18 research outputs found


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    Conceptual metaphor is the discursive linguistic strategy employed in the Holy Quran to imprint upon the human mind the Quranic worldview. This approach can better explain the abstract concepts of death and resurrection in the Holy Quran through cross domain mapping with human experiential concepts. Traditional exegetes and rhetoricians missed this phenomenon in the Holy Quran because of their preoccupation with rhetorical and theological aspects of death and resurrection. The existing cognitive semantic research has also paid little or no attention to the investigation of death and resurrection in the Holy Quran. Therefore, this paper attempts to investigate the conceptual metaphor themes of death and resurrection in the Holy Quran. Data were retrieved from the Holy Quran on the basis of key words and phrases encapsulating the abstract concepts of death and resurrection. The analysis of data reveals various conceptual metaphor themes. It is also found that the data question the asymmetrical hypothesis of conceptual metaphor theory and its role as a sole model of metaphor interpretation. This study is part of the growing research on conceptual metaphor in the Holy Quran and is hoped to contribute to further research on the cognitive semantic analysis of the Holy Quran.  Keywords: cognition, cognitive-semantic, conceptual metaphor, experiential gestalt, QuranCite as: Khan, S. & Ali, R. (2016). Conceptualisation of death and resurrection in the holy Quran: A cognitive-semantic approach. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 1(2), 11-24.  http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol1iss2pp11-2


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    In previous literature, conceptual metaphor has been used as a comprehensive cognitive tool to explore systematic categorization of concepts in the Quran. Death metaphor themes have either been studied from rhetorical or conceptual perspectives, but metaphor interpretation needs both linguistic and conceptual knowledge. This paper will explore the function of both linguistic and conceptual knowledge in metaphor interpretation in the Quran. This paper has used the technique of key words and phrases for data collection and metaphor identification procedure (MIP) for metaphors identification. Thirteen conceptual metaphors were found in the data. The key conceptual metaphors were analyzed through the lexical concept cognitive model theory (hereafter LCCM) to find out the functions of linguistic and conceptual knowledge in metaphor interpretation. The findings reveal that conceptual metaphor gives only relational structure to the linguistic metaphoric expressions, whereas interpretation needs integration of both linguistic and conceptual knowledge. Conceptual simulation of metaphoric expressions is a multilinear process of multiple conceptual schemas and language. The findings also reveal that LCCM needs the tool of intertextuality for clash resolution of contexts in text interpretation. This paper holds that meaning construction depends upon multilinear processing of conceptual schemas and language. Furthermore, it asserts that the gap in LCCM may be resolved through the tool of intertextuality in metaphor comprehension. This study suggests further studies on relationship between conceptual schemas and lexical behaviour and an elaborate model for text interpretation, combining LCCM and intertextuality.   Keywords: Cognitive model, cognitive semantics, conceptual metaphor, fusion, lexical concept   Cite as: Sardaraz, K., & Ali, R. (2019). A cognitive-semantic approach to the interpretation of death metaphor themes in the Quran. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 2(4), 219-246. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol4iss2pp219-24

    Argument is War Metaphor in the Qur’ān

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    This paper investigates the experiential basis of the concept of ‘argument’ in the language of the Holy Qur’ān in order to explore the cross-era dimensions of war as the source domain for argument. Conceptual metaphor approach has been applied to the data collected from the Holy Qur’ān through the technique of topical words to find out metaphor themes of argument. The findings reveal that ARGUMENT IS WAR metaphor is missing in classical Arabic of the Holy Qur’ān. However, the concept of argument is framed by other metaphors such as container schema, objects, and personification. It also serves as source domain for the invocation to Allah SWT. The findings also show that language has an intrinsic function in metaphor comprehension. The paper suggests further research of classical Arabic literature to make some definite theoretical conclusions on ARGUMENT IS WAR metaphor, and to explore more basic conceptual schemas in cross-era languages

