7 research outputs found

    Grosse Verantwortung auf schmalen Schultern

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    Get-togethers: Guided Peer-Support Groups for Young Carers

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    To address Young Carers’ (YCs) needs for space and opportunities to reflect and exchange, a guided peer-support programme, the “Get-togethers”, was developed in collaboration with YC in Switzerland in 2018. In order to evaluate if the Get-togethers were able to meet their originally set goals of (1) strengthening support among YCs, (2) promoting their life skills, (3) strengthening their social network and (4) promoting the inclusion and participation of YCs, participants of the Get-togethers were asked to complete a short questionnaire about their participation in and experiences with the Get-togethers. We also analysed the standard documentation of 17 Get-togethers held between May 2021 and September 2023. Overall, the Get-togethers were rated positively in almost all areas of the survey and the documentation, indicating that the four originally set objectives of the Get-togethers were (at least largely) achieved. The Get-togethers covered a large part of the needs of YCs, such as emotional support and opportunities to relax and exchange with people in a similar situation, yet they largely failed to reach minor YCs and male YCs. Further support programmes should be developed to address the different needs of different groups of YCs

    Frühe Förderung ist wirksam

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    Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien profitieren von qualitativ guter früher Förderung. Ein neuer Leitfaden unterstützt öffentliche und private Trägerschaften und Einrichtungen bei der Konzipierung, beim Aufbau, bei der Weiterentwicklung und bei der Evaluation entsprechender Angebote