254 research outputs found

    Automating human skills : preliminary development of a human factors methodology to capture tacit cognitive skills

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    Despite technological advances in intelligent automation, it remains difficult for engineers to discern which manual tasks, or task components, would be most suitable for transfer to automated alternatives. This research aimed to develop an accurate methodology for the measurement of both observable and unobservable physical and cognitive activities used in manual tasks for the capture of tacit skill. Experienced operators were observed and interviewed in detail, following which, hierarchical task analysis and task decomposition methods were used to systematically explore and classify the qualitative data. Results showed that a task analysis / decomposition methodology identified different types of skill (e.g. procedural or declarative) and knowledge (explicit or tacit) indicating this methodology could be used for further human skill capture studies. The benefit of this research will be to provide a methodology to capture human skill so that complex manual tasks can be more efficiently transferred into automated processes

    Task analysis of discrete and continuous skills: a dual methodology approach to human skills capture for automation

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    There is a growing requirement within the field of intelligent automation for a formal methodology to capture and classify explicit and tacit skills deployed by operators during complex task performance. This paper describes the development of a dual methodology approach which recognises the inherent differences between continuous tasks and discrete tasks and which proposes separate methodologies for each. Both methodologies emphasise capturing operators’ physical, perceptual, and cognitive skills, however, they fundamentally differ in their approach. The continuous task analysis recognises the non-arbitrary nature of operation ordering and that identifying suitable cues for subtask is a vital component of the skill. Discrete task analysis is a more traditional, chronologically ordered methodology and is intended to increase the resolution of skill classification and be practical for assessing complex tasks involving multiple unique subtasks through the use of taxonomy of generic actions for physical, perceptual, and cognitive actions

    A study of the relationship between success in solving one-step verbal problems and the understanding of the four fundamental processes.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    End-of-life care and dementia

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    In the UK, research continues to confirm that people with certain chronic illnesses, such as chronic lung disease and cardiac failure, represent the ‘disadvantaged dying’ compared to those with terminal cancer. But what is the situation for people dying with advanced dementia and what is the experience of their carers? Practical guidance for clinicians is scarce. In Standard 7 of the National Service Framework for Older People, which covers mental health, there is mention neither of how care should be provided nor of how patient choice should be ensured for people with dementia at the end of life. In the UK, 5% of the population aged 65 and over and 20% of those aged 80 and over have dementia similar prevalence figures are found in the USA. Current predictions suggest that the number of people with dementia will increase by 40% by 2026 and will double by 2050. The increased demand for end-of-life care for people with dementia will be associated with major social and economic costs, but what is the current standard of such care? How can the quality be improved? And how should future services be configured to cope with this increasing need? In this paper, we review current knowledge around end-of-life care in dementia, discuss the clinical challenges and ethical dilemmas presented to carers, consider the difficulties in delivering such care and suggest practical approaches to improve the quality of such care

    Getting to the Root of Tree Soil Microbiome Sampling

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    Microbiomes play critical roles in host functioning and therefore there is increasing interest in the microbiome assembly of plants. However, sampling strategies for long-lived perennial trees need to be standardised to produce robust data that accurately represents the microbiome over time. This issue is currently unresolved because there is little evidence indicating which portion of perennial tree species (e.g., root region or surrounding soil) is the best to sample to produce the most accurate measure of microbiome communities. Our aim was to sample different compartments of a plant’s belowground microbiome to identify the optimal sampling strategy to account for the microbial community present. We found that the structure of the microbial community depends most strongly on the environment (site) and compartment of sample collected (bulk soil, rhizosphere, or rhizoplane), rather than the depth or cardinal direction of the sample. We also found that the microbial community increased in diversity with increased distance from the tree within the rhizoplane and rhizosphere. The data presented here provides systematic evidence for a pragmatic and robust sampling regime that was tested and validated across different environments and soil types while controlling for host genotype. This sampling regime will enable effective partitioning of root compartments when studying the microbiome associated with perennial tree species, allowing targeted questions about the microbiome to be explored with greater accuracy

    What advice are oncologists and surgeons in the United Kingdom giving to breast cancer patients about physical activity?

