43 research outputs found

    A Technique Socratic Questioning-Guided Discovery

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    “Socratic Method” is a way of teaching philosophical thinking and knowledge by asking questions which was used by antique period greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates was teaching knowledge to his followers by asking questions and the conversation between them was named “Socratic Dialogues”. In this meaning, no novel knowledge is taught to the individual but only what is formerly known is reminded and rediscovered. The form of socratic questioning which is used during the process of cognitive behavioral therapy is known as Guided Discovery. In this method it is aimed to make the client notice the piece of knowledge which he could notice but is not aware with a series of questions. Socratic method or guided discovery consists of several steps which are: Identifying the problem by listening to the client and making reflections, finding alternatives by examining and evaluating, reidentification by using the newly found information and questioning the old distorted belief and reaching to a conclusion and applying it. Question types used during these procedures are, questions for gaining information, questions revealing the meanings, questions revealing the beliefs, questions about behaviours during the similar past experiences, analyse questions and analytic synthesis questions. In order to make the patient feel understood it is important to be empathetic and summarising the problem during the interview. In this text, steps of Socratic Questioning-Guided Discovery will be reviewed with sample dialogues after each ste

    Guided Discovery with Socratic Questioning

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    Sokratik yöntem, antik dönem Yunan filozofu Sokrates'in felsefi düşünüşü ve bilgiyi soru sorarak öğretme yöntemidir. Sokrates'in öğrencilerine bilgileri sorular sorarak öğretmesi Sokratik dialog adıyla bilinir. Bu anlamda sokratik sorgulamayla aslında karşısındakine yeni bir şey öğretilmemekte sadece bilinen anımsatılmakta ve tekrar bulunmaktadır. Bilişsel davranışçı terapi sürecinde kullanılan Sokratik süreç ve bunun terapideki uygulama biçimi ise yönlendirilmiş keşif (Guided Discovery) olarak adlandırılır. Yönlendirilmiş keşif için pek çok farklı teknik kullanılabilir ancak Sokratik sorgulama en sık kullanılan ve en etkin tekniklerden bir tanesidir. Bu yöntemle bir seri soru ile aslında danışanın bilebileceği ancak farkında olmadığı bilginin farkına varmasını amaçlanır. Sokratik sorgulama danışanın iyi dinlenmesinden ve yansıtmadan faydalanılarak sorun tanımlanması, inceleme, değerlendirme yaparak alternatifler bulma, açığa çıkan yeni bilgilerin kullanılarak yeniden tanımlama yapmak ve son olarak da eski çarpık inancın sorgulanması ve yeni bilgi ışığında bir sonuca varma ve uygulama aşamalarından oluşur. Bu aşamalar esnasında kullanılan soru tipleri bilgi edinmeye dönük sorular, çeviri soruları, yorum soruları, geçmişteki benzer durumlara ilişkin uygulama soruları, analiz soruları ve analitik sentez sorularıdır. Bu yazıda Sokratik Sorgulama-Yönlendirilmiş Keşfin bu aşamaları örnek görüşmeler üzerinden gözden geçirilecektir.Guided Discovery with Socratic Questioning "The Socratic method" is a way of teaching philosophical thinking and knowledge by asking questions. It was first used by in ancient times by the Greek philosopher Socrates who taught his followers by asking questions; these conversations between them are known as "Socratic dialogues". In this methodology, no new knowledge is taught to the individual; rather, the individual is guided to remember and rediscover what was formerly known through this process. The main method used in cognitive therapy is guided discovery. There are various methods of guided discovery in cognitive therapy. The form of verbal exchange between the therapist and client which is used during the process of cognitive behavioral therapy is known as "socratic questioning". In this method the goal is to make the client rediscover, with a series of questions, a piece of knowledge which he could otherwise know but is not presently conscious of. The Socratic Questioning consists of several steps, including: identifying the problem by listening to the client and making reflections, finding alternatives by examining and evaluating, reidentification by using the newly rediscovered information and questioning the old distorted belief, and reaching a new conclusion and applying it. Question types used during these procedures are: questions for collecting information, questions revealing meanings, questions revealing beliefs, questions about behaviours during similar past experiences, analytic questions and analytic synthesis questions. In order to make the patient feel understood, it is important to be empathetic and summarize the problem during the interview. In this text, steps of Socratic Questioning-Guided Discovery will be reviewed with sample dialogues provided for each ste

    Tracing curvilinear structures in live cell images

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    Tracing of curvilinear structures is one of the fundamental tools in the quantitative analysis of biological images, for extracting information about structures such as blood vessels, neurons, microtubules, and similar entities. Due to the limitations in biological sample preparation and fluorescence imaging, typical images in live cell studies exhibit severe noise and considerable clutter. These images are manually analyzed through a laborious and approximate set of quantification tasks. In this paper, we describe a constrained optimization method for extracting curvilinear structures from live cell fluorescence images. We show that the proposed method is largely insensitive to frequent intersections, intensity variations along the curve, and generates successful traces within noisy regions. We demonstrate the results of our approach on live cell microtubule images. Index Terms — Biomedical image processing, biomedical measurement

