205 research outputs found

    A Blue Print for the Future Electronic Warfare Suite Development

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    Mastering increasing complexity of electronic warfare (EW) airborne equipment systems needs new architectural concepts mainly based on modular design, generic resources and reliable communication buses. Less is more architectural concept replaces separate EW line replaceable units with fewer centralized processing units. This approach leads to a robust architecture for the next generation EW suite development in a unified fashion and thereby promising significant weight reduction and maintenance savings. In general, this approach is represented by a blanket term called integrated modular avionics (IMA). IMA architecture based EW suite development concentrates with the main goals of IMA such as technology transparency, resource sharing, incremental qualification, reduced maintenance cost, and so on.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(2), pp.192-197, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.426

    Immune response to BCG vaccination in children

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    The world-wide programme of mass BCG vaccination started in 1921' and used extensively since the forties has provided evidence that BCG vaccine has a protective value. This was confirmed by studies done on experimental animals.2 Despite this, no vaccination has become more controversial than BCG vaccination in recent times. The protection conferred by BCG vaccination in children is important because of the serious consequences of tuberculosis in them. The aim of this study was to assess the immunological response of children to BCG vaccination

    Outcomes For Street Children and Youth Under Multidisciplinary Care in a Drop-In Centre in Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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    BACKGROUND: There is little evidence to describe the feasibility and outcomes of services for the care of street children and youth in low-income countries. AIMS: To describe the outcomes of a multidisciplinary case management approach delivered in a drop-in centre for street children and youth. METHODS: A longitudinal study of street children and youth followed in an urban drop-in centre. Four hundred (400) street children and youth received a multidisciplinary case management therapeutic package based on the community reinforcement approach. The main outcomes were changes in psychological distress, substance abuse and social situation scores. RESULTS: The median follow-up time for the cohort was 18 months. There were reductions in the levels of psychological distress (p = 0.0001) and substance abuse (p ≤ 0.0001) in the cohort as well as an improvement in the social situation of street children and youth (p = 0.0001). There was a main effect of gender (p < 0.001) and a significant interaction of gender over time (p < 0.001) on improvements in levels of psychological distress. Survival analysis showed that the probability of remaining on substances at 12 months was 0.76 (95% CI: 0.69-0.81) and 0.51 (95% CI: 0.42-0.59) at 24 months. At 12 months, fewer female patients remained using substances compared to male (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: To be most effective, programmes and strategies for children and youth in street situations in developing countries should target both their health and social needs

    Rare peritoneal tumour presenting as uterine fibroid

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    Tumour arising from the uterus in the reproductive age group commonly belongs to benign category, the myoma uterus. Here we present a case report of a 22yr old primiparous mother with uterine metastasis from a rare peritoneal malignancy desmoplastic small round cell tumour who presented as uterine myoma. Desmoplastic small round cell tumour is a rare aggressive neoplasm arising from mesothelial cell, with poor prognosis. This woman presented with excessive bleeding per vaginum in the postpartum period,3months after caesarean section.24weeks  enlarged uterine mass found for which uterine artery embolisation was done in vain, later she was planned to undergo myomectomy. But due to widespread uterine mass, hysterectomy was done which led to the diagnosis of this rare neoplasm

    Analysis of delivery pattern and neonatal outcome in the calendar year 2015 in urban field practice area of Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, India

