598 research outputs found

    Esquay-sur-Seulles – 8 chemin de la France

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    Le diagnostic archĂ©ologique de la parcelle situĂ©e chemin de la France Ă  Esquay-sur-Seulles fait suite Ă  un dĂ©pĂŽt de permis d’amĂ©nager par la SCI Le Vaussieux. Sept tranchĂ©es ainsi que des fenĂȘtres d’élargissement ont Ă©tĂ© ouvertes sur l’hectare soumis Ă  l’amĂ©nagement. Ces ouvertures ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© 135 anomalies d’origine anthropique. Cette densitĂ© importante de structures comprend principalement des trous de poteaux et des fosses de petits modules ainsi que, plus rarement, des fossĂ©s. Les quelque..

    ASASSN-16ae: A Powerful White-Light Flare on an Early-L Dwarf

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    We report the discovery and classification of SDSS~J053341.43+001434.1 (SDSS0533), an early-L dwarf first discovered during a powerful ΔV<−11\Delta V < -11 magnitude flare observed as part of the ASAS-SN survey. Optical and infrared spectroscopy indicate a spectral type of L0 with strong Hα\alpha emission and a blue NIR spectral slope. Combining the photometric distance, proper motion, and radial velocity of SDSS0533 yields three-dimensional velocities of (U,V,W)=(14±13,−35±14,−94±22)(U,V,W)=(14\pm13,-35\pm14,-94\pm22)~km~s−1^{-1}, indicating that it is most likely part of the thick disk population and probably old. The three detections of SDSS0533 obtained during the flare are consistent with a total VV-band flare energy of at least 4.9×10334.9\times10^{33}~ergs (corresponding to a total thermal energy of at least Etot>3.7×1034E_{\rm tot}>3.7\times10^{34}~erg), placing it among the strongest detected M dwarf flares. The presence of this powerful flare on an old L0 dwarf may indicate that stellar-type magnetic activity persists down to the end of the main sequence and on older ML transition dwarfs.Comment: 7 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures; accepted to ApJ Letters; updated to reflect referee response and proof correction

    Mental Health of Older Adults by Sexual Minority Status: Evidence From the 2021 National Health Interview Survey

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    This study explored differences among older adults in mental health by sexual minority status. Data came from the 2021 U.S. National Health Interview Survey. The study sample included older adults (or those aged ≄50 years, N = 15,559), and of those, two percent (n = 380) self-identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB). Older LGB adults had significantly higher odds of reporting a diagnosis of depression and anxiety and experiencing serious psychological distress than older non-LGB adults. Additionally, older LGB adults reported higher odds of experiencing depression and anxiety more frequently than older non-LGB adults. Significant covariates included age, sex, housing, food security, and social support. Increased risk for mental illness may be long-term consequences of stigma and discrimination that this population has experienced over the life course. The combination of structural interventions and affirming mental healthcare that recognizes the cumulative negative experience among older LGB adults is necessary to achieve mental health equity

    Efeitos da equoterapia na qualidade de vida de mulheres com incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria

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    A incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria Ă© uma disfunção do assoalho pĂ©lvico, reconhecida pela queixa deperda involuntĂĄria da urina. Trata-se de uma condição incapacitante e embaraçosa queacomete milhĂ”es de pessoas de todas as idades, principalmente as do gĂȘnero feminino,afetando negativamente a qualidade de suas vidas nos aspectos sociais, fĂ­sicos, psicolĂłgicose sexuais. Os estudos atuais demonstram a influĂȘncia significativa da IU na função sexual demulheres. A disfunção sexual (DS) Ă© definida como qualquer comprometimento de uma dasfases do ciclo sexual. Embora existam recursos terapĂȘuticos utilizados, tanto na IU como naDS voltados para a integridade da musculatura do assoalho pĂ©lvico (MAP), pois esta temgrande importĂąncia no controle da continĂȘncia e na sustentação dos ĂłrgĂŁos pĂ©lvicos, umaterapia em franca ascensĂŁo, que trabalha dissociação pĂ©lvica pouco estudada, para IU e DS, Ă©a equoterapia. Refere-se a um conjunto de tĂ©cnicas terapĂȘuticas que utiliza o cavalo a partirde uma abordagem interdisciplinar nas ĂĄreas da saĂșde. Uma das caracterĂ­sticas maisimportantes para a equoterapia Ă© o que o passo do cavalo produz e transmite ao cavaleiro.Uma sĂ©rie de movimentos sequenciais e simultĂąneos, que resulta em um movimentotridimensional.Surge, entĂŁo, o interesse em pesquisar a eficĂĄcia da equoterapia comotratamento para a incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria e disfunção sexual em mulheres. Trata-se de umestudo experimental, realizado em parceria com o Centro de Equoterapia Apoiar e o Centrode Atendimento ComunitĂĄrio do UniCEUB (CAC). A amostra foi composta por uma mulher de69 anos, diagnosticada com incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria, sexualmente ativa e que nĂŁo apresentouequinofobia. Realizou-se 12 sessĂ”es de Equoterapia, com duração de 30 minutos. Ao final daintervenção, foi possĂ­vel identificar redução do nĂșmero de perda e da quantidade de urina,ganho de força muscular dos mĂșsculos do assoalho pĂ©lvico, melhora da consciĂȘncia corporalquanto Ă s mĂșsculos responsĂĄveis pela continĂȘncia, repercussĂ”es fĂ­sicas e psicolĂłgicas, comconsequente melhora na qualidade de vida e da função sexual

