225 research outputs found

    The rubber hand illusion in microgravity and water immersion

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    Our body has evolved in terrestrial gravity and altered gravitational conditions may affect the sense of body ownership (SBO). By means of the rubber hand illusion (RHI), we investigated the SBO during water immersion and parabolic flights, where unconventional gravity is experienced. Our results show that unconventional gravity conditions remodulate the relative weights of visual, proprioceptive, and vestibular inputs favoring vision, thus inducing an increased RHI susceptibility

    Preferred music listening is associated with perceptual learning enhancement at the expense of self-focused attention

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    Can preferred music listening improve following attentional and learning performances? Here we suggest that this may be the case. In Experiment 1, following preferred and non-preferred musical-piece listening, we recorded electrophysiological responses to an auditory roving-paradigm. We computed the mismatch negativity (MMN – the difference between responses to novel and repeated stimulation), as an index of perceptual learning, and we measured the correlation between trial-by-trial EEG responses and the fluctuations in Bayesian Surprise, as a quantification of the neural attunement with stimulus informational value. Furthermore, during music listening, we recorded oscillatory cortical activity. MMN and trial-by-trial correlation with Bayesian surprise were significantly larger after subjectively preferred versus non-preferred music, indicating the enhancement of perceptual learning. The analysis on oscillatory activity during music listening showed a selective alpha power increased in response to preferred music, an effect often related to cognitive enhancements. In Experiment 2, we explored whether this learning improvement was realized at the expense of self-focused attention. Therefore, after preferred versus non-preferred music listening, we collected Heart-Beat Detection (HBD) accuracy, as a measure of the attentional focus toward the self. HBD was significantly lowered following preferred music listening. Overall, our results suggest the presence of a specific neural mechanism that, in response to aesthetically pleasing stimuli, and through the modulation of alpha oscillatory activity, redirects neural resources away from the self and toward the environment. This attentional up-weighting of external stimuli might be fruitfully exploited in a wide area of human learning activities, including education, neurorehabilitation and therapy. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.3758/s13423-022-02127-8

    Sleep-related epileptic behaviors and non-REM-related parasomnias: Insights from stereo-EEG

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    During the last decade, many clinical and pathophysiological aspects of sleep-related epileptic and non-epileptic paroxysmal behaviors have been clarified. Advances have been achieved in part through the use of intracerebral recording methods such as stereo-electroencephalography (S-EEG), which has allowed a unique "in vivo" neurophysiological insight into focal epilepsy. Using S-EEG, the local features of physiological and pathological EEG activity in different cortical and subcortical structures have been better defined during the entire sleep-wake spectrum. For example, S-EEG has contributed to clarify the semiology of sleep-related seizures as well as highlight the specific epileptogenic networks involved during ictal activity. Moreover, intracerebral EEG recordings derived from patients with epilepsy have been valuable to study sleep physiology and specific sleep disorders. The occasional co-occurrence of NREM-related parasomnias in epileptic patients undergoing S-EEG investigation has permitted the recordings of such events, highlighting the presence of local electrophysiological dissociated states and clarifying the underlying pathophysiological substrate of such NREM sleep disorders. Based on these recent advances, the authors review and summarize the current and relevant S-EEG literature on sleep-related hypermotor epilepsies and NREM-related parasomnias. Finally, novel data and future research hypothesis will be discussed

    Levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease: sleep matters

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    OBJECTIVE: The spectrum of clinical symptoms changes during the course of Parkinson's disease. Levodopa therapy, while offering remarkable control of classical motor symptoms, causes abnormal involuntary movements as the disease progresses. These levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) have been associated with abnormal cortical plasticity. Since slow wave activity (SWA) of nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep underlies adjustment of cortical excitability, we sought to elucidate the relationship between this physiological process and LIDs. METHODS: Thirty-six patients at different stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) underwent whole-night video polysomnography-high-density EEG (vPSG-hdEEG), preceded by 1 week of actigraphy. To represent the broad spectrum of the disease, patients were divided into three groups by disease stage, (i) de novo (DNV; n = 9), (ii) advanced (ADV; n = 13), and (iii) dyskinetic (DYS; n = 14) and were compared to an age-matched control group (CTL; n = 12). The SWA-NREM content of the PSG-hdEEG was then temporally divided into 10 equal parts, from T1 to T10, and power and source analyses were performed. T2-T3-T4 were considered early sleep and were compared to T7-T8-T9, representing late sleep. RESULTS: We found that all groups, except the DYS group, manifested a clear-cut SWA decrease between early and late sleep. INTERPRETATION: Our data demonstrate a strong pathophysiological association between sleep and PD. Given that SWA may be a surrogate for synaptic strength, our data suggest that DYS patients do not have adequate synaptic downscaling. Further analysis is needed to determine the effect of drugs that can enhance cortical SWA in LIDs

    Focal lesions induce large-scale percolation of sleep-like intracerebral activity in awake humans.

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    Focal cortical lesions are known to result in large-scale functional alterations involving distant areas; however, little is known about the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying these network effects. Here, we addressed this issue by analysing the short and long distance intracranial effects of controlled structural lesions in humans. The changes in Stereo-Electroencephalographic (SEEG) activity after Radiofrequency-Thermocoagulation (RFTC) recorded in 21 epileptic subjects were assessed with respect to baseline resting wakefulness and sleep activity. In addition, Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potentials (CCEPs) recorded before the lesion were employed to interpret these changes with respect to individual long-range connectivity patterns. We found that small structural ablations lead to the generation and large-scale propagation of sleep-like slow waves within the awake brain. These slow waves match those recorded in the same subjects during sleep, are prevalent in perilesional areas, but can percolate up to distances of 60 mm through specific long-range connections, as predicted by CCEPs. Given the known impact of slow waves on information processing and cortical plasticity, demonstrating their intrusion and percolation within the awake brain add key elements to our understanding of network dysfunction after cortical injuries