3,766 research outputs found

    The complexity of the California recall election

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    The October 7, 2003 California Recall Election strained California’s direct democracy. In recent California politics there has not been a statewide election conducted on such short notice; county election officials were informed on July 24 that the election would be held on October 7. Nor has California recently seen a ballot with so many candidates running for a single statewide office (see Mueller 1970). Under easy ballot access requirements, Secretary of State Kevin Shelley certified 135 candidates for the official ballot on August 13^1. In the recall, voters cast votes on (1) whether to recall Governor Davis from office, and (2) his possible successor. These two voting decisions were made independent by the federal district court’s decision on July 29. The court’s decision invalidated a state law requiring a vote on the recall question in order for a vote on the successor election to be counted (Partnoy et al. 2003). The abbreviated election calendar also led to many improvisations, including a dramatically reduced number of precinct poll sites throughout the state and the unprecedented ability of military personnel, their dependents, and civilians living overseas to return their absentee ballots by fax. These problems produced litigation and speculation that substantial problems would mar the election and throw the outcome of both the recall and a possible successor’s election into doubt. In the end, the litigation failed to stall the recall election, and the large final vote margins on both the recall question and the successor ballot seemingly overwhelmed Election Day problems. In this paper, we concentrate on some of the problems produced by the complexity of the recall election, but we do not attempt an exhaustive presentation of these problems. We focus on polling place problems on election day, the problems associated with translating the complicated recall election ballot into six languages, how the long ballot influenced voter behavior, and voter difficulties with the ballot measured with survey data. We conclude with a short discussion of the possible impact of these problems on the recall election

    Acceleration and Substructure Constraints in a Quasar Outflow

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    We present observations of probable line-of-sight acceleration of a broad absorption trough of C IV in the quasar SDSS J024221.87+004912.6. We also discuss how the velocity overlap of two other outflowing systems in the same object constrains the properties of the outflows. The Si IV doublet in each system has one unblended transition and one transition which overlaps with absorption from the other system. The residual flux in the overlapping trough is well fit by the product of the residual fluxes in the unblended troughs. For these optically thick systems to yield such a result, at least one of them must consist of individual subunits rather than being a single structure with velocity-dependent coverage of the source. If these subunits are identical, opaque, spherical clouds, we estimate the cloud radius to be r = 3.9 10^15 cm. If they are identical, opaque, linear filaments, we estimate their width to be w = 6.5 10^14 cm. These subunits are observed to cover the Mg II broad emission line region of the quasar, at which distance from the black hole the above filament width is equal to the predicted scale height of the outer atmosphere of a thin accretion disk. Insofar as that scale height is a natural size scale for structures originating in an accretion disk, these observations are evidence that the accretion disk can be a source of quasar absorption systems. Based on data from ESO program 075.B-0190(A).Comment: 14 emulateapj pages, 7 figures, ApJ in pres

    A co-production approach guided by the behaviour change wheel to develop an intervention for reducing sedentary behaviour after stroke

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    Background Stroke survivors are highly sedentary; thus, breaking up long uninterrupted bouts of sedentary behaviour could have substantial health benefit. However, there are no intervention strategies specifically aimed at reducing sedentary behaviour tailored for stroke survivors. The purpose of this study was to use co-production approaches to develop an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour after stroke. Methods A series of five co-production workshops with stroke survivors, their caregivers, stroke service staff, exercise professionals, and researchers were conducted in parallel in two-stroke services (England and Scotland). Workshop format was informed by the behaviour change wheel (BCW) framework for developing interventions and incorporated systematic review and empirical evidence. Taking an iterative approach, data from activities and audio recordings were analysed following each workshop and findings used to inform subsequent workshops, to inform both the activities of the next workshop and ongoing intervention development. Findings Co-production workshop participants (n = 43) included 17 staff, 14 stroke survivors, six caregivers and six researchers. The target behaviour for stroke survivors is to increase standing and moving, and the target behaviour for caregivers and staff is to support and encourage stroke survivors to increase standing and moving. The developed intervention is primarily based on co-produced solutions to barriers to achieving the target behaviour. The developed intervention includes 34 behaviour change techniques. The intervention is to be delivered through stroke services, commencing in the inpatient setting and following through discharge into the community. Participants reported that taking part in intervention development was a positive experience. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first study that has combined the use of co-production and the BCW to develop an intervention for use in stroke care. In-depth reporting of how a co-production approach was combined with the BCW framework, including the design of bespoke materials for workshop activities, should prove useful to other researchers and practitioners involved in intervention development in stroke

