5 research outputs found

    Molecular Characterization of Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Different Food Sources

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    Hrana predstavlja mogući izvor patogenih i na antibiotik otpornih sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli, pa je u radu analizirano 84 izolata iz uzoraka hrane identificiranih 2007. i 2008. godine na Nacionalnom institutu za javno zdravstvo u Sloveniji. Pomoću metode PCR (lančana reakcija polimeraze) prema Clermontu izolati su razvrstani u filogenetske skupine i podskupine. Četrdeset i dva (50 %) su izolata svrstana u filogenetsku skupinu A, a njih trideset (35,7 %) u skupinu B1. Te dvije skupine uglavnom obuhvaćaju komenzale crijevne mikroflore. Deset je izolata (11,9 %) svrstano u skupinu D, a samo njih dva (2,4 %) u skupinu B2. U tim se skupinama uglavnom nalaze ekstraintestinalni patogeni sojevi E. coli. Sojevi su zatim analizirani ne bi li se utvrdila prisutnost različitih virulentnih gena i plazmidnih gena otpornosti na kinolone (qnr). U jednom je izolatu (1,2 %) otkriven virulentni gen stx1, kod njih pet (6 %) gen stx2, a u sljedećih pet izolata (6 %) oba gena, stx1 i stx2. U osam je izolata (9,5 %) pronađen gen ehxA, a u njih tri (3,7 %) gen eae. Svi su ti geni karakteristični za patotip STEC, koji proizvodi Shiga toksin. Gen fimH pronađen je u sedamdeset i četiri (88,1 %) izolata. Od virulentnih gena tipičnih za ekstraintestinalne patogene sojeve E. coli, gen hra je pronađen u devet (11 %), gen ompTAPEC u osam (9,5 %), a gen iha u šest (7 %) izolata. U jednom su izolatu otkriveni geni kpsMTII, sfa, usp i vat, dok geni hlyA, bmaE, cnf, hpb, sat i plazmidni geni otpornosti na kinolone qnr nisu pronađeni u ispitanim izolatima. Rezultati pokazuju da razni prehrambeni proizvodi zaista predstavljaju izvor intestinalnih, te u manjoj mjeri ekstraintestinalnih patogenih sojeva E. coli.Since food represents a possible source of pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli strains, we analyzed 84 isolates from food samples identified in 2007 and 2008 at the National Institute of Public Health in Slovenia. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the isolates were classified into phylogenetic groups and subgroups following the Clermont method. Forty-two (50 %) and thirty (35.7 %) isolates were classified into commensal gut phylogenetic groups A and B1, respectively. Only ten (11.9 %) and two (2.4 %) isolates were assigned to the phylogenetic groups D and B2, which include mainly extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains. The strains were further analyzed for the presence of various virulence genes and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance qnr genes. Virulence genes stx1, stx2, both stx1 and stx2, ehxA and eae associated with Shiga-toxin producing E. coli were detected in one (1.2 %), five (6 %), five (6 %), eight (9.5 %) and three (3.7 %) isolates, respectively. Seventy-four (88.1 %) isolates carried the gene fimH, whereas virulence genes characteristic of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli, hra, ompTAPEC and iha, were detected in nine (11 %), eight (9.5 %) and six (7 %) isolates, respectively. Genes kpsMTII, sfa, usp and vat were discovered in single isolates, whereas hlyA, bmaE, cnf, hbp and sat, as well as plasmid- mediated quinolone resistance genes qnr, were not detected in the analyzed strains. Our results show that various food items are indeed a source of intestinal and, albeit to a lesser extent, of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli strains

    Preventing Conflicts within Startup Teams

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    V magistrski nalogi raziskujem, kako izboljšati delovanje disfunkcionalnih timov, in iščem dobre prakse za preprečevanje nekonstruktivnih konfliktov. Z učinkovitim preprečevanjem le?teh lahko startupi pripomorejo k večji produktivnosti tima in posledično rasti podjetja. Startup podjetništvo prispeva h gospodarski rasti držav, promociji raziskovalno?inovacijskega sistema ter v družbo vnaša vrednote proaktivnosti. Da pa je startup lahko čim bolj uspešen, morajo biti najprej postavljeni trdni temelji, ki jih sestavlja povezan tim. Bolj ko je tim stabilen, večja možnost obstaja, da razvije solidarnost in zaupanje, ki sta pomembna za večjo učinkovitost startupa. V teoretičnem delu opredeljujem koncepte s področja dela v timu, konfliktov in startupov, jih analiziram in povezujem z metodami preprečevanja konfliktov. V empiričnem delu pa raziskovalna vprašanja podprem z intervjuji, ki sem jih opravila z uspešnimi podjetniki iz Silicijeve doline. Delo s pomočjo kvalitativne metodologije pokaže, da je tim eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov za uspeh startupa. Pri tem pomembno vlogo igrajo komunikacija, ki temelji na zaupanju in spoštovanju, deljenje temeljnih vrednot in visoka čustvena inteligentnost posameznikov, ki so pripravljeni skupaj reševati probleme in izzive.As author of the master\u27s thesis, I investigated how to improve dysfunctional teams and searched for good practices to prevent deconstructive conflicts. By effectively preventing them, startups can help increase productivity of the team and consequently the growth of the company. Startup entrepreneurship contributes to the economic growth of countries, the promotion of research and innovation system and introduces the values of pro-activity into society. However, for startups to be as successful as possible they first need to have a solid foundation, which consists of a well-connected team. The more stable the team, the greater the chance there is to develop solidarity and trust, which are important for a greater efficiency of the startup. In the theoretical section, I defined the concepts in the field of teamwork, conflicts and startups, analysed them and linked them with methods of conflict prevention. In the empirical section, the research questions were supported by interviews with successful entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley. With the help of a qualitative methodology, my work shows that the team is one of the key factors for the success of a startup. The important components are that communication is based on trust and respect, members of the team share core values and having highly emotional intelligent individuals who are willing to solve problems and challenges jointly