Plant-1 10.6 ton. ha-1. The line R153 and the hybrid( R153× IK8 (gave the best interaction. &nbsp


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the perceptions of different healthcare professionals towards HM. Methods: The 16-item questionnaire on the belief of health care professionals in herbal medicine was designed by the interdisciplinary task force. Eligible participants were health care providers who were English-and Arabic-literate. The response rate was 78% of participants (781 of 1000) were respondents. In total, 553 out of 781 (71%) participants indicated that they had previously used herbal medicines. The remaining 228 participants did not believe in herbal medicine due to lack of scientific evidence, ineffectiveness and other reasons. Results: The findings of this study indicate that health care professionals including pharmacists believe they have a responsibility to provide information on HM to their patients. However, the current consensus among the respondents is that current HM-focused knowledge is inadequate for such an application. Conclusion: Health care professionals believe in using HM for their needs and have a responsibility to provide information on HM to their patients