    Weekly variations of accelerometer variables and workload of professional soccer players from different positions throughout a season

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    The current study aimed to analyze, using accelerometer-based activity, acute workload, chronic workload, acutechronic workloads ratio, training-monotony and training-strain throughout a competitive soccer-season and to compare these variables between players from different playing positions. Twenty-one professional soccer-players were monitored during the 48&nbsp;weeks of the season. Players were grouped according to their position. Four lateral-defenders and four winger-players formed LDW group, four central-defenders and four forwards formed CDF group, and six midfielder-players formed MDF group. Accelerometer-based variables were collected during training and match contexts and were used to generate indicators of weekly acute and chronic workload, training monotony, training strain and metabolic power. A one-way ANOVA compared all dependent variables between groups, and effect sizes for pairwise comparisons were calculated. Results revealed variations in the weekly load throughout the season, which demands caution from coaches to avoid injuries. There were no differences in weekly-loads for all dependent variables (P &gt; 0.05, small-to-moderate effects). We conclude that the weekly-load is not constant during a competitive season and players from different positions have similar weekly-loads. Therefore, previously reported in the literature, possible match-related positional differences might be compensated by differences in training-related loads, leading to a similar profile when considering the whole week

    A novel antigen capture ELISA for the specific detection of IgG antibodies to elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus

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    BACKGROUND Elephants are classified as critically endangered animals by the International Union for Conservation of Species (IUCN). Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) poses a large threat to breeding programs of captive Asian elephants by causing fatal haemorrhagic disease. EEHV infection is detected by PCR in samples from both clinically ill and asymptomatic elephants with an active infection, whereas latent carriers can be distinguished exclusively via serological assays. To date, identification of latent carriers has been challenging, since there are no serological assays capable of detecting seropositive elephants. RESULTS Here we describe a novel ELISA that specifically detects EEHV antibodies circulating in Asian elephant plasma/serum. Approximately 80 % of PCR positive elephants display EEHV-specific antibodies. Monitoring three Asian elephant herds from European zoos revealed that the serostatus of elephants within a herd varied from non-detectable to high titers. The antibody titers showed typical herpes-like rise-and-fall patterns in time which occur in all seropositive animals in the herd more or less simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that the developed ELISA is suitable to detect antibodies specific to EEHV. It allows study of EEHV seroprevalence in Asian elephants. Results confirm that EEHV prevalence among Asian elephants (whether captive-born or wild-caught) is high

    Loss‐of‐function mutations in the <i>ALPL </i>gene presenting with adult onset osteoporosis and low serum concentrations of total alkaline phosphatase

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    Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by rickets and low circulating concentrations of total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) caused by mutations in ALPL. Severe HPP presents in childhood but milder forms can present in adulthood. The prevalence and clinical features of adult HPP are poorly defined. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical significance of low serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels in a clinic‐based population of adult osteoporotic patients. We searched for patients with low ALP in a cohort of 3285 patients referred to an osteoporosis clinic over a 10‐year period and performed mutation screening of ALPL in those with low ALP (≀40 U/L) on two or more occasions. These individuals were matched with four clinic controls with a normal ALP. We also evaluated the prevalence of low ALP and ALPL mutations in 639 individuals from the general population from the same region. We identified 16/3285 (0.49%) clinic patients with low ALP and 14 (87.5%) had potentially pathogenic variants in ALPL. Eight of these individuals were heterozygous for mutations previously described in HPP and 2 were heterozygous for novel mutations (p.Arg301Trp and p.Tyr101X). These mutations were not found in clinic controls or in the general population. Eight patients with low ALP, including 4 with ALPL mutations, were treated with bisphosphonates for an average of 6.5 years. In these individuals, the rate of fractures during treatment was comparable to that in normal ALP clinic controls who were treated with bisphosphonates. We conclude that heterozygous loss‐of‐function mutations in ALPL are common in osteoporosis patients with low ALP. Further studies are required to determine how best these individuals should be treated. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    An Improved uvby-Metallicity Calibration for Metal-Rich Stars

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    We present an improved uvby-metallicity relation calibrated for F, G, and early K dwarfs, and an analogous uvby-T(eff) relation, both derived using a Levenberg-Marquardt minimization scheme. Our calibrations are based on 1533 stars which appear in both the Cayrel de Strobel (2001) metallicity compilation, and in the Hauck-Mermilliod (1998) catalog of uvby photometry. We also examine the speculative possibility of using uvby photometry to produce a uvby-planeticity calibration. We conclude that while there is likely no strong photometric indicator of the presence or absence of short-period planets, the possibility of a spectroscopic indicator of planeticity is well worth examining.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in ApJ Letter

    A Survey of CN and CH Variations in Galactic Globular Clusters from SDSS Spectroscopy

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    We present a homogeneous survey of the CN and CH bandstrengths in eight Galactic globular clusters observed during the course of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) sub-survey of the SDSS. We confirm the existence of a bimodal CN distribution among RGB stars in all of the clusters with metallicity greater than [Fe/H] = -1.7; the lowest metallicity cluster with an observed CN bimodality is M53, with [Fe/H] ~ -2.1. There is also some evidence for individual CN groups on the subgiant branches of M92, M2, and M13, and on the red giant branches of M92 and NGC 5053. Finally, we quantify the correlation between overall cluster metallicity and the slope of the CN bandstrength-luminosity plot as a means of further demonstrating the level of CN-enrichment in cluster giants. Our results agree well with previous studies reported in the literature.Comment: AJ submitted; 80 pages, 22 figure