    Septic arthritis in an in vivo murine model induced by Staphylococcus aureus:a comparison between actions of the haemolysin toxin and the effects of the host immune response

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    AIMS: Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of septic arthritis, and in vitro studies suggest α haemolysin (Hla) is responsible for chondrocyte death. We used an in vivo murine joint model to compare inoculation with wild type S. aureus 8325-4 with a Hla-deficient strain DU1090 on chondrocyte viability, tissue histology, and joint biomechanics. The aim was to compare the actions of S. aureus Hla alone with those of the animal’s immune response to infection. METHODS: Adult male C57Bl/6 mice (n = 75) were randomized into three groups to receive 1.0 to 1.4 × 10(7) colony-forming units (CFUs)/ml of 8325-4, DU1090, or saline into the right stifle joint. Chondrocyte death was assessed by confocal microscopy. Histological changes to inoculated joints were graded for inflammatory responses along with gait, weight changes, and limb swelling. RESULTS: Chondrocyte death was greater with 8325-4 (96.2% (SD 5.5%); p < 0.001) than DU1090 (28.9% (SD 16.0%); p = 0.009) and both were higher than controls (3.8% (SD 1.2%)). Histology revealed cartilage/bone damage with 8325-4 or DU1090 compared to controls (p = 0.010). Both infected groups lost weight (p = 0.006 for both) and experienced limb swelling (p = 0.043 and p = 0.018, respectively). Joints inoculated with bacteria showed significant alterations in gait cycle with a decreased stance phase, increased swing phase, and a corresponding decrease in swing speed. CONCLUSION: Murine joints inoculated with Hla-producing 8325-4 experienced significantly more chondrocyte death than those with DU1090, which lack the toxin. This was despite similar immune responses, indicating that Hla was the major cause of chondrocyte death. Hla-deficient DU1090 also elevated chondrocyte death compared to controls, suggesting a smaller additional deleterious role of the immune system on cartilage. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2022;11(9):669–678

    Developmental programming modulates olfactory behavior in C. elegans via endogenous RNAi pathways

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    Environmental stress during early development can impact adult phenotypes via programmed changes in gene expression. C. elegans larvae respond to environmental stress by entering the stress-resistant dauer diapause pathway and resume development once conditions improve (postdauers). Here we show that the osm-9 TRPV channel gene is a target of developmental programming and is down-regulated specifically in the ADL chemosensory neurons of postdauer adults, resulting in a corresponding altered olfactory behavior that is mediated by ADL in an OSM-9-dependent manner. We identify a cis-acting motif bound by the DAF-3 SMAD and ZFP-1 (AF10) proteins that is necessary for the differential regulation of osm-9, and demonstrate that both chromatin remodeling and endo-siRNA pathways are major contributors to the transcriptional silencing of the osm-9 locus. This work describes an elegant mechanism by which developmental experience influences adult phenotypes by establishing and maintaining transcriptional changes via RNAi and chromatin remodeling pathways.1

    Histotripsy of the Prostate in a Canine Model: Characterization of Post-Therapy Inflammation and Fibrosis

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    Introduction: Histotripsy is a nonthermal, noninvasive, pulsed ultrasound technology that homogenizes tissue within the targeted volume. From previous experiments, it appeared that the resultant fibrotic response from histotripsy was limited compared with the typical tissue response seen after thermoablation. The objective of this study was to characterize the inflammatory response and quantify patterns of collagen deposition 6 weeks after in vivo canine prostate histotripsy. Methods: Histotripsy was applied to the left half of eight canine prostates to produce an intraparenchymal zone of tissue homogenization. Six weeks after treatment, prostates were harvested, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic evaluation, CD3, CD20, and Mac387 immunohistochemistry to characterize the inflammatory components, and picrosirius red staining to identify collagen. Results: Seven of eight treated prostates exhibited only minimal residual inflammation. Visual microscopic analysis of picrosirius red slides revealed a band of dense collagen (0.5?mm wide) immediately adjacent to the cavity produced by histotripsy. This was surrounded by a second band (1?mm wide) of less dense collagen interspersed among glandular architecture. A lobar distribution of epithelial atrophy and basal cell hyperplasia reminiscent of periurethral glands and ducts was apparent surrounding the margin of the treatment cavities. Tissue loss (-31%) was apparent on the treated side of all prostates while four demonstrated a net decrease in collagen content. Conclusions: In vivo histotripsy of canine prostate produced a decrease in prostate volume coupled with a limited inflammatory and fibrotic response. A narrow (1.5?mm) band of fibrosis around the empty, reepithelialized treatment cavity was observed 6 weeks after treatment. In four cases, an overall reduction in collagen content was measured. Further studies are planned to correlate these histologic findings with alteration in mechanical tissue properties and to explore histotripsy strategies for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia that optimize tissue volume removal with minimization of fibrosis.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140079/1/end.2014.0585.pd

