3,157 research outputs found

    Opportunities for faculty-librarian collaboration in an expanded dentistry curriculum.

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    With the increased emphasis on evidence-based practice, developing information literacy (IL), as well as other literacies (e.g., oral), earlier in programs is becoming widely accepted in medicine and allied fields. However with long-standing programs integration of IL instruction is often unplanned at the programmatic level. This contributes to deficiencies in advanced students and frustrations for students and faculty. The Indiana University School of Dentistry has expanded its Dental Hygiene curriculum from a two-year program to a four-year Bachelor of Science. This expansion provided the opportunity to plan integration of information and oral health literacy instruction and evidence-based practice across the new curriculum. Library and Dental Hygiene faculty collaborated to adapt existing undergraduate and oral health pedagogies and assessments, as well as create new ones which are appropriate for integration into various courses. This expanded curriculum integrates lesson plans, assignments, and assessments that support dental hygiene and other health fields but also complement general education and provide transferrable skills for any major. Courses have heavy librarian integration, both in the classroom and the course management software, as well as asynchronous learning tools, with opportunities for team teaching and robust student assessment, including authentic assessment

    Greater return on women's enterprise (GROWE) : final report and recommendations of the women's enterprise task force. SEEDA, women’s enterprise task force.

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    This Women’s Enterprise Task Force (WETF) report, Greater Return On Women’s Enterprise (GROWE), sets out the economic case for women’s enterprise and advises partners and stakeholders how to achieve a greater economic return from investment in women’s enterprise. The Task Force has framed its recommendations to maximise existing investment and resources. We are mindful of the Government’s Business Support Simplification Programme and the effect the recession will continue to have on public spending, and so suggest that relevant Government departments and private sector organisations work together to streamline support and make best use of existing investment. In providing thought leadership to increase the quantity, scalability and success of women’s enterprise in the UK, the WETF has informed the national agenda on women’s enterprise for the last three years, concentrating its efforts on five specific Pillars: 1. gender-disaggregated business data 2. female-friendly business support 3. access to finance and technology 4. supplier diversity and procurement 5. strategic influencing and awareness raising. WETF highlights of the past three years include paving the way for a Business Link national data disaggregation methodology whilst influencing and shaping the establishment, direction and implementation of Aspire, a £12.5m women’s co-investment fund to support high-growth women-owned businesses. Alongside this, the WETF has played an important role in raising awareness of the economic case for women’s enterprise and the potential of female entrepreneurs in aiding the UK’s economic recovery. Perhaps most importantly, the WETF met with the Prime Minister and saw important policy developments taken forward in the Government’s Enterprise Strategy of March 2008. In 2009 the WETF contributed to the enterprise knowledge bank by producing two research reports into women’s enterprise: Impact of the Recession on Women’s Enterprise and Myths and Realities of Women’s Access to Finance. The Task Force welcomes progress made by the Ethnic Minority Business Task Force (EMBTF) in the advocacy of complementary areas which include the need for access to finance, disaggregated data and supplier diversity. Much of the groundwork for the WETF’s work was laid out in the Government’s 2003 publication, A Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise. In 2003, it was estimated that women constituted around 27% of self-employed people in the UK, and that only 12-14% of businesses were majority-owned by women (compared to 28% in the USA). From the Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise, to the establishment of the WETF and the Enterprise Strategy, Government has shown the importance that it attaches to women in enterprise and its recognition of the increased economic benefits women can contribute to UK plc. This must be even more important in emerging from recession. Recently, Government has a produced a policy statement, Building Britain’s Future: New Industry, New Jobs (NINJ), which sets out Government’s vision for economic recovery and growth by targeted intervention aimed at hightech, high-growth firms. The WETF has several recommendations for how enterprising women can take advantage of these interventions. Enterprise has a significant role to help women remain economically active and increase the productivity and international competitiveness of the UK. Recent figures from 2009 show that women, who make up 46% of the workforce, now constitute nearly 29% of the self-employed in the UK (up 2 percentage points). 15% of the 4.8 million enterprises in the UK are now majority-led by women. The longer-term quantitative targets outlined in the Framework included women accounting for 40% of customers using Government sponsored business support services; and women-owned businesses accounting for 18-20% of the UK total. Government has gone some way towards achieving these targets. Today, women-owned businesses account for around one third of Business Link customers, a major increase on the 22.3% or nearly 150,000 women customers in Q1 of 2005/6. However, overall progress has been very slow and neither of the Framework targets set for completion by 2006 has yet been met. More work needs to be done to address this and the other issues facing women’s enterprise today. This report examines how to further increase the current £70 billion Gross Value Added (GVA) and £130 billion turnover annual contribution made by women’s enterprise to the UK economy. Recent figures suggest that 900,000 more businesses would be created if the UK achieved the same levels of female entrepreneurship as in the US, resulting in an additional £23 billion GVA to the UK economy, thus largely closing the productivity gap with the US.1 In Britain alone, 150,000 extra businesses would be created per annum if women started businesses at the same rate as men.2 This is especially pertinent in this time of recession. With effective, targeted support, increasing the number of women entrepreneurs will be an important factor in driving economic recovery

