188 research outputs found

    River flows in the Ebro basin: A century of evolution, 1913-2013

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    The water forecast is a major uncertainty in the design of strategies to cope with potential restrictions and ensure the availability of water, even during extreme events such as drought. In this context, our study aimed to present and analyze an updated broad temporal and geographical overview of the evolution of river flows for the most important river in Spain, the Ebro river, from 1913 to 2013. Our main findings indicate a decreasing trend in water resources from 1913 to the present, and a significant level of volatility that reveals a striking irregularity, with asymmetric cycles and dry years. These findings question the current irrigation policies and together with a need to rethink their implementation should drive further researc

    Household consumption patterns and income inequality in EU countries: Scenario analysis for a fair transition towards low-carbon economies

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    The growing awareness of the current and future consequences of climate change has led to a range of international commitments aimed at ensuring sustainable development as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Paris Agreement. These agreements reflect a concern of how to reduce carbon emissions and the pathway towards environmental improvement. Recent literature has pointed out the role of households as direct and indirect drivers of environmental impacts and as key agents in achieving low carbon economies and climate-resilient development. Disparities in income distribution and lifestyles within and among countries, however, entail a different starting point for each country to reach sustainable pathways. The EU is fully committed to delivering on the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its implementation. Inequality continues to be a significant concern, reflected in the UN''s Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, we explore the relationships between household consumption patterns in the EU, income inequality, and global carbon emissions trends, using an environmentally extended multiregional and multisectoral input-output model. We study the trends in global carbon emissions associated with the different household consumption patterns and income categories over 15 years, and evaluate the role of income distribution, consumption patterns, and technological conditions by country and income group. Additionally, we study, through certain scenarios, the potential achievement of double dividends, by alleviating poverty and reducing emissions

    Environmental flow management: an analysis applied to the Ebro River Basin

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    Environmental flows (EF) define the quantity, timing and quality of river flows needed to preserve freshwater ecosystems while assuring the continuity of human use. Insofar as they reduce water availability and condition agricultural and industrial uses, EF represent a constraint, but they also hold out new opportunities for development. This study focuses on the final stretch of the Ebro River (Spain) and on the competing environmental uses of water (the Ebro Delta is a biosphere reserve) and economic uses (irrigation and electricity generating). Environmental flows in the Ebro Delta are currently managed only from the Mequinenza dam and reservoir in eastern Aragon, and the resulting outflows have more than once driven the level of the reservoir down to critical environmental levels in recent years. In general, this management policy has also caused a range of negative environmental and economic impacts in the area. However, other alternatives exist, which could foster both more cooperative and equitable flow allocations, and the development and sustainability of the Ebro Basin. To this end, we develop a water management model to simulate scarcity scenarios and measure the associated environmental flow default rates assuming current productive uses. Our findings confirm that it is not possible to guarantee EFs in the delta without reservoir-based water management so as to ensure the compatibility of EFs with the irrigation and hydroelectric activities. Moreover, the existence of more equitable and cooperative water management options would reduce water pressures on Mequinenza dam and so help fulfill the subsidized irrigation commitments established in Aragonese Lower Ebro Plan

    Influence of the material composition SMD diodes on their environmental impact

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    The influence of the material composition of surface-mount device (SMD) diodes on the environment has been analysed in this research. This impact assessment has been performed by means of an environmental impact calculation through a life cycle assessment (LCA), in which the EcoInvent dataset has been updated and customised, generating a more precise environmental impact analysis by considering the exact material composition provided by several suppliers of diodes and also recycling during the production stage. Considering the EcoInvent diode dataset as a reference, variations from nearly 1640% to only 8.5% of the environmental impact have been achieved. For example, the impact per 1 g of SMD diodes can change the global warming potential from 292 g CO2 eq up to 354 g CO2 eq, whereas for abiotic depletion, values can change from 9.9 × 10-7 up to 1.9 × 10-4 kg Sb eq. The presence of critical raw materials such as antimony, cobalt, or magnesium, together with precious metals as gold or silver, highly influences the environmental impact values obtained, demonstrating the considerable influence on the environmental impact of the material composition of the SMD diodes analysed. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Analysis of photovoltaic self-consumption systems

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    Components and installation prices could make the self-consumption of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems competitive. In this paper, we explore different self-consumption options, off-grid PV systems (with back-up generator and/or batteries), and grid-connected PV systems under net-metering policies. The calculation of the net present cost (NPC) reveals that the grid-connected PV-only case (for the net-metering scheme) is the most attractive from the technical and financial points of view, with a levelised cost of energy less than 0.1 €/kWh. Off-grid PV + Diesel + Batteries has a higher cost, around two or three times the grid-connected PV-only under net metering. Additionally, the off-grid PV + Diesel is less attractive from a financial point of view, which has a cost of around 10 times the PV-only under net metering. In addition, the values of life cycle CO2 emissions in each of the cases studied have been compared, and we have concluded that although the off-grid PV + Diesel + Batteries system presents lower CO2 emissions than the PV-only system, the existence of batteries does not allow one to affirm that the PV + Diesel + Batteries system is the best from an environmental point of view

    Mismeasure of secondary sexual traits: An example with horn growth in the Iberian ibex

