345 research outputs found

    Penetration Testing of Glia’s Web Application

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    Läbistustestimine on reaalsete veebirünnakute simulatsioon, et hinnata turvaaukudest tulenevaid potensiaalseid riske. Läbistustestimine nõuab testijalt mitmekülgseid professionaalseid oskusi, et manuaalselt kontrollida turvalisuse nõudeid, teostada veebirakenduse lähtekoodi ülevaatamist ning seadistada automatiseeritud teste. Mittetulundusühing OWASP pakub tarkvara turvalisuse hindamiseks mitmeid dokumente. Glia arendatud operaatori veebirakendust testiti kõigi OWASP Top 10 2017 ohtude suhtes. Ohutegurite kontrollimiseks kasutati OWASP ASVS 4.0 teise taseme nõudeid, mõnel puhul ka kohandatud nõudeid. Lisaks manuaalselt tuvastatavatele turvanõuete kontrollile kasutati ka Burp Suite rakenduse erinevaid automatiseeritud tööriistu. Iga tuvastatud turvaaugu puhul hinnati selle riski taset, võttes arvesse ohu leviku tõenäosust ja mõju veebirakendusele. Kõikidele OWASP Top 10 ohtude kohta anti riskide maandamise soovitusi.Penetration testing is a simulation of real attacks to assess the risks associated with potential security vulnerabilities. Penetration testing requires various levels of expertise to manually verify security requirements, to review web application source code and configure automated tests. Nonprofit organization OWASP provides several documents for software security assessment. Glia’s Operator Application was tested against all OWASP Top 10 2017 threats. For threat verification, OWASP ASVS 4.0 level 2 requirements along with additional customized test cases were checked. In addition to manual security requirement verification, automated Burp Suite tools were used. For each detected vulnerability, risk severity was assessed by taking into account the threat prevalence likelihood and impact. Risk mitigation suggestions were provided to all OWASP Top 10 threats

    Eesti algupäraste õigeusu kirikulaulude stiilist

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    Artiklis käsitletakse Eestis õigeusu kiriku jaoks loodud eestikeelsete laulude muusikalist stiili. Õigeusu kirikumuusika on Eestis olnud väga tugevate Peterburi koolkonna mõjudega - viimane otsis kompromissi traditsioonilise vene kirikulaulu ja lääne-euroopa kunstmuusika vahel. Kuna aga õigeusu kirik eksisteeris Eestis kõrvuti domineeriva luterliku kirikuga, siis võib lauludes täheldada ka luterliku koraalilaulu mõju. See seos on eriti iseloomulik Eesti Vabariigi algusaegadele, mil nii luterlik kui ka õigeusu kirik otsisid oma kultuurilist identiteeti.ZusammenfassungIn dem Artikel wird der musikalische Stil der für die orthodoxe Kirche in Estland geschaffenen estnischsprachigen Lieder behandelt. Die orthodoxe Kirchenmusik ist in Estland sark durch die St. Petersburger Schule beeinflusst worden. Die letztere suchte nach einem Kompromiss zwischen dem traditionellen russischen Kirchenlied und der westeuropäischen Kunstmusik. Da aber in Estland die lutherische Kirche dominierte, kann in den orthodoxen Liedern der Einfluss des lutherischen Chorals festgestellt werden. Diese Beziehung ist insbesondere für die ersten Jahre der Estnischen Republik charakteristisch, als die beiden Kirchen - die lutherische wie die orthodoxe -erst nach ihrer kulturellen Identität suchten

    In memoriam dr Urmo Kööbi

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    Eesti Arst 2016; 95(4):27

    The underground electrocarbonization and gasification of mineral fuels

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    The development of underground gasification methods for recovering mineral fuels is comparatively recent and several methods have been evolved for treating the various source materials. The problem of recovering solid and liquid fuels by underground gasification in gaseous form was primarily approached by means of opening underground entries which created the required fire-drift for starting the gasification in place. Increasing knowledge of the whole problem of gasification in situ led to the evolution of new improvements in the underground gasification technique and, in the course of progressive research the preparations required for starting the gasification were accomplished from the surface. This procedure simplified the gasification and reduced the cost of the underground fuel. The trend of this development has been called “shaftless underground gasification”. The aim of this research was the investigation of the possibility to use electric current for underground gasification and carbonization purpose. The current passed through the fuel bed, which acts as conductor, initiates the decomposition of original organic substance of the fuel. This phenomenon has been utilized for recovering various fuels like coal, oil shale and oil sand. The process is called “Electrocarbonization” and is a shaftless gasification method. The field experimentation was perforated at the Tiger” Mine (Sinclair Coal Company), Hume, Missouri. On the bases of research data made available by 4 years of experimentation (from September, 1947 to May, 1951) embodied in this dissertation, it is believed that a large scale underground electrocarbonization and gasification pilot plant can be designed and operated successfully. The research has proved that gas suitable for domestic and industrial use can be produced physically and economically by the underground Electrocarbonization process. Further development of the process is largely the responsibility of industry --Abstract, pages iii-iv

    Õiguskaitsevahendi valiku vabadus ja piirid ehituse töövõtulepingu näitel

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    Häälikuortograafia omandatus põhikooli lihtsustatud õppekava alusel õppivatel 3.–7. klassi õpilastel

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    Töötegija õigusliku staatuse kindlakstegemine platvormitöö näitel

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