    A cognitive-semantic study of the spatial preposition Fī in the Quran

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    The existing literature has examined the preposition fī in the Quran from lexical syntactic perspective in strict spatio-geometric sense, but its abundant use with abstract concepts, emotions and states needs an elaborate approach to investigate its complex semantic functions. Therefore, this paper has taken a corpus based approach to investigate the functional semantic complexity of the preposition fī in the Quran from a cognitive perspective. The conceptual metaphor perspective holds that the sensorimotor neural structures define the use of spatial preposition in both spatio-geometric positions and abstract states. The linguistic data reveals that the container image schema is at work both in the literal and metaphoric use of spatial preposition fī. However, the preposition fī carries its own distinct semantic argument in each context and sometimes overrides the symmetry of container image schema. This paper recommends a broader perspective for a comprehensive analysis of spatial preposition fī and suggests further studies on its functional semantic complexity in the Quran. © Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2017

    A Three-Tier Model for Intertextuality in the Holy Qurᾱn

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    In previous literature, intertextuality has been applied to the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn, but it lacks a coherent and systematic approach. So far, little or no attempt has been made to propose or design a systematic model of intertextuality for the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn. This paper reviews both the modern Western and Islamic theoretical literature on intertextuality. Besides, it exhaustively reviews the intertextual approaches to the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn both in classical exegetical tradition and in modern research studies. The findings reveal that the existing approaches are either sketchy and sporadic, or generic or rigid, and cannot account for a comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn. They do not suggest any systematic model for search and selection of intertextual links in the Holy Qurᾱn. The review also shows that the modern theoretical literature on intertextuality in Western tradition misses the theoretical literature on the tool of intertextuality in Islamic discourse. On the basis of its findings, this paper, keeping in view the sensitivity of the religious discourse, suggests a 3-tier model of intertextuality for interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn, consisting of lexical, topical and grammatical/stylistic intertextual links. This paper also suggests that future research may focus on its application to Qurᾱnic interpretation or/and to frame more vibrant models of intertextuality, drawing on the modern trends in linguistics, to serve the aim of comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn

    The Semantics of the Preposition “alā” in the Quran: A Conceptual Metaphor Perspective

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    Traditional syntactic approaches do not offer a plausible explanation regarding the use of the Arabic preposition “alā” with abstract nouns or states. This article adopts a corpus-based approach to investigate the semantic classification of the preposition “alā” in the Quran from a cognitive linguistic perspective. Conceptual metaphor theory (hereafter CMT) was employed to find out conceptual metaphors (hereafter CM) in the data retrieved from the Quran with the help of search Quran software. CMT holds that human sensorimotor neural structures help store spatial relationships, which are then used to map the abstract concepts in language and thought, and that prepositions are the products of human sensorimotor neural structures. This paper found nine key CM themes behind the usage of prepositions in the data. Contact and support schemas were at the heart of the literal and metaphorical use of the spatial preposition “alā” in the Quran. However, it was also found that language generation and comprehension involve the role of multimodal perceptual schemas and linguistic knowledge rather than the unilinear process of one CM. This paper suggests further research into spatial relations across languages to explore the cross-cultural implications of image schemas


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    Background and Purpose: Past studies categorized Pashto prepositions as pre-position, post-position and ambi-position on the basis of their syntactical position in a unit of grammar. This paper aims to analyze the Pashto path prepositions and to find out its syntactic differences from other major languages, particularly English.   Methodology: A data corpus consisted of 245 clauses and sentences collected from Pashto grammar books was analysed using a nanosyntax approach, following Pantcheva and Svenonius’ decomposition of Path Ps and Place Ps where the terminal nodes of Pashto path Ps in the data were identified.   Findings: The findings revealed that Pashto Path Ps exhibited Pantcheva’s eight functional semantic heads, but its complexity due to ambiposition and precedence of place Ps over path Ps in complex phrases required adjustments in Pantcheva and Svenonius’ syntactical models to harness the complex patterns of Pashto prepositional system. Moreover, the headedness of PPs in Pashto is flexible, as it can be both head initial and head final.   Contributions: This paper not only contributes to the existing literature on Pashto Path Ps but also reflects that the existing syntactic models may further be enriched by their application to cross linguistic data. This paper suggests further studies into Pashto prepositions from other syntactic and semantic perspectives such as nanosyntax algebraic models and iconicity which will not only contribute to the understanding of Pashto grammar and syntax but also to learning Pashto as a second language and translating it.   Keywords: Preposition, post position, ambiposition, Path Ps, Place Ps.   Cite as: Sardaraz, K., & Kainat. (2022). Structural decomposition of Pashto path Ps. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 7(1), 168-195. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol7iss1pp168-19

