5 research outputs found

    Préservation de la fertilité masculine dans le cadre du cancer : organisation des soins au sein de la fédération française des CECOS et résultats de 20 ans d'utilisation des paillettes de spermatozoïdes conservés

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    ThĂšse prĂ©sentĂ©e sous la forme d'une "ThĂšse Article"Cryopreservation of sperm is a recognized technique that allows men with cancer to become fathers after gonadotoxic treatment. This work is addressed in two parts:This work’s objective was to firstly describe the organization of male fertility preservation within The French Federation of CECOS (Center for Studies and Conservation of Eggs and Human Sperm), thanks to a questionnaire performed by all 27 of the Federation’s centers in 2015.Secondly, we have studied the process of banking sperm before cancer treatment, in addition to the results from reusing that sperm in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for a period of 20 years at the CECOS of Marseille.The results from our study show that the recommendations and tools that have been implemented over these past years have allowed us to achieve a rather homogeneous biological practice and organization of healthcare within the French Federation of CECOS and that emergency management is efficient all year long. However, the relationship with oncology must be improved, especially post-cancer.La cryoconservation de spermatozoĂŻdes est une technique reconnue qui permet aux hommes atteints du cancer d'ĂȘtre pĂšre aprĂšs un traitement gonadotoxique.Ce travail s’articule en deux parties :L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait dans un premier temps, de dĂ©crire l’organisation de la prĂ©servation de la fertilitĂ© masculine au sein de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Française des CECOS (Centre d’Etude et de Conservation des ƒufs et du Sperme humain), grĂące Ă  un questionnaire adressĂ© en 2015 Ă  l’ensemble des 27 centres de la FĂ©dĂ©ration.Dans un second temps, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’activitĂ© de congĂ©lation des spermatozoĂŻdes avant traitement du cancer ainsi que les rĂ©sultats de leur rĂ©utilisation en Assistance MĂ©dicale Ă  la ProcrĂ©ation (AMP) sur une pĂ©riode de 20 ans au CECOS de Marseille.Les rĂ©sultats de notre Ă©tude montrent que les recommandations et outils mis en Ɠuvre ces derniĂšres annĂ©es ont permis d’obtenir une pratique biologique et une organisation des soins plutĂŽt homogĂšnes au sein de la FĂ©dĂ©ration Française des CECOS et que la gestion des urgences est efficace tout au long de l'annĂ©e. Cependant, le lien avec l'oncologie doit ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ© surtout dans l’aprĂšs cancer. Il existe une altĂ©ration significative des paramĂštres spermatiques chez les patients atteints de cancer avant le traitement, et l’utilisation en AMP de ces spermatozoĂŻdes donne des taux de grossesses cliniques et de naissances infĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux des spermatozoĂŻdes de donneurs en insĂ©mination intra-utĂ©rine (IIU). En revanche, la fĂ©condation in vitro avec micro-injection (FIV-ICSI) donne des rĂ©sultats satisfaisants et est recommandĂ©e dans la majoritĂ© des cas

    Candidatus Coxiella massiliensis Infection

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    International audienceBacteria genetically related to Coxiella burnetii have been found in ticks. Using molecular techniques, we detected Coxiella-like bacteria, here named Candidatus Coxiella massiliensis, in skin biopsy samples and ticks removed from patients with an eschar. This organism may be a common agent of scalp eschar and neck lymphadenopathy after tick bite

    Subfertile patients underestimate their risk factors of reprotoxic exposure

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure of men and women to environmental reprotoxic agents is associated with impaired fertility and pregnancy rates after assisted reproductive treatment (ART). Nevertheless, such exposures are generally not systematically assessed in current practice before ART and subfertile men are generally less explored than women. Our objective was to study subfertile men and women’s level of knowledge about reprotoxic agents, their perception of their own risk factors and the correlation between perceived and identified circumstances of exposure. RESULTS: In our public university hospital, 390 subfertile patients (185 men and 185 women) requiring assisted reproduction technique (ART) treatment, completed a self-report questionnaire before consultation, in order to assess patients’ knowledge of reprotoxic exposures, sources of information about them and perception of their own circumstances of exposure. Then a standardized questionnaire was used by the physician during the consultation to estimate domestic, environmental and occupational risk factors of reprotoxic exposures (RFRE). We compared the patients’ perception of exposure with the estimated RFRE. The reprotoxic agents knowledge score of patients was 61%. Their main sources of information were the media (40%), the internet (22%) and gynecologists (15%). The standardized questionnaire identified RFRE in 265/390 patients (68%); risk factor was statistically more frequent in men (77%) than in women (59%) (p < 0.05). In total, 141 of the 265 patients with identified RFRE (53%) were aware of their risk factor of reprotoxic exposure. CONCLUSION: We identified risk factors of reprotoxic exposures in the majority of subfertile patients, more frequently in men than in women, and half of patients were not aware of their exposures. Patients’ main sources of information were extra medical. Efforts should be made to inform patients, especially men, about potential reprotoxic exposure and to enhance medical training about reprotoxic agents, as recommended by international guidelines. The detection and correction of environmental exposures in subfertile men could improve their fecundity, but also their general health, which has been shown to be poorer than health of fertile men. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12610-022-00161-z

