11 research outputs found

    Rice genotype differences in tolerance of zinc-deficient soils: evidence for the importance of root-induced changes in the rhizosphere

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpls.2015.01160Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a major constraint to rice production and Zn is also often deficient in humans with rice-based diets. Efforts to breed more Zn-efficient rice are constrained by poor understanding of the mechanisms of tolerance to deficiency. Here we assess the contributions of root growth and root Zn uptake efficiency, and we seek to explain the results in terms of specific mechanisms. We made a field experiment in a highly Zn-deficient rice soil in the Philippines with deficiency-tolerant and -sensitive genotypes, and measured growth, Zn uptake and root development. We also measured the effect of planting density. Tolerant genotypes produced more crown roots per plant and had greater uptake rates per unit root surface area; the latter was at least as important as root number to overall tolerance. Tolerant and sensitive genotypes took up more Zn per plant at greater planting densities. The greater uptake per unit root surface area, and the planting density effect can only be explained by root-induced changes in the rhizosphere, either solubilizing Zn, or neutralizing a toxin that impedes Zn uptake (possibly HCO − 3 HCO3− or Fe2+), or both. Traits for these and crown root number are potential breeding targets.This research was funded by a grant from the UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, Grant Ref. BB/J011584/1) under the Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development (SCPRID) programme, a joint multi-national initiative of BBSRC, the UK Government's Department for International Development (DFID) and (through a grant awarded to BBSRC) the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Support to AKN in the form of a fellowship awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is gratefully acknowledged

    Zn uptake, translocation and grain Zn loading in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes selected for Zn deficiency tolerance and high grain Zn

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    Zn deficiency is a widespread problem in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown under flooded conditions, limiting growth and grain Zn accumulation. Genotypes with Zn deficiency tolerance or high grain Zn have been identified in breeding programmes, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms conferring these traits. A protocol was developed for growing rice to maturity in agar nutrient solution (ANS), with optimum Zn-sufficient growth achieved at 1.5 μM ZnSO4.7H2O. The redox potential in ANS showed a decrease from +350 mV to −200 mV, mimicking the reduced conditions of flooded paddy soils. In subsequent experiments, rice genotypes contrasting for Zn deficiency tolerance and grain Zn were grown in ANS with sufficient and deficient Zn to assess differences in root uptake of Zn, root-to-shoot Zn translocation, and in the predominant sources of Zn accumulation in the grain. Zn efficiency of a genotype was highly influenced by root-to-shoot translocation of Zn and total Zn uptake. Translocation of Zn from root to shoot was more limiting at later growth stages than at the vegetative stage. Under Zn-sufficient conditions, continued root uptake during the grain-filling stage was the predominant source of grain Zn loading in rice, whereas, under Zn-deficient conditions, some genotypes demonstrated remobilization of Zn from shoot and root to grain in addition to root uptake. Understanding the mechanisms of grain Zn loading in rice is crucial in selecting high grain Zn donors for target-specific breeding and also to establish fertilizer and water management strategies for achieving high grain Z

    Soil CO2 venting as one of the mechanisms for tolerance of Zn deficiency by rice in flooded soils

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    We sought to explain rice (Oryza sativa) genotype differences in tolerance of zinc (Zn) deficiency in flooded paddy soils and the counter-intuitive observation, made in earlier field experiments, that Zn uptake per plant increases with increasing planting density. We grew tolerant and intolerant genotypes in a Zn-deficient flooded soil at high and low planting densities, and found (a) plant Zn concentrations and growth increased with planting density and more so in the tolerant genotype, whereas the concentrations of other nutrients decreased, indicating a specific effect on Zn uptake; (b) the effects of planting density and genotype on Zn uptake could only be explained if the plants induced changes in the soil to make Zn more soluble; and (c) the genotype and planting density effects were both associated with decreases in dissolved CO2 in the rhizosphere soil solution and resulting increases in pH. We suggest the increases in pH caused solubilisation of soil Zn by dissolution of alkali-soluble, Zn-complexing organic ligands from soil organic matter. We conclude that differences in venting of soil CO2 through root aerenchyma were responsible for the genotype and planting density effects

    Contrasting grain-Zn response of biofortification rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding lines to foliar Zn application

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    Enriching grain Zn concentration in rice through Zn fertilization is one approach to Zn biofortification efforts. Experiments to understand the effectiveness of foliar Zn application at different growth stages in enriching grain Zn of biofortification breeding lines were conducted during the dry season at an experiment station and in a farmer’s field with moderately and severely Zn-deficient soils, respectively. Foliar Zn applications at 4 kg Zn ha−1 as zinc sulfate were given at different growth stages: active tillering, heading, and both active tillering + heading. Foliar Zn application at active tillering had no effect on brown rice Zn concentration, but, at heading, there was a range in genotype response from 1 to 10 mg kg−1 increase, with an average increase of 4 mg kg−1 at the moderately Zn-deficient site and 7 mg kg−1 at the severely Zn-deficient site. At the moderately Zn-deficient site, two biofortification breeding lines (IR83668, IR91152AC) reached the target of 30 mg kg−1 Zn in brown rice without Zn fertilization at heading stage, while two other genotypes (IR68144, IR91143AC) reached the target with heading-stage foliar Zn application. At the severely Zn-deficient site, only one of the tested genotypes (IR68144) reached the target Zn concentration even after foliar Zn application at both active tillering and heading stage and the same genotype recorded the greatest response to foliar Zn (10 mg kg−1 increase). Greater total leaf area at spraying time increased the effectiveness of foliar Zn application at the severely Zn-deficient site only. Foliar Zn application at the two tested growth stages failed to overcome agronomic Zn deficiency. Three of the biofortification breeding lines (IR68144, IR85800, and IR83668) had high grain Zn content that was independent of grain yield. In a separate experiment to test a wider range of spraying times at the severely deficient site with IR64, the spraying at the early milk stage emerged as the most effective stage for increasing brown rice Zn concentration. Our results show that agronomic Zn biofortification through foliar Zn application is likely to be much more effective at increasing grain Zn concentration of genotypes with strong Zn-remobilization capacity than those with weak remobilization capacity