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    Evidence has shown that physical activity may attenuate the negative physical, psychological and functional effects of treatment in women diagnosed with breast cancer. Physical activity levels also decline substantially during and after completion of treatment for cancer, highlighting the importance of strategies to promote participation in regular physical activity in this population. Oncologists and surgeons may serve as an influential source of motivation to be physically activity in cancer patients, by conveying the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate whether oncologists and surgeons routinely discuss physical activity with their breast cancer patients and to investigate the nature of any information/advice provided during consultations. A secondary aim was to examine whether physically active oncologists and surgeons were more likely to provide advice about physical activity to patients, than inactive oncologists and surgeons. A brief postal questionnaire was sent to 710 consultant breast cancer oncologists and surgeons throughout the UK and 102 responded (response rate = 14.4%). Of responders, most (55.9%) did not routinely discuss physical activity with their patients. Amongst oncologists/surgeons (clinicians) who did offer advice, most focussed on discussing the benefits of physical activity for physical and functional health gains and for facilitating weight control and maintenance. A number of clinicians indicated they advised patients that physical activity may decrease risk of recurrence and improve survival, despite the lack of evidence from RCTs to support this suggestion. There was no significant association between the physical activity status of oncologists/surgeons and the likelihood that they discussed physical activity with patients. Educational strategies aimed at encouraging clinicians to promote physical activity in consultations need to be targeted widely amongst the cancer clinician community

    Breast cancer screening practices among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Midwest

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    American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) women currently have some of the highest mortality rates from breast cancer for any racial/ethnic group in the United States and some of the lowest screening rates. However, current data are not available for regional differences in screening, which can result in dramatically different stage at diagnosis and mortality. We conducted surveys with 120 focus group participants in a needs assessment of mammography among AI/AN in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area and parts of Northeast Kansas. We found that among women under age 40, for whom recommended screenings include only annual clinical breast examination and breast self-examination, more women reported breast self-examination than clinical breast examination (85.3% versus 55.0% in the past year). Among women age 40 and older, more women reported breast self-examination (80.0% in the past year) than either clinical breast examination or mammography (50.8% and 46.9%, respectively, in the past year). These low rates of breast cancer screening are consistent with low rates reported around the country among AI/AN and have strong implications for stage at diagnosis and prognosis for AI/AN breast cancer patients

    A screen to identify drug resistant variants to target-directed anti-cancer agents

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    The discovery of oncogenes and signal transduction pathways important for mitogenesis has triggered the development of target-specific small molecule anti-cancer compounds. As exemplified by imatinib (Gleevec), a specific inhibitor of the Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)-associated Bcr-Abl kinase, these agents promise impressive activity in clinical trials, with low levels of clinical toxicity. However, such therapy is susceptible to the emergence of drug resistance due to amino acid substitutions in the target protein. Defining the spectrum of such mutations is important for patient monitoring and the design of next-generation inhibitors. Using imatinib and BCR/ABL as a paradigm for a drug-target pair, we recently reported a retroviral vector-based screening strategy to identify the spectrum of resistance-conferring mutations. Here we provide a detailed methodology for the screen, which can be generally applied to any drug-target pair

    Views, Barriers, and Suggestions for Colorectal Cancer Screening Among American Indian Women Older Than 50 Years in the Midwest

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    OBJECTIVE: Although colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality rates in the US population have shown a decline, American Indian (AI) CRC mortality rates appear to be increasing. CRC screening rates of AIs remain low when compared with other ethnic groups. The research team explored women's perceptions toward CRC screening, existing barriers, and suggestions to promote education and screening among AI women in Kansas and Missouri. METHODS: Using a community-based participatory research approach, the authors conducted 7 focus groups with AI women older than 50 years (N = 52) to better understand their perceptions of and attitudes toward CRC screening. RESULTS: Women recognized barriers to screening, such as embarrassment, privacy issues, fear, insurance, and cost. They countered perceived barriers through inventive suggestions for education and awareness via social support systems and intergenerational relationships. DISCUSSION: CRC screening interventions for AI must be culturally tailored