    Efficient pathway for men fertility preservation in testicular cancer or lymphoma: a cross-sectional study of national 2018 data

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    International audienceIn 15–49 years-old men, the main cancers are testicular cancer (TC) and lymphomas (L): freezing of ejaculated sperm is primarily used for male fertility preservation (FP) before cancer treatment. Our objective was to analyze the French FP rate in 15–49 years-old men diagnosed with TC or L in 2018. We designed a national descriptive cross-sectional study of sperm banking rate in men with a diagnosis of TC, Hodgkin L (HL) or non-Hodgkin L (NHL). From the French National Cancer Institute (INCa) 2018 data, we extracted the estimated incidence of TC and L in metropolitan France. From the 2018 activity report of CECOS network (Centers for Study and Banking of Eggs and Sperm), we extracted the number of men with TC or L who banked ejaculated sperm. We estimated the proportion of 15–49 years-old men diagnosed with TC or L who banked sperm. Results Among 15–49 years-old men, INCa estimated 38,048 new cancer diagnoses in metropolitan France in 2018: 2,630 TC and 3,913 L (943 HL and 2,970 NHL). The CECOS network provided data from 26/27 metropolitan centers (96% response rate): 1,079 sperm banking for men with TC, 375 for HL and 211 for NHL. We estimated that the 2018 sperm banking rate in France was 41% for TC, 40% for HL, and 7% for NHL. Conclusions To our knowledge, our paper is the first cross-sectional study with multicenter and national data analyzing FP rate in cancer men: it suggests an efficient pathway for men to FP before cancer treatment, compared to previously published studies. Although sperm banking rate in 15–49 years-old men could definitely be improved, further studies should evaluate the information given to patients before gonadotoxic treatments, the factors associated with the absence of sperm banking and whether this lack of referral induces a loss of chance for these men.Chez les hommes de 15 Ă  49 ans, les principaux cancers sont le cancer du testicule (CT) et les lymhomes (L): la congĂ©lation de spermatozoĂŻdes Ă©jaculĂ©s est utilisĂ©e en premiĂšre intention pour leur prĂ©servation de fertilitĂ© (PF) avant traitement du cancer. Notre objectif Ă©tait d’analyser le taux de PF chez les hommes de 15 Ă  49 ans diagnostiquĂ©s avec un CT ou un L en 2018 en France. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude nationale transversale descriptive du taux de congelation de spermatozoĂŻdes chez les hommes ĂągĂ©s de 15 Ă  49 ans diagnostiquĂ©s avec un CT, un L de Hodgkin (LH) ou un L non-Hodgkinien (LNH). A partir des donnĂ©es de l’Institut National du Cancer (INCa) de 2018, nous avons extrait l’incidence estimĂ©e de CT et de L en France mĂ©tropolitaine. A partir des donnĂ©es du bilan d’activitĂ© 2018 de la Federation Française des CECOS (Centre d’Etude et de Conservation des Oeufs et du Sperme), nous avons extrait le nombre d’hommes avec un CT ou un L qui ont congelĂ© leurs spermatozoĂŻdes. Nous avons enfin estimĂ© la proportion d’hommes de 15 Ă  49 ans diagnostiquĂ©s avec un CT ou un L qui ont congelĂ© leurs spermatozoĂŻdes. RĂ©sultats Chez les hommes de 15 Ă  49 ans, l’INCa a estimĂ© en 2018 38 048 nouveaux cas de cancers diagnostiquĂ©s en France mĂ©tropolitaine en 2018: 2 630 CT et 3 913 L (943 LH et 2 970 LNH). Le rĂ©seau des CECOS a produit les rĂ©sultats issus de 26/27 centres mĂ©tropolitains (taux de rĂ©ponse de 96%): 1 079 congĂ©lations de sperme pour des hommes atteints de CT, 375 pour LH et 211 pour LNH. Nous avons estimĂ© que le taux de congelation de spermatozoĂŻdes de 2018 en France Ă©tait de 41% pour le CT, 40% pour le LH et 7% pour le LNH. Conclusions A notre connaissance, notre travail est la premiĂšre Ă©tude transversale multicentrique de donnĂ©es nationales analysant le taux de PF chez les hommes atteints de cancer: il suggĂšre un parcours patient efficace pour la PF des hommes avant traitement d’un cancer, par rapport aux Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©demment publiĂ©es. Bien que le taux de PF chez les hommes puisse certainemen ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©, des Ă©tudes futures devraient Ă©valuer l’information donnĂ©e aux patients avant traitement gonadotoxique, les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  l’absence de PF et si le dĂ©faut d’adressage au CECOS induit un perte de chance pour ces hommes. Mots-clĂ©s ChimiothĂ©rapie, RadiothĂ©rapie, OncofertiitĂ©, Azoospermia, Paternit