17 research outputs found


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    Zamjena prirodnoga tla i vegetacije s „umjetnim” površinskim objektima ima za posljedicu promjenu temperature okolnoga zraka, ali i tla tijekom cijele godine. Razlozi su tomu neizravno Sunčevo zagrijavanje urbanih građevina, toplinski gubitci objekata te promjene i korištenje samoga tla. Takva pojava naziva se i „otokom urbanoga zagrijavanja” i lakše se opaža tijekom noći kada naselja oslobađaju toplinu nakupljenu tijekom dana. Tijekom dnevnoga razdoblja takva pojava također se dobro opaža u gusto naseljenim gradovima smještenim u pustinjskim i polupustinjskim područjima. U radu je opisana mješovita vjerojatnosno-deterministička metoda za procjenu temperature plitkoga podzemlja. Temelji se na geološkim, hidrogeološkim, klimatskim te urbanim (korelacija prekrivenosti zemljišta i gustoće naseljenosti) podatcima. Načinjeno je kartiranje na odabranoj mreži te su rezultati uspoređeni s temperaturama tla i vodonosnika (dostupni u literaturi). To je napravljeno za nekoliko gradova na Apeninskome poluotoku i u alpskoj zoni. Provjera je potvrdila kako su rezultati dobro polazište za znatno detaljnije, regionalno kartiranje promjene temperature tla.The replacement of natural soil and vegetation by artificial surfaces increases temperatures of the surrounding air and subsurface throughout the year, because of indirect solar heating of urban structures, building heat losses and land use change. This phenomenon is called Urban Heat Island and it can be better perceived during night-time, when the city releases the heat accumulated during the day. During day-time, due to relatively small amounts of solar radiation received by urban surface, especially in high-density cities in arid and semi-arid climates, Urban Cool Island can be identified as well. The present work illustrates a mixed probabilistic-deterministic method to estimate ground temperature at shallow depth, starting from information on geology, hydrogeology, climate, but also urban presence, through correlations with global land cover and population density. A dedicated mapping on regular grid has been produced. Results have been compared with ground and aquifer temperature available in the literature, for some representative cities of Italian Peninsula and Alpine Zone. Preliminary validations are encouraging and can be taken as a starting point for more comprehensive mapping of ground temperature evolution at regional scale


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    U svakome rudarskom zahvatu postoji granična vrijednost korisne sirovine (komponente) unutar rude. Ona određuje ekonomsku isplativost rudarenja, odnosno određivanje rudarene stijene kao korisne sirovine ili jalovine. Dio sirovine u kojoj je udjel metala veći ili jednak graničnoj vrijednosti naziva se rudom, a u suprotnome slučaju jalovinom koja se odlaže. Međutim, kako potražnja za metalima raste, tako prije određeni jalovinski dijelovi, zbog smanjivanja potrebne koncentracije metala za ekonomski isplativu obradu, postaju isplativi za preradu. Ovdje je prikazana uporaba multivarijantne geostatistike za procjenu udjela željeza na dvama odlagalištima, s podatcima prikupljenim u ležištu mineralne sirovine i na mjestu odlaganja njezine jalovine. Prvo odlagalište obilježeno je povećanom koncentracijom fosfora ((P %) > 0,6 %), a drugo željeza ((Fe %) 0.6 %), while the other by iron concentration ((Fe %)< 50%). Since economic and physical constraints made sampling physically and economically problematic, the grade distribution and variability were estimated on the basis of primary blast-hole data from the main ore body and the mine’s long-term planning policy. A geostatistical model was applied to the excavated part of the iron deposit and the stockpile, by reconstructing ore selection, haulage and piling method. Results were validated through spatial variability of iron and phosphorous concentrations by comparing grade variability (Fe and P) with mining and pilling units. This methodology allows characterizing the iron grades within stockpiles without any extra sampling

    Macro-Scale Underground Geomechanical and Thermal Mapping for Very Shallow Geothermal Applications

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    The document is an extended abstract presented at "GeoENV 2016", the 11th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Application Conference, 6-8 July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal


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    Plitka, potpovršinska, temperatura (na dubinama plićim od 50 m) nije konstantna, niti u prostoru, niti vremenu. Takve promjene posljedica su utjecaja toplinskih „pulseva” različitoga podrijetla poput Sunčeva, geotermalnoga ili ljudskoga. Točna procjena temperature ključni je čimbenik kod planiranja energetskih sustava temeljenih na plitkoj geotermalnoj energiji. U takvim projektima, temeljenim na izmjenjivačima topline u plitkim bušotinama, potpovršinska je temperatura promjenjivija, što utječe na iznos pridobivanja topline, tj. utiskivanja fluida. Praćenje takvih promjena važno je stoga kod svih projekata toplinskih izmjenjivača vezanih uz plitka geotermalna ležišta. U radu je prikazan praktičan oblik toga, ali i glavni problemi koje je moguće susresti tijekom instaliranja, testiranja ili uporabe potrebne geotermalne opreme. Dan je primjer polja u kojemu je smješteno osam koaksijalnih izmjenjivača topline, 30 metara dugačkih te povezanih s prototipom uređaja dvostruke toplinske crpke (zračne i dubinske).Ground temperature at shallow depth (< 50 m) is not stable, nor in space, neither in time, and its behaviour is the result of superimposition of effects of heat pulses of different origin: solar, geothermal and anthropic. The correct assessment of ground temperature is a crucial point when designing a shallow geothermal energy system. In geothermal closed loop projects, more the borehole heat exchangers are short, more the contribution of the ground temperature variability on the heat exchange is prominent. Monitoring ground temperature can be very useful to correctly understand the behaviour of a shallow geothermal reservoir subjected to heat extraction and/or injection by a ground source heat pump system. The present work illustrates the practical aspects and main issues occurred in the installation, testing and working phases of a monitoring system realised to record ground temperature in a geothermal application. The case study is a field of eight coaxial borehole heat exchangers, 30 m long, connected to a novel prototype of dual source (air and ground) heat pump