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    Monitoring programmes and studies focused on secondary sexual characters (SSCs) depend on the accuracy of measurements. However, methods of measurements of SSC, such as horns of ungulates, vary throughout the literature. Thus, the accuracy of horn growth measurements as proxies of true horn growth and the comparability of results inferred from different horn growth measurements may be questionable. We used the horns of Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica to compare horn growth measurements and to analyse reliability with true horn growth. Our results reveal that measurements used in previous studies differed substantially from true horn growth and volume estimated as a barrel appeared as the best proxy of annular segments of horns in the Iberian ibex. Horn growth measurements are not necessarily mutually comparable, just as classical measurements are not necessarily representative of true horn growth. We discuss the wider implications of these results and suggest that biological processes linked to horns of ungulates should be reappraised using improved and accurate measurements because horn growth pattern is a key factor in sustainable management and conservation plans of ungulate species around the world. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Zoology © 2012 The Zoological Society of London.Peer Reviewe

    Contributions on lindane degradation by Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806

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    Cyanobacteria are able to tolerate, and even metabolize, moderate doses of organochlorine pesticides, such as lindane (¿-hexachlorocyclohexane), one of the most persistent and widely used in recent decades. Previous work showed that Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 degrades lindane and that, in the presence of the pesticide, microcystin synthesis is enhanced. In this work, using in silico approaches, we have identified in M. aeruginosa putative homologues of the lin genes, involved in lindane degradation in Sphingobium japonicum UT26S. Real-time RT-PCR assays showed that the putative linC gene was induced in the presence of 7 mg/L of lindane. Additionally, prxA, encoding a peroxiredoxin, and involved in oxidative stress response, was also induced when lindane was present. Taking into account these results, M. aeruginosa PCC 7806 may degrade lindane through a metabolic pathway involving a putative 2, 5-dichloro-2, 5-cyclohexadiene-1, 4-diol dehydrogenase encoded by a linC homologue. However, the low similarity of the other potential lin homologues suggest the existence of an alternative pathway different to that of heterotrophic microorganisms such as S. japonicum

    Europeanization vs. Globalization? A deeper look into income and employment embodied in intra-European trade

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    Production processes are nowadays increasingly global, implying interdependent structures linking goods, processes and countries. Traditional economic blocks and sectoral intra-country linkages coexist with increasing worldwide dependencies. Recent literature supports the hypothesis of a new globalization process taking place in the late 1990s and the 21st century, centred on the consolidation of increasingly competitive macro-regions at a global level, with a growing specialization of countries within them. We propose a multiregional input-output (MRIO) model of the European Union (EU) to analyse whether the generation of employment and income in Europe in recent decades can be defined as a process that is mainly regional or global (involving countries within the region versus countries outside Europe). Our results show that intra-EU trade is an important factor contributing to income and employment growth, more oriented to intermediate inputs, in the same way as extra-EU trade, despite the fact that some European countries are more specialized in final goods, mainly driven by high-income EU countries. Los procesos de producción son hoy en día cada vez más globales, lo que implica estructuras interdependientes que vinculan bienes, procesos y países. Los bloques económicos tradicionales y los vínculos sectoriales dentro del país coexisten con dependencias mundiales crecientes. La literatura reciente respalda la hipótesis de un nuevo proceso de globalización que tuvo lugar a fines de los años 90 y el siglo XXI, centrado en la consolidación de macro-regiones cada vez más competitivas a nivel global, con una creciente especialización de los países dentro de ellas. Proponemos un modelo multirregional input-output (MRIO) de la Unión Europea (UE) para analizar si la generación de empleo e ingresos en Europa en las últimas décadas se puede definir como un proceso que es principalmente regional o global. Nuestros resultados muestran que el comercio intracomunitario es un factor importante que contribuye al crecimiento de los ingresos y el empleo, más orientado a los inputs intermedios, de la misma manera que el comercio extracomunitario, a pesar del hecho de que algunos países europeos están más especializados en productos finales, principalmente demandados por países de altos ingresos de la UE

    The generation of student engagement as a cognition-affect-behaviour process in a Twitter learning experience

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    Twitter is a microblog that allows users to interact about a topic in online discussion. This makes it an interesting interactive tool with possibilities to increase student engagement and learning performance through active collaboration in an informal learning environment. However, few articles take a quantitative approach to investigate the creation of student engagement using this social networking site. To address this gap, we propose a series of activities conducted through Twitter to analyse the engagement generation process in a sample of 110 students in the first year of a business and administration degree at a large Spanish university. The results show that the engagement process is created through active collaborative learning and enjoyment, and that engaged students are more satisfied with the activity and perceive greater learning performance. This leads us to recommend teachers to encourage active and collaborative activities to make students more engaged and satisfied, and improve their performance.es consisting of applying the concepts studied in class to practical environments, and activities where students browse for online information and take part in a debate, are more enjoyable

    Negative effect of the arthropod parasite, Sarcoptes scabiei, on testes mass in Iberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica

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    Testes mass is a key factor in male reproductive success and is potentially exposed to so-called 'parasitic castration'. This is the result of the direct destruction or alteration of reproductive cell lineages (parasitic castration sensu stricto), or the indirect detrimental effects - for example, via body condition - on the ability of progenitors to produce or rear offspring (parasitic castration sensu lato). There are enormous gaps in our knowledge on the effects of parasites on the testes of wild mammals and in an attempt to rectify this dearth of data we examined the relationship between the skin parasite Sarcoptes scabiei and testes mass in Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica. We considered data from 222 males that were culled in the population from the Sierra Nevada in Spain. Our results provide evidence that sarcoptic mange is associated with reduced size-corrected testes mass in Iberian ibex which supports the hypothesis that parasitism is a determining factor in gonad plasticity in male mammals. We discuss several hypothetical causes of this relationship and highlight the need to deepen the sub-lethal effects of pathogens if we are to accurately understand their modulator effects on host population dynamics. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.Peer Reviewe