    Effects of denitrification and transport on the isotopic composition of nitrate (δ18O, δ15N) in freshwater systems

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    Nitrate isotopes (δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3-) are a potentially powerful tool for tracking the biological removal of reactive nitrogen (N) as it is transported from land to sea. However, uncertainties about, 1) the variability of the strength of biological isotopic fractionation during anaerobic benthic NO3- reduction (the kinetic enrichment factor: εdenit), and, 2) how accurately these εdenit values are expressed in overlying aerobic surface waters (the effective enrichment factor: εeff), currently limit their use in freshwater systems. Here we used a combination of incubation experiments and numerical modelling to construct a simple framework for defining freshwater εdenit based on interactions between benthic denitrification and diffusive transport to surface waters. Under non-limited, anaerobic conditions the εdenit values produced in submerged soils (n = 3) and sediments (n = 4) with denitrification rates between 10 and 600 mg N m-2 d-1 ranged from -3‰ to -28‰. Critically, model results indicated that diffusive transport would homogenise this to an effective fractionation range of -6 ± 4‰. Evidence for biological and hydrological variability of NO3- isotope fractionation means that values measured in aerobic surface water environments are most appropriately evaluated by a range of fractionation values, rather than commonly used single \u27site specific\u27 εdenit values

    Internal Zn allocation influences Zn deficiency tolerance and grain Zn loading in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    One of the important factors that influences Zn deficiency tolerance and grain Zn loading in crops is the within-plant allocation of Zn. Three independent experiments were carried out to understand the internal Zn distribution patterns in rice genotypes grown in Zn-sufficient and Zn-deficient agar nutrient solution (ANS). In one of the experiments, two rice genotypes (IR55179 and KP) contrasting in Zn deficiency tolerance were leaf-labeled with 65Zn. In the other two experiments, two Zn biofortification breeding lines (IR69428 and SWHOO) were either root- or leaf-labeled with 65Zn. Rice genotype IR55179 showed significantly higher Zn deficiency tolerance than KP at 21 and 42 days after planting. When KP was Zn-deficient, it failed to translocate 65Zn from the labeled leaf to newly emerging leaves. Similarly, the root-to-shoot translocation of unlabeled Zn was lower in KP than in IR55179. These results suggest that some Zn-efficient rice genotypes have greater ability to translocate Zn from older to actively growing tissues than genotypes sensitive to Zn deficiency. Among the two Zn biofortication breeding lines that were leaf-labeled with 65Zn at 10 days before panicle initiation stage, 65Zn distribution in the grains at maturity was similar between both genotypes in Zn-sufficient conditions. However, under Zn-deficient conditions, SWHOO accumulated significantly higher 65Zn in grains than IR69428, indicating that SWHOO is a better remobilizer than IR69428. When the roots of these two Zn biofortication breeding lines were exposed to 65Zn solution at 10 days after flowering, IR69428 showed higher root uptake of 65Zn than SWHOO in Zn-sufficient conditions, but 65Zn allocation in the aerial parts of the plant was similar between both genotypes.ISSN:1664-462

    Zn uptake, translocation and grain Zn loading in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes selected for Zn deficiency tolerance and high grain Zn

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    Zn deficiency is a widespread problem in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown under flooded conditions, limiting growth and grain Zn accumulation. Genotypes with Zn deficiency tolerance or high grain Zn have been identified in breeding programmes, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms conferring these traits. A protocol was developed for growing rice to maturity in agar nutrient solution (ANS), with optimum Zn-sufficient growth achieved at 1.5 μM ZnSO(4).7H(2)O. The redox potential in ANS showed a decrease from +350 mV to −200 mV, mimicking the reduced conditions of flooded paddy soils. In subsequent experiments, rice genotypes contrasting for Zn deficiency tolerance and grain Zn were grown in ANS with sufficient and deficient Zn to assess differences in root uptake of Zn, root-to-shoot Zn translocation, and in the predominant sources of Zn accumulation in the grain. Zn efficiency of a genotype was highly influenced by root-to-shoot translocation of Zn and total Zn uptake. Translocation of Zn from root to shoot was more limiting at later growth stages than at the vegetative stage. Under Zn-sufficient conditions, continued root uptake during the grain-filling stage was the predominant source of grain Zn loading in rice, whereas, under Zn-deficient conditions, some genotypes demonstrated remobilization of Zn from shoot and root to grain in addition to root uptake. Understanding the mechanisms of grain Zn loading in rice is crucial in selecting high grain Zn donors for target-specific breeding and also to establish fertilizer and water management strategies for achieving high grain Zn