    Radiocarbon Date List X: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Iceland, Labrador Sea, and the Northern North Atlantic

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    Date List X contains an annotated listing of 213 radiocarbon dates determined on samples from marine and terrestrial environments. The marine samples were collected from the East Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Norwegian margins, Baffin Bay, and Labrador Sea. The terrestrial samples were collected from Vestfirdir, Iceland and Baffin Island. The samples were submitted by INSTAAR and researchers affiliated with INSTAAR\u27s Micropaleontology Laboratory under the direction of Dr.’s John T. Andrews and Anne E. Jennings. All of the dates from marine sediment cores were determined from either shells or foraminifera (both benthic and planktic). All dates were obtained by the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method. Regions of concentrated marine research include: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Labrador Sea, East Greenland fjords, shelf and slope, Denmark Strait, the southwestern and northwestern Iceland shelves, and Vestfirdir, Iceland. The non-marine radiocarbon dates are from peat, wood, plant microfossils, and mollusc. The radiocarbon dates have been used to address a variety of research objectives such as: 1. determining the timing of northern hemisphere high latitude environmental changes including glacier advance and retreat, and 2. assessing the accuracy of a fluctuating reservoir correction. Thus, most of the dates constrain the timing, rate, and interaction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental fluctuations in sea level, glacier extent, sediment input, and changes in ocean circulation patterns. Where significant, stratigraphic and sample contexts are presented for each core to document the basis for interpretations

    Comprehensive, long-term evaluation of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after pancreatoduodenectomy

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    AIMS: Treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) following pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) improves quality of life, clinical outcomes, and survival. However, diagnosing PEI following PD is challenging owing to the difficulties with current tests and often non-specific symptoms. This work aims to quantify the true rate of long-term PEI in patients following a PD.METHODS: Patients underwent a PEI screen approximately one to two years following PD for oncologic indication, including the 13C Mixed triglyceride breath test (13CMTGT), faecal elastase 1 (FE-1) and the PEI Questionnaire (PEI-Q). Four reviewers with expertise in PEI reviewed the results blinded to other decisions to classify PEI status; disagreements were resolved on consensus.RESULTS: 26 patients were recruited. Of those with valid test results, these were indicative of PEI based on pre-specified thresholds for 60 % (15/25) for the 13CMTGT, 82 % (18/22) for FE-1, and 88 % (22/25) for the PEI-Q. After discussion between reviewers, the consensus PEI prevalence was 81 % (95 % CI: 61-93 %; 21/26), with 50 % (N = 13) classified as having severe, 23 % (N = 6) moderate, and 8 % (N = 2) mild PEI.DISCUSSION: Since no ideal test exists for PEI, this collation of diagnostic modalities and blinded expert review was designed to ascertain the true rate of long-term PEI following PD. This required our cohort to survive a year, travel to hospital, and undergo a period of starvation and PERT hold, and therefore there is likely to be recruitment bias towards fitter, younger patients with less aggressive pathology. Despite this, over 80 % were deemed to have PEI, with over 90 % of these being considered moderate or severe.</p

    Remasking of Candida albicans β-Glucan in Response to Environmental pH Is Regulated by Quorum Sensing

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    Candida albicans is a commensal yeast of the human gut which is tolerated by the immune system but has the potential to become an opportunistic pathogen. One way in which C. albicans achieves this duality is through concealing or exposing cell wall pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) in response to host-derived environment cues (pH, hypoxia, and lactate). This cell wall remodeling allows C. albicans to evade or hyperactivate the host’s innate immune responses, leading to disease. Previously, we showed that adaptation of C. albicans to acidic environments, conditions encountered during colonization of the female reproductive tract, induces significant cell wall remodeling resulting in the exposure of two key fungal PAMPs (β-glucan and chitin). Here, we report that this pH-dependent cell wall remodeling is time dependent, with the initial change in pH driving cell wall unmasking, which is then remasked at later time points. Remasking of β-glucan was mediated via the cell density-dependent fungal quorum sensing molecule farnesol, while chitin remasking was mediated via a small, heat-stable, nonproteinaceous secreted molecule(s). Transcript profiling identified a core set of 42 genes significantly regulated by pH over time and identified the transcription factor Efg1 as a regulator of chitin exposure through regulation of CHT2. This dynamic cell wall remodeling influenced innate immune recognition of C. albicans, suggesting that during infection, C. albicans can manipulate the host innate immune responses