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    The replacement of natural soil and vegetation by artificial surfaces increases temperatures of the surrounding air and subsurface throughout the year, because of indirect solar heating of urban structures, building heat losses and land use change. This phenomenon is called Urban Heat Island and it can be better perceived during night-time, when the city releases the heat accumulated during the day. During day-time, due to relatively small amounts of solar radiation received by urban surface, especially in high-density cities in arid and semi-arid climates, Urban Cool Island can be identified as well. The present work illustrates a mixed probabilistic-deterministic method to estimate ground temperature at shallow depth, starting from information on geology, hydrogeology, climate, but also urban presence, through correlations with global land cover and population density. A dedicated mapping on regular grid has been produced. Results have been compared with ground and aquifer temperature available in the literature, for some representative cities of Italian Peninsula and Alpine Zone. Preliminary validations are encouraging and can be taken as a starting point for more comprehensive mapping of ground temperature evolution at regional scale

    Deliverable D2.4 GEOTeCH Project. Report on the field trials of the augers and drill rig

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    Part of the work carried out in WP 2 of the GEOTeCH project involve field trials. These trials have the aim to select, design, test and evaluate components of the drill rig and the augers under development. We refer to the following: -Task 2.4. (M9-M14 Field trials of augers) -Task 2.6. (M4-M24 Drill rig design and prototyping). The results of the development and the testing were presented in deliverable 2.3. (M24 Drill rig and tooling operational and tested). In the current deliverable 2.4 relevant information from these field trials described above has been selected and is presented. Further field trials that are part of this report are the field trials carried out in preparation of the demo site installation (WP6) and the installation of the Tribano (IT) demo site in 2017. To compile the current report information from the following field experiments has been used: Field trials aimed at development of drill rig and components: - 2015 Amsterdam (NL): Initial field test with existing augers. - 2016 Emmeloord (NL): Field testing of augers and drill rig components. - 2016 Emmeloord (NL): Field testing of augers. - 2017 Emmeloord (NL): Field testing of heat exchanger installation. Field trials aimed at testing completed equipment and installation procedure: - 2017 Tribano (IT): Hiref demo site installation. - 2018 Leicester (UK): DMU demo site installation. - 2018 Amsterdam (NL): Groenholland demo site installation. Currently (month 32), the field trials at one of the demo sites (Tribano) is completed and the preparatory work for the demo sites in Leicester (UK) and Amsterdam (NL) has been completed and the sites await installation in the coming months. Both to Leicester and Amsterdam the pre demo site installation visits have been made and relevant information for the execution of the demo site installation is available. For the actual demo site installation and planning of the work we refer to WP6

    Suitability Evaluation of Specific Shallow Geothermal Technologies Using a GIS-Based Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Implementing the Analytic Hierarchic Process

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    The exploitation potential of shallow geothermal energy is usually defined in terms of site-specific ground thermal characteristics. While true, this assumption limits the complexity of the analysis, since feasibility studies involve many other components that must be taken into account when calculating the effective market viability of a geothermal technology or the economic value of a shallow geothermal project. In addition, the results of a feasibility study are not simply the sum of the various factors since some components may be conflicting while others will be of a qualitative nature only. Different approaches are therefore needed to evaluate the suitability of an area for shallow geothermal installation. This paper introduces a new GIS platform-based multicriteria decision analysis method aimed at comparing as many different shallow geothermal relevant factors as possible. Using the Analytic Hierarchic Process Tool, a geolocalized Suitability Index was obtained for a specific technological case: the integrated technologies developed within the GEOTeCH Project. A suitability map for the technologies in question was drawn up for Europe

    Deliverable D7.2. GEOTeCH Project. Mapping and Risk Assessment

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    This document presents Deliverable 7.2 \u201cMapping and Risk Assessment\u201d (UNIBO, M30) and provides consortium partners with a general overview of the qualitative and quantitative potential of GEOTeCH technologies (a combination of auger drilling technology, spiral geoexchangers, and dual source heat pump) in Europe. The key indicators used for mapping are the results of the activity performed in Task 7.1 (M1-M30). A specific procedure tailored on GEOTeCH technologies and combining different information sources was adopted to define the indicators. Relevant inputs were provided by Work Package 2 (drilling), WP3 (geoexchange) and WP4 (heat pump). The purpose of this document is to present the three final maps of the activity at European level: 1 the map of sustainable drilling conditions (up