    Intrepretation of Metaphors in the Themes of Rewards and Punishments in the Holy Quran : A Cognitive-Semantic Approach

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    This study attempts to address the dichotomy of language and thought in the interpretation of metaphors in the themes of rewards and punishments in the Holy Quran. The rhetoricians and literary critics regard metaphor as a linguistic device, while the cognitive theorists consider it as a cognitive phenomenon. This dissociation between linguistic and conceptual knowledge is evident in metaphor interpretation in the themes of rewards and punishments in the Holy Quran. The former misses the experiential basis of metaphoric concepts, while the later ignore the pragmatic principles in metaphor interpretation of the Holy Quran. This study seeks to resolve the dichotomy of linguistic and conceptual knowledge in the interpretation of metaphors in the themes or rewards and punishments of the Holy Quran. It applies cognitive semantic approach, on the model of Lexical Concept and Cognitive Model (LCCM) theory along-with the tool of intertextuality, to the metaphors identified through metaphor identification procedure (MIP) in the data retrieved from the Arabic Quran with the help of technique of topical words and phrases. The findings reveal that metaphor has pervasively been used in the Holy Quran with systematic linguistic patterns which are occasionally overridden due to the idiosyncratic use of language. The constructive integration of linguistic and conceptual knowledge in the situational context offers not only the comprehensive interpretation and understanding of metaphors but also a systematic categorization of eschatological concepts. The findings of the study also reveal that intertextuality is a necessary tool not only for validation of interpretation but also for resolution of the different situational contexts in text interpretatio

    Relationship Between Conceptual Metaphors And Arabicroots in the Qur'an

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    Previous literature investigated various conceptual metaphor themes in the Quran, but it did not linguistically analyze the relationship between the Arabic roots and conceptual metaphor. This paper has applied lexical concept and cognitive model theory (LCCM) to linguistically analyze the relationship between the Arabic roots and the conceptual metaphors. Data has been extracted through the technique of topical words and phrases, and metaphor identification procedure (MIP) has been employed for metaphors identification in the themes of rewards and punishments in the Quran. The analysis of 129 linguistic instantiations of 33 conceptual metaphors in three major source domains shows that the roots in the Arabic language are equivalent to primary cognitive models in LCCM theory. Conceptual metaphors reside at the level of roots or primary cognitive models in the most metaphoric expressions because lexical items directly access the primary cognitive model for semantic argument. However, the findings also deviate from the LCCM theory, and show that conceptual metaphors do not map the primary cognitive models in metonymic linguistic expressions and novel metaphors, but rather, they are identified after a thorough linguistic analysis. It shows that the semantic distance between source and target domain in conventional metaphors is less than the semantic distance in novel metaphors and metonymies. This paper recommends further studies on the relationship between the Arabic roots and the conceptual metaphor for drawing more cognitive semantic insights in metaphoric expressions

    A Cognitive-Semantic Approach To The Interpretation Of Death Metaphor Themes In The Quran

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    In previous literature, conceptual metaphor has been used as a comprehensive cognitive tool to explore systematic categorization of concepts in the Quran. Death metaphor themes have either been studied from rhetorical or conceptual perspectives, but metaphor interpretation needs both linguistic and conceptual knowledge. This paper will explore the function of both linguistic and conceptual knowledge in metaphor interpretation in the Quran. This paper has used the technique of key words and phrases for data collection and metaphor identification procedure (MIP) for metaphors identification. Thirteen conceptual metaphors were found in the data. The key conceptual metaphors were analyzed through the lexical concept cognitive model theory (hereafter LCCM) to find out the functions of linguistic and conceptual knowledge in metaphor interpretation. The findings reveal that conceptual metaphor gives only relational structure to the linguistic metaphoric expressions, whereas interpretation needs integration of both linguistic and conceptual knowledge. Conceptual simulation of metaphoric expressions is a multilinear process of multiple conceptual schemas and language. The findings also reveal that LCCM needs the tool of intertextuality for clash resolution of contexts in text interpretation. This paper holds that meaning construction depends upon multilinear processing of conceptual schemas and language. Furthermore, it asserts that the gap in LCCM may be resolved through the tool of intertextuality in metaphor comprehension. This study suggests further studies on relationship between conceptual schemas and lexical behaviour and an elaborate model for text interpretation, combining LCCM and intertextuality