2 research outputs found

    Development of Apremilast formulations for the treatment of skin and mucous membrane pathologies

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    [spa] Apremilast (APR) es un inhibidor selectivo de la fosfodiesterasa 4 que se administra por v铆a oral para el tratamiento de la psoriasis en placas de moderada a grave y la artritis psori谩sica activa. La baja solubilidad y permeabilidad de este f谩rmaco dificultan su administraci贸n d茅rmica. Uno de los prop贸sitos de este estudio fue dise帽ar y caracterizar una microemulsi贸n cargada con apremilast como terapia t贸pica para la inflamaci贸n local de la piel. Su composici贸n se determin贸 mediante diagramas pseudoternarios. Se realizaron caracterizaciones f铆sicas, qu铆micas y biofarmac茅uticas. Se estudi贸 la estabilidad de esta formulaci贸n durante 90 d铆as. Se evalu贸 la tolerabilidad de APR-ME en voluntarios sanos y se estudi贸 su potencial antiinflamatorio mediante modelos in vitro e in vivo. Se obtuvo una formulaci贸n homog茅nea con comportamiento newtoniano y gotas de tama帽o nanom茅trico y forma esf茅rica. APR-ME liber贸 el f谩rmaco incorporado siguiendo una cin茅tica de primer orden y facilit贸 la retenci贸n del f谩rmaco en la piel, asegurando un efecto local. Se observ贸 potencial antiinflamatorio por su capacidad para disminuir la producci贸n de IL-6 e IL-8 en el modelo in vitro. Este efecto se confirm贸 en el modelo in vivo histol贸gicamente por la reducci贸n de la infiltraci贸n de c茅lulas inflamatorias e inmunol贸gicamente por la disminuci贸n de las citocinas inflamatorias IL-8, IL-17A y TNF伪. En consecuencia, estos resultados sugieren que esta formulaci贸n podr铆a utilizarse como un atractivo tratamiento t贸pico para la inflamaci贸n cut谩nea. Por otro lado, la escasa solubilidad en agua de APR es el principal impedimento para la penetraci贸n del f谩rmaco a trav茅s de la barrera cut谩nea. Otro de los objetivos del estudio era evaluar la permeabilidad de APR en diferentes soluciones enriquecidas con promotores de la penetraci贸n en muestras ex vivo de piel humana, y evaluar adem谩s su tolerancia in vivo. Para ello, se desarrollaron soluciones de APR con un 5% de promotor y se evalu贸 la capacidad del f谩rmaco para penetrar en muestras de piel abdominal humana; los coeficientes de permeabilidad, las cantidades acumuladas permeadas y el flujo fueron algunos de los par谩metros evaluados. Asimismo, se evalu贸 la tolerancia in vitro e in vivo de las soluciones. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las soluciones que conten铆an escualeno como promotor mejoraban la penetraci贸n de la APR en comparaci贸n con los otros promotores evaluados; del mismo modo, a escala in vitro en c茅lulas HaCaT los promotores no resultaron t贸xicos, encontr谩ndose una viabilidad celular superior al 80% en las diferentes diluciones evaluadas. En las pruebas in vivo realizadas con APR-Escualeno present贸 los mejores resultados. El escualeno se convierte en un excelente candidato para mejorar la permeabilidad del f谩rmaco en el caso del desarrollo de una formulaci贸n t贸pica; adem谩s, se confirm贸 que este potenciador de la penetraci贸n no es ni t贸xico ni irritante en contacto con la piel en ensayos in vivo.[eng] Apremilast (APR) is a selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor that is administered orally for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and active psoriatic arthritis. The low solubility and permeability of this drug make dermal administration difficult. One of the purposes of this study was to design and characterize an apremilast-loaded microemulsion as a topical therapy for local skin inflammation. Its composition was determined using pseudoternary diagrams. Physical, chemical and biopharmaceutical characterizations were performed. The stability of this formulation was studied for 90 days. The tolerability of APR-ME was evaluated in healthy volunteers and its anti- inflammatory potential was studied by in vitro and in vivo models. A homogeneous formulation with Newtonian behavior and droplets of nanometer size and spherical shape was obtained. APR-ME released the incorporated drug following first-order kinetics and facilitated drug retention in the skin, ensuring a local effect. Anti-inflammatory potential was observed due to its ability to decrease IL-6 and IL-8 production in the in vitro model. This effect was confirmed in the in vivo model histologically by the reduction of inflammatory cell infiltration and immunologically by the decrease of inflammatory cytokines IL- 8, IL-17A and TNF伪. Consequently, these results suggest that this formulation could be used as an attractive topical treatment for cutaneous inflammation. On the other hand, the poor water solubility of APR is the main impediment to the penetration of the drug through the skin barrier. Another objective of the study was to evaluate the permeability of APR in different solutions enriched with penetration promoters in ex vivo samples of human skin, and also to evaluate its in vivo tolerance. For this purpose, APR solutions with 5% promoter were developed and the ability of the drug to penetrate human abdominal skin samples was evaluated; permeability coefficients, permeated cumulative amounts and flux were some of the parameters evaluated. The in vitro and in vivo tolerance of the solutions was also evaluated. The results obtained showed that the solutions containing squalene as promoter improved the penetration of APR compared to the other promoters evaluated; likewise, at in vitro scale in HaCaT cells the promoters were not toxic, finding a cell viability higher than 80% in the different dilutions evaluated. In the in vivo tests carried out with APR-Squalene, it presented the best results. Squalene becomes an excellent candidate to improve drug permeability in the case of the development of a topical formulation; in addition, it was confirmed that this penetration enhancer is neither toxic nor irritating in contact with the skin in vivo tests

    Desarrollo de formulaciones de Apremilast para el tratamiento de patolog铆as en piel y mucosas = Development of Apremilast formulations for the treatment of skin and mucous membrane pathologies

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    Programa de Doctorat en Recerca, Desenvolupament i Control de Medicaments[spa] Apremilast (APR) es un inhibidor selectivo de la fosfodiesterasa 4 que se administra por v铆a oral para el tratamiento de la psoriasis en placas de moderada a grave y la artritis psori谩sica activa. La baja solubilidad y permeabilidad de este f谩rmaco dificultan su administraci贸n d茅rmica. Uno de los prop贸sitos de este estudio fue dise帽ar y caracterizar una microemulsi贸n cargada con apremilast como terapia t贸pica para la inflamaci贸n local de la piel. Su composici贸n se determin贸 mediante diagramas pseudoternarios. Se realizaron caracterizaciones f铆sicas, qu铆micas y biofarmac茅uticas. Se estudi贸 la estabilidad de esta formulaci贸n durante 90 d铆as. Se evalu贸 la tolerabilidad de APR-ME en voluntarios sanos y se estudi贸 su potencial antiinflamatorio mediante modelos in vitro e in vivo. Se obtuvo una formulaci贸n homog茅nea con comportamiento newtoniano y gotas de tama帽o nanom茅trico y forma esf茅rica. APR-ME liber贸 el f谩rmaco incorporado siguiendo una cin茅tica de primer orden y facilit贸 la retenci贸n del f谩rmaco en la piel, asegurando un efecto local. Se observ贸 potencial antiinflamatorio por su capacidad para disminuir la producci贸n de IL-6 e IL-8 en el modelo in vitro. Este efecto se confirm贸 en el modelo in vivo histol贸gicamente por la reducci贸n de la infiltraci贸n de c茅lulas inflamatorias e inmunol贸gicamente por la disminuci贸n de las citocinas inflamatorias IL-8, IL-17A y TNF伪. En consecuencia, estos resultados sugieren que esta formulaci贸n podr铆a utilizarse como un atractivo tratamiento t贸pico para la inflamaci贸n cut谩nea. Por otro lado, la escasa solubilidad en agua de APR es el principal impedimento para la penetraci贸n del f谩rmaco a trav茅s de la barrera cut谩nea. Otro de los objetivos del estudio era evaluar la permeabilidad de APR en diferentes soluciones enriquecidas con promotores de la penetraci贸n en muestras ex vivo de piel humana, y evaluar adem谩s su tolerancia in vivo. Para ello, se desarrollaron soluciones de APR con un 5% de promotor y se evalu贸 la capacidad del f谩rmaco para penetrar en muestras de piel abdominal humana; los coeficientes de permeabilidad, las cantidades acumuladas permeadas y el flujo fueron algunos de los par谩metros evaluados. Asimismo, se evalu贸 la tolerancia in vitro e in vivo de las soluciones. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las soluciones que conten铆an escualeno como promotor mejoraban la penetraci贸n de la APR en comparaci贸n con los otros promotores evaluados; del mismo modo, a escala in vitro en c茅lulas HaCaT los promotores no resultaron t贸xicos, encontr谩ndose una viabilidad celular superior al 80% en las diferentes diluciones evaluadas. En las pruebas in vivo realizadas con APR-Escualeno present贸 los mejores resultados. El escualeno se convierte en un excelente candidato para mejorar la permeabilidad del f谩rmaco en el caso del desarrollo de una formulaci贸n t贸pica; adem谩s, se confirm贸 que este potenciador de la penetraci贸n no es ni t贸xico ni irritante en contacto con la piel en ensayos in vivo.[eng] Apremilast (APR) is a selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor that is administered orally for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and active psoriatic arthritis. The low solubility and permeability of this drug make dermal administration difficult. One of the purposes of this study was to design and characterize an apremilast-loaded microemulsion as a topical therapy for local skin inflammation. Its composition was determined using pseudoternary diagrams. Physical, chemical and biopharmaceutical characterizations were performed. The stability of this formulation was studied for 90 days. The tolerability of APR-ME was evaluated in healthy volunteers and its anti- inflammatory potential was studied by in vitro and in vivo models. A homogeneous formulation with Newtonian behavior and droplets of nanometer size and spherical shape was obtained. APR-ME released the incorporated drug following first-order kinetics and facilitated drug retention in the skin, ensuring a local effect. Anti-inflammatory potential was observed due to its ability to decrease IL-6 and IL-8 production in the in vitro model. This effect was confirmed in the in vivo model histologically by the reduction of inflammatory cell infiltration and immunologically by the decrease of inflammatory cytokines IL- 8, IL-17A and TNF伪. Consequently, these results suggest that this formulation could be used as an attractive topical treatment for cutaneous inflammation. On the other hand, the poor water solubility of APR is the main impediment to the penetration of the drug through the skin barrier. Another objective of the study was to evaluate the permeability of APR in different solutions enriched with penetration promoters in ex vivo samples of human skin, and also to evaluate its in vivo tolerance. For this purpose, APR solutions with 5% promoter were developed and the ability of the drug to penetrate human abdominal skin samples was evaluated; permeability coefficients, permeated cumulative amounts and flux were some of the parameters evaluated. The in vitro and in vivo tolerance of the solutions was also evaluated. The results obtained showed that the solutions containing squalene as promoter improved the penetration of APR compared to the other promoters evaluated; likewise, at in vitro scale in HaCaT cells the promoters were not toxic, finding a cell viability higher than 80% in the different dilutions evaluated. In the in vivo tests carried out with APR-Squalene, it presented the best results. Squalene becomes an excellent candidate to improve drug permeability in the case of the development of a topical formulation; in addition, it was confirmed that this penetration enhancer is neither toxic nor irritating in contact with the skin in vivo tests