3 research outputs found

    Basketball small-sided games: effects of varying formats and using successive bouts

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    This study compared athletes’ rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and the number of their technical-tactical actions in small-sided basketball games (SSG) played within the same relative area with adjusted bout durations in (a) varied game formats; and (b) in two successive bouts of different formats. Ten young female basketball players (14.3±1.3 years) played two bouts of five small-sided game (SSG) formats (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5). The number of technical-tactical actions per player per minute decreased from the smaller to the larger SSG format, and players’ RPE tended to be higher in larger compared to smaller formats. We concluded that the smaller basketball SSG formats increased players’ participation. In addition, adjustments of the relative playing area and bout duration seemed to decrease players’ effort. The use of two SSG bouts did impact the number of technical-tactical actions and RPE

    How reaching the pitch's final third is related to scoring opportunities in soccer?

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    This study aimed to identify the association between the criteria related to the final third entries (how, where, and spatial pattern of interaction between teams) and the success of offensive unities in elite soccer. We analyzed 3327 final third entries from 30 matches of the 2019 Copa do Brasil (Brazilian cup, from the round of 16 to the final). To analyze the associations between criteria and the attacking outcome, we used an association chi-square test (contingency tables) with the significance level set in p <0.05. Results showed that the criteria “central corridor” (z=5.5), “ball recovery” (z=6.8), “midline vs. offensive line” (z=2.9), “offensive line vs. backline” (z=2.6), and “offensive line vs. empty zone” (z=4.0) were positively associated with successful offensive unities. We suggest that professional teams should try to achieve the final third through the central corridor, with offensive compactness, and forward passes to overcome the defensive lines. Defensively, teams should protect the central corridor, direct the opponent to the sides of the pitch, and closely defend the ball carrier.El propósito del studio fue identificar la asociación entre los criterios de entrada en el último tercio (como, donde y configuración espacial de interacción) y el éxito de las unidades ofensivas en el fútbol de elite. Fueron analizados 3327 entradas en el ultimo tercio de 30 partidos de Copa do Brasil de 2019 (Copa del Brasil, octavas de finales a finales). Para analizar las asociaciones entre los criterios y los resultados de los ataques, se utilizó la prueba de asosicación de chi-cuadrado (tablas de contingencia) con p <0.05. Los resultados mostraron que los critérios pasillo central (z=5.5), recuperación de balón (z=6.8), línea media vs. línea adelantada (z=2.9), línea adelantada vs. línea retrasada (z=2.6), y línea adelantada vs. portero (z=4.0) se asociaron positivamente con el éxito de las unidades ofensivas. Luego, se sugiere que las equipos profesionales utilizen el pasillo central, con compactación ofensiva y usando pases que superen las líneas defensivas. Defensivamente, los equipos devem proteger el pasillo central, dirigir al oponente a los lados del campo, y presionar constantemente el portador de balón

    Influence of numerical superiority and players’ tactical knowledge on perceived exertion and physical and physiological demands in soccer small-sided games

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of numerical superiority and tactical knowledge on players’ physical and physiological demands and RPE during soccer SSGs. Eighteen male soccer players were divided into two groups with 9 athletes (G1 with 3 defenders, 3 forwards and 3 mid-fielders with the highest score in the Procedural Tactical Knowl- edge Test - PTKT and G2 with 3 athletes of each position with the lowest score in the PTKT). Each group was split into three teams with one athlete of each position. HR, total distance covered (TD), distance covered at different speeds and accelerations were recorded using a HR monitor and a GPS during 3vs.3 and 4vs.3 SSGs with goalkeepers (two 4-minute games with 4-minutes rest). RPE were obtained using Borg 6-20 Scale. Results suggest that soccer SSGs with numerical superiority induce a decrease in variables such as percentage of total distance covered at 7.3-14.4 km/h (p=0.031), mean HR (p=0.001), and RPE (p=0.001) compared to numerical equality. Players with higher PTK presented higher TD and percentage of total distance covered at 14.4-21.5 km/h (p=0.026). These results indicate the influence of different factors on athletes’ RPE and physical and physiological demands during soccer SSGs