    Who is Citing Undergraduate Theses in Institutional Digital Repositories?: Implications for Scholarship and Information Literacy

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    Undergraduate theses are available through open access institutional repositories. Is undergraduate work being integrated into the larger body of academic research, and, if so, how? Institutional repositories containing undergraduate theses were selected and titles were searched using the forward citation feature in Google Scholar to determine if and where undergraduate scholarship is being cited. Results show that 24% of citations to senior theses were in peer-reviewed or refereed journals, and 33% in dissertations and theses. This paper addresses citation source and the potential value of undergraduate scholarship as well as the implications for information literacy instruction to senior thesis students

    For the Dissemination of Useful Knowledge the Workingmen's Institute, New Harmony, Indiana

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    Southern Indiana holds a treasure, the Workingmen’s Institute. Founded in 1838 by William Maclure, it is the oldest continuously operating public library in the state of Indiana. While the origins of the Workingmen’s Institute (WMI) and its history in the community of New Harmony are fascinating subjects, they have also been well documented. Rather than focusing on the past, this article attempts to focus on the present and future of the Workingman’s Institute as it continues to define its three separate functions: public library, museum, and special collection

    Testing Lesniaski’s Revised Brief Test

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    In 2004, Lesniaski revised White’s Brief Test methodology for smaller academic libraries that lack sufficient subject specialist librarians to perform the brief tests as originally proposed byWhite. As a part of regular collection development, Cowles Library implemented Lesniaski’s Brief Tests on the print monograph collection. While primarily a review of Lesniaski’s methodology, this article also discusses how the Brief Tests were used for improved collection evaluation and maintenance

    Improving First-Year Student Research And Information Literacy Pedagogy By Integrating Librarians

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    Presented at the 2016 E. C. Moore SymposiumA faculty member and librarian collaborated to adapt a new programmatic IUPUI Bridge/FYS information literacy curriculum to a highly disciplinary, pre-professional course (Dental Hygiene). Development of information literacy instruction that met all the needs of students in the first year experience was only allowable through the close collaboration and multiple levels of library intervention during curriculum scaffolding

    We Are History Too: Using Text Sets to Honor Latinx Stories in Social Studies and ELA Integrated Instruction

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    Recognizing the need include more Latinx voices and experiences in elementary social studies curriculum, the authors discuss using texts sets as a way to develop integrated and meaningful social studies instruction. The authors define text sets, provide resources for creating Latinx text sets for integrated social studies and ELA instruction, and include a specific example of how to use a text set focused on Latinx activism in the classroom

    We Are History Too: Using Text Sets to Honor Latinx Stories in Social Studies and ELA Integrated Instruction

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    Recognizing the need include more Latinx voices and experiences in elementary social studies curriculum, the authors discuss using texts sets as a way to develop integrated and meaningful social studies instruction. The authors define text sets, provide resources for creating Latinx text sets for integrated social studies and ELA instruction, and include a specific example of how to use a text set focused on Latinx activism in the classroom
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