    Adaptation and validation of the Michigan Incontinence Severity Index in a Turkish population

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    Mehmet Akif Sargin, Murat Yassa, Bilge Dogan Taymur, Emrah Ergun, Gizem Akca, Niyazi Tug Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Objective: To translate and validate the Michigan Incontinence Severity Index (M-ISI) for its use in Turkish-speaking women with urinary incontinence.Methods: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were based on international guidelines. Content validity by content validity ratio/content validity index, internal consistency by Cronbach’s alpha, test–retest reliability by Pearson’s correlation, and construct validity by using Spearman rank correlations to show the relationship between individual items and the relevant domains and subdomains were analyzed in 100 female participants with a chief complaint of urinary incontinence. Correlations between the relevant scores of M-ISI and The International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire – Short Form scores were analyzed to indicate convergent validity. The Varimax rotation method was used to conduct exploratory factor analysis in order to investigate the factor structures/distribution of M-ISI items.Results: Content validity index and content validity ratio values increased to 0.97 and 1.00, respectively, showing sufficient content validity of the Turkish version of the M-ISI. The analysis formed three factors which was slightly different from original developers. In our proposed three-factor construct, all of the ten items demonstrated high correlations with their subdomains and lower correlations with the other domains, indicating good construct validity. Correlations between stress urinary incontinence and urge urinary incontinence (UUI) scores and The International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire – Short Form scores were found high, which indicated convergent validity (r: 0.953, P<0.001). Good internal consistency of the scores for each subdomain was observed (stress urinary incontinence, 0.787; UUI, 0.862; pad usage and bother, 0.832). Test–retest reliability was shown for each subdomain (stress urinary incontinence, 0.973; UUI, 0.973; pad usage and bother, 0.979).Conclusion: The translated and cross-culturally adapted M-ISI showed good validity, reproducibility, and reliability that allow its use in Turkish-speaking populations with urinary incontinence. Its comprehensive structure means that it has become a practical instrument that is available for utilization in the primary health care setting, clinical research, and epidemiological trials in Turkey. Keywords: bother, questionnaires, pad use, reliability and validity, translations, urinary incontinenc

    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios: are they useful for predicting gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy?

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    Mehmet Akif Sargın, Murat Yassa, Bilge Dogan Taymur, Ayhan Celik, Emrah Ergun, Niyazi Tug Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Objective: We aimed to investigate whether the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) could be utilized to screen for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Subjects and methods: NLR and PLR were assessed by retrospective analysis of 762 healthy and pregnant women with GDM. The patients were stratified into four groups, as follows: GDM (n=144), impaired glucose tolerance (n=76), only screen positive (n=238), and control (n=304).Results: The leukocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts were significantly higher in the study groups compared with the control group (P=0.001; P<0.01). There were no statistically significant differences between the groups with respect to the NLR and PLR (P>0.05).Conclusion: We do not recommend that blood NLR and PLR can be used to screen for GDM. However, increase in the leukocyte count is an important marker for GDM as it provides evidence of subclinical inflammation. Keywords: inflammation, lymphocytes, neutrophils, platelets, pregnanc

    Frontal sinus mucocele: A case report

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    Mukoseller, epitelyal sınırlı, paranazal sinüs içini tamamen dolduran ve mukus içeren yapılardır. En sık frontal daha sonra etmoid, maksiller ve sfenoid sinüste görülürler. Büyüdükçe çevreye bası yaparak kemik erozyonuna ve sinüs dışına taşarak değişik semptomlara neden olurlar. Yedi aydır sol gözde giderek artan şişlik şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvuran 43 yaşında erkek hastanın yapılan muayenesinde sol gözde ağrı, periorbital ödem ve propitozis saptandı. Paranazal sinüs tomografisinde sol frontal sinüsü tamamen dolduran ve inferior duvarını erode ederek orbita içerisine uzanım gösteren, göz küresine üstten bası yapan 3x1, 5x3,5 cm boyutunda mukosel saptandı. Frontal sinüs mukoseli endoskopik sinüs cerrahisiyle nazal kaviteye marsupiyalize edildi.Mucoceles are the structures that are limited in the epithelium and are filling in the paranasal sinuses with mucus content. They are most frequently seen in the frontal sinus and then in ethmoid, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses, by decreasing rate. They cause bone erosion as they enlarge and different symptoms when they run over the sinus. Left orbital pain, periorbital edema and proptosis was determined in the examination of the 43 years old male patient; who was referred to our clinic with progressively enlarging left orbital tumour for seven months. In the paranasal sinus computerized tomography, a mucocele; approximately with the diameter of 3x1, 5x3,5 cm, that fills in the whole frontal sinus and reachs the orbita by eroding the inferior sinus wall and compresses the orbita superiorly, was determined. This frontal sinus mucocele was marsupialized to the nasal cavity by endoscopic sinus surgery