4,286 research outputs found


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    Reactivation, Retrieval, Replay and Reconsolidation in and Out of Sleep: Connecting the Dots

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    The neurobiology of memory has taken on a new look over the past decade. Re-discovery of cue-dependent amnesia, wide availability of functional imaging tools and increased dialog among clinicians, cognitive psychologists, behavioral neuroscientists, and neurobiologists have provided impetus for the search for new paradigms for the study of memory. Memory is increasingly viewed as an open-ended process, with retrieval being recognized as an intricate part of the encoding process. New memories are always made on the background of past experience, so that every consolidation is, in fact reconsolidation, serving to update and strengthen memories after retrieval. Spontaneous reactivation of memory circuits occurs during sleep and there is converging evidence from rodent and human studies that this is an important part of the extended off-line memory processing. The noradrenergic neuromodulatory system is engaged at retrieval, facilitating recall. The noradrenergic system is also activated during sleep after learning and noradrenergic neurons fire in concert with cortical oscillations that are associated with reactivation of memory circuits. We suggest that the noradrenergic system and perhaps other neuromodulatory systems, may be a key to linking off-line memory reactivation, retrieval, and memory reconsolidation processes at both synaptic and systems levels, in and out of sleep

    Aktywności przyśrodkowej kory czołowej szczura podczas treningu dyskryminacji węchowej - rejestracja pojedynczych komórek

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    Po sesji doświadczalnej podczas której szczur uczy się kierować właściwym zapachem by odnaleźć nagrodę pokarmową, w przyśrodkowej korze czołowej (medial frontal cortex, mFCx) następuje istotny wzrost ekspresji c-fos [6]. W celu poznania dynamiki aktywacji mFCx podczas wykonywania tego zadania konieczne było zastosowanie metod elektrofizjologicznych. Dzięki chronicznej implantacji elektrod osadzonych na mikromanipulatorach rejestrowaliśmy aktywność pojedynczych komórek mFCx podczas kolejnych faz sesji treningowej. Około 35% badanych neuronów zaangażowanych było w samo wykonanie zadania - ich aktywność wzrastała w czasie trwania kolejnych prób równolegle ze skróceniem latencji poprawnych odpowiedzi. W przypadku 40% komórek zaobserwowaliśmy toniczny wzrost częstości wyładowań w 2- 3minutowych okresach międzypróbowych. Sądzimy, że populacja aktywna pomiędzy próbami może być częścią systemu pamięci przechowującą świeżo zdobyte informacje do wykorzystania w bliższej i dalszej przyszłości.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    The Process and Meaning of Collecting Ethnographic Textiles.

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    Consumption is one way individuals effectively deal with their feelings of anomie, or social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values, in contemporary, postmodern society. Through the purchase and use of particular products, consumed objects create or produce personal identities. A specialized form of consumption, collecting, in this case ethnographic textile collecting, plays a key role in the quest for self-authentication and community in contemporary Western Culture. In this paper, twelve collectors of ethnographic textiles were interviewed to better understand the manners and meanings of collecting as a specialized form of consumption. The collectors of ethnographic textiles used their collections as a way to both express their personal identity and become part of a larger community of textile collectors. Arnould and Prices\u27s (2000) theoretical model of authenticating acts and authoritative performances guided the analysis of the spoken word of the collectors interviewed

    Adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study: Overview of substance use assessment methods.

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    One of the objectives of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (https://abcdstudy.org/) is to establish a national longitudinal cohort of 9 and 10 year olds that will be followed for 10 years in order to prospectively study the risk and protective factors influencing substance use and its consequences, examine the impact of substance use on neurocognitive, health and psychosocial outcomes, and to understand the relationship between substance use and psychopathology. This article provides an overview of the ABCD Study Substance Use Workgroup, provides the goals for the workgroup, rationale for the substance use battery, and includes details on the substance use module methods and measurement tools used during baseline, 6-month and 1-year follow-up assessment time-points. Prospective, longitudinal assessment of these substance use domains over a period of ten years in a nationwide sample of youth presents an unprecedented opportunity to further understand the timing and interactive relationships between substance use and neurocognitive, health, and psychopathology outcomes in youth living in the United States

    An Analysis of the Implications of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment for Coverage of Medically Indicated Abortions

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    This analysis examines the implications for coverage of medically indicated abortions under the Stupak/Pitts Amendment (Stupak/Pitts) to H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. In this analysis we focus on the Amendment\u27s implications for the health benefit services industry as a whole. We also consider the Amendment\u27s implications for the growth of a market for public or private supplemental coverage of medically indicated abortions. Finally, we examine the issues that may arise as insurers attempt to implement coverage determinations in which abortion may be a consequence of a condition, rather than the primary basis of treatment