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    Background: Neonatal mortality is the number of neonatal deaths in a given year per 1000 live births in that year. It is estimated that 5.9 million children under 5 years of age died in 2015, with a global under-five mortality rate of 42.5 per 1000 live births. Of those deaths, 45% were newborns, with a neonatal mortality rate of 19 per 1000 live births. The present study aimed at to assess the neonatal mortality in the study area and to study the socio demographic factors, obstetric and neonatal factors among study population.Methods: This is a Cross-sectional study conducted in the field practice area of Urban Health Centre (UHC) under department of Community Medicine, KIMS, Narketpally, Nalgonda district, Telangana from February 2016 to April 2016. A total of 240 women were included in the study. Information collected was their socio-demographic data, previous and present obstetric history and utilization of health facilities and condition of Baby after birth.Results: Neonatal mortality rate in the study area during the study period is 8.39/1000 live births. Out of 242 new born babies 129(53.3%) were males and 113 (46.7%) were females. Majority (94.2%) had a birth weight of more than 2.5 kgs. Out of 242 babies 7 babies were suffering from congenital anomalies (2), Sepsis (2) and skin infections (3).Conclusions: Most of the study population were in the age group of 19-25 years, literates, laborers by occupation, Hindu by religion, belong to nuclear families and belong to below poverty line. Most of the new born babies have birth weight >2.5 kgs


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    A simple, rapid, precise, sensitive and, reproducible reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed for the quantitative analysis of Cefpodoxime in a pharmaceutical dosage form. Chromatographic separation of Cefpodoxime was achieved on Waters Alliance -2695, by using Luna Pheny Hexyl (250mm x 4.6mm, 5µm) column and the mobile phase containing 0.1% TEA adj pH-2.5 with OPA &amp; ACN in the ratio of 75:25% v/v. The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min, detection was carried out by absorption at 222nm using a photodiode array detector at ambient temperature. The number of theoretical plates and tailing factor for Cefpodoxime were NLT 2000 and should not be more than 2 respectively. The linearity of the method was excellent over the concentration range 7-105 µg/ml for Cefpodoxime respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.999. % Relative standard deviation of peak areas of all measurements always less than 2.0. The proposed method was validated according to ICH guidelines.&nbsp; The method was found to be a simple, economical, suitable, precise, accurate &amp; robust method for quantitative analysis of Cefpodoxime and study of its stability

    Improved DASH Architecture for Quality Cloud Video Streaming in Automated Systems

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    In modern times, multimedia streaming systems that transmit video across a channel primarily use HTTP services as a delivery component. Encoding the video for all quality levels is avoided thanks to fuzzy based encoders' ability to react to network changes. Additionally, the system frequently uses packet priority assignment utilising a linear error model to enhance the dynamic nature of DASH without buffering. Based on a fuzzy encoder, the decision of video quality is made in consideration of the bandwidth available. This is a component of the MPEG DASH encoder. The Fuzzy DASH system seeks to increase the scalability of online video streaming, making it suitable for live video broadcasts through mobile and other devices

    Evaluation of PCR Using TRC4 and IS6110 Primers in Detection of Tuberculous Meningitis

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    We have evaluated a new set of primers (TRC4) in comparison with the IS6110 primers commonly used in PCR to detect tuberculous meningitis among children. The levels of concordance between the results of IS6110 PCR and TRC4 PCR with cerebrospinal fluid specimens from patients with clinically confirmed tuberculous meningitis were 80 and 86%, respectively. Results with the two primer sets were concordant for 55 positive and 22 negative specimens (n 5 98). We conclude that the sensitivity of PCR can be increased by using both IS6110 and TRC4 primers

    Opposite ends of the same stick? Multi-method test of the dimensionality of individualism and collectivism

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The construct of individualism–collectivism (IND-COL) has become the definitive standard in cross-cultural psychology, management, and related fields. It is also among the most controversial, in particular, with regard to the ambiguity of its dimensionality: Some view IND and COL as the opposites of a single continuum, whereas others argue that the two are independent constructs. We explored the issue through seven different tests using original individual-level data from 50 studies and meta-analytic data from 149 empirical publications yielding a total of 295 samplelevel observations that were collected using six established instruments for assessing IND and COL as separate constructs. Results indicated that the dimensionality of IND-COL may depend on (a) the specific instrument used to collect the data, (b) the sample characteristics and the cultural region from which the data were collected, and (c) the level of analysis. We also review inconsistencies, deficiencies, and challenges of conceptualizing IND-COL and provide guidelines for developing and selecting instruments for measuring the construct, and for reporting and meta-analyzing results from this line of research