113 research outputs found

    Evaluating whether a change in organisational structure would improve its competitive advantage

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    The purpose of this research is to study and analyse the internal and external structure of Ultimate Clean ltd, where I do work. We have put concentration on background of the company in the starting. This information is followed by aim and scope of research, which shows that what is the research question and what is scope of our research. After that Literature review is elaborated under five main subheadings. These subheading gives us deep information about the literature of organisation structure, competitive advantage. After that, Organisational context with internal and external analyse of the company is given which highlight the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the company. Some external factors like political, economic, social and legal, are also discussed in this report. Then some information is given for method of research that why we use it, where and when it is used. Some limitations are also discussed in this report of method. After this, result section comes. In this section, we discussed deeply about the answers of customers, employees and employer. We prepare a discussion of the result and conclude it wisely. In the end, some recommendations are also given to improve organisational structure of Ultimate Clean ltd. We suggest a new structure for the organisation to develop within company to have a good competitive advantage in market place. A big list of references is also given in the end of this report

    Identifying different marketing strategies

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    This research report is based on Curry on Grey restaurant. Moreover, purpose of whole study is finding different marketing strategies for future for Curry on grey restaurant. How different marketing strategy will help to Curry on Grey to increase their market. Qualitative method used for this research reports. Researcher choose questionaries’ and personal observation for conducting survey result and recommendation. Moreover, researcher’s motive behind conducting survey and result is find best marketing strategy for Curry on Grey. In that research report researcher gave survey form to 39 customer which has around 10 questions which is based on ambiance (food quality, service and environment), and on Social media marketing strategy of restaurant. Those questions designed to solve he identify problem of that organisation, which is find different marketing strategies for Curry on Grey restaurant for future. Before conducting the survey, researcher took low risk ethical approval. And consent form also gave to each and every customer who participated in survey. Furthermore, at the end including result and on those result and some observations of researcher’s behalf some recommendations for Curry on Grey restaurant. Those suggestion can help them in future to make new marketing strategy

    A Budget-constrained Time and Reliability Optimization BAT Algorithm for Scheduling Workflow Applications in Clouds

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    AbstractEffective scheduling is one of the key concerns while executing workflows in the cloud environment. Workflow scheduling in clouds refers to the mapping of workflow tasks to the cloud resources to optimize some objective function. In this paper, we apply a recently developed meta-heuristic method called the BAT algorithm to solve the multi-objective problem of workflow scheduling in clouds that minimizes the execution time and maximizes the reliability by keeping the budget within user specified limit. Comparison of the results is made with basic, randomized, evolutionary algorithm (BREA) that uses greedy approach to allocate resources to the workflow tasks on the basis of low cost, high reliability and improved execution time machines. It is clear from the experimental results that the BAT algorithm performs better than the basic randomized evolutionary algorithm

    Maintenance Knowledge Management with Fusion of CMMS and CM

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    Abstract- Maintenance can be considered as an information, knowledge processing and management system. The management of knowledge resources in maintenance is a relatively new issue compared to Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Condition Monitoring (CM) approaches and systems. Information Communication technologies (ICT) systems including CMMS, CM and enterprise administrative systems amongst others are effective in supplying data and in some cases information. In order to be effective the availability of high-quality knowledge, skills and expertise are needed for effective analysis and decision-making based on the supplied information and data. Information and data are not by themselves enough, knowledge, experience and skills are the key factors when maximizing the usability of the collected data and information. Thus, effective knowledge management (KM) is growing in importance, especially in advanced processes and management of advanced and expensive assets. Therefore efforts to successfully integrate maintenance knowledge management processes with accurate information from CMMSs and CM systems will be vital due to the increasing complexities of the overall systems. Low maintenance effectiveness costs money and resources since normal and stable production cannot be upheld and maintained over time, lowered maintenance effectiveness can have a substantial impact on the organizations ability to obtain stable flows of income and control costs in the overall process. Ineffective maintenance is often dependent on faulty decisions, mistakes due to lack of experience and lack of functional systems for effective information exchange [10]. Thus, access to knowledge, experience and skills resources in combination with functional collaboration structures can be regarded as vital components for a high maintenance effectiveness solution. Maintenance effectiveness depends in part on the quality, timeliness, accuracy and completeness of information related to machine degradation state, based on which decisions are made. Maintenance effectiveness, to a large extent, also depends on the quality of the knowledge of the managers and maintenance operators and the effectiveness of the internal & external collaborative environments. With emergence of intelligent sensors to measure and monitor the health state of the component and gradual implementation of ICT) in organizations, the conceptualization and implementation of E-Maintenance is turning into a reality. Unfortunately, even though knowledge management aspects are important in maintenance, the integration of KM aspects has still to find its place in E-Maintenance and in the overall information flows of larger-scale maintenance solutions. Nowadays, two main systems are implemented in most maintenance departments: Firstly, Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), the core of traditional maintenance record-keeping practices that often facilitate the usage of textual descriptions of faults and actions performed on an asset. Secondly, condition monitoring systems (CMS). Recently developed (CMS) are capable of directly monitoring asset components parameters; however, attempts to link observed CMMS events to CM sensor measurements have been limited in their approach and scalability. In this article we present one approach for addressing this challenge. We argue that understanding the requirements and constraints in conjunction - from maintenance, knowledge management and ICT perspectives - is necessary. We identify the issues that need be addressed for achieving successful integration of such disparate data types and processes (also integrating knowledge management into the “data types” and processes)

    Analysis of Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile of Tribal Households in Himachal Pradesh

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    This paper is an attempt to analyse the prevailing demographic and socio-economic conditions among the tribal households in Himachal Pradesh. For this purpose, multistage random sampling is used to select 439 tribal households from all the seven community development blocks of Himachal Pradesh for the year 2013-14. The analysis of family composition reveals the fact that the average size of the family has been showing an increasing tendency with an increase in the size of land holdings. The sex ratio comes out to be the highest on small holdings followed by marginal holdings and it is the lowest in case of semi-medium holdings. The literacy ratio shows an increasing tendency with an increase in the size of land holdings. The percentage share of earners is the highest on the semi-medium holdings as compared to small holdings and lowest on the marginal holdings. This paper will be helpful in carrying out the further extensive analysis and showing a way to improve the existing socio-economic status of tribal population in Himachal Pradesh

    Cost Effective Information Dispersal and Retrieval Framework for Cloud Storage

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    Cloud data storage applications widely demand security of data with minimum cost. Various cloud computing security threats supposed to be addressed in Cloud data service include Data Access Controllability, Data Confidentiality, and Data Integrity. In this paper, we propose a cost effective Information Dispersal and Retrieval framework for Cloud storage. Our proposed framework is different from existing approaches of replication. In our approach, multiple datacenters are considered as virtual independent disks for storing redundant data encoded with erasure codes and hence the proposed framework enables to retrieve user file even when failure of certain number of Cloud services occur . Besides security related benefits of our approach, the application provides user the cost-availability pattern of datacenters and allows cost effective storage on Cloud within user�s budget limit

    A Novel Graph Centrality Based Approach to Analyze Anomalous Nodes with Negative Behavior

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    AbstractDetection of different kinds of anomalous behaviors originating from negative ties among actors in online social networks is an unexplored area requiring extensive research. Due to increase in social crimes such as masquerading, bullying, etc., identification and analysis of these activities has become need of the hour. Approaches from two separate, yet, similar research areas, i.e. anomaly detection and negative tie analysis, can be clubbed together to identify negative anomalous nodes. Use of best measures from centrality based (negative ties) and structure based approaches (anomaly detection) can help us identify and analyze the negative ties more efficiently. A comparative analysis has been performed to detect the negative behaviors in online networks using different centrality measures and their relationship in curve fitting anomaly detection techniques. From results it is observed that curve fitting analysis of centrality measures relationship performs better than independent analysis of centrality measures for detecting negative anomalous nodes

    Design of Solar-Biomass-Biogas Based Hybrid System for Rural Electrification with Environmental Benefits

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    After so many years of independence, India still has many villages that are not electrified or grid supply is rarely available. However, there is a lot of scope of tapping the renewable energy resources for power generation at these locations. In the present investigation, optimal design of hybrid power system by utilizing locally available renewable energy resources like solar, biomass and biogas has been carried out and presented. Four different configurations have been compared on the basis of techno-economic evaluation.The proposed model has least net present cost (NPC), cost of energy (COE) and negligible green house gas emission

    Effect of Oriented Nuclei on the Competing Modes of α and One-Proton Radioactivities in the Vicinity of Z = 82 Shell Closure

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    The purpose of the present work is to investigate the alpha (α) emission as competing mode of one proton emission using the preformed cluster decay model (PCM). PCM is based on the quantummechanical tunneling mechanism of penetration of the preformed fragments through a potential barrier, calculated within WKB approximation. To explore the competing aspects of α and one proton radioactivity, we have chosen emitters present immediately above and below the Z = 82 shell closure i.e. 177Tl and 185Bi by taking into account the effects of deformations (β2) and orientations of outgoing nuclei. The minimized values of fragmentation potential and maximized values of preformation probability (P0) for proton and alpha fragment demonstrated the crucial role played by even Z - even N daughter and shell closure effect of Z = 82 daughter, in 177Tl and 185Bi, respectively. The higher values of P0 of the one proton further reveal significance of nuclear structure in the proton radioactivity. From the comparison of proton and α decay, we see that the former is heavily dominating with larger values of P0 in comparison to the later. Theoretically calculated half-lives of one proton and α emission for spherical and deformed considerations have also been compared with available experimental data

    Parallel Image Processing Concepts

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    Image processing is a task of analysing the image and produces a resultant output in linear way. Image processing tasks are widely used in many applications domains, including medical imaging, industrial manufacturing, entertainment and security systems. Often the size of the image is very large, the processing time has to be very small and usually real-time constraints have to be met. The image analysis requires a large amount of memory and cpu performance, to cope this problem image processing task is parallelized. Parallelism of image analysis task becomes a key factor for processing a huge raw image data. Parallelization allows a scalable and flexible resource management and reduces a time for developing image analysis program. This paper presenting, the automatic parallelization of image processing task in a distributed system, in which suitable subtasks for parallel processing are extracted and mapped with the components of distributed system. This paper presents different design issues of parallel image processing in distributed system. Which helps the image analysis tasks that how to post processing the image in parallel. This technique is quite interactive especially when developing parallel program, as this requires little efforts for finding a suitable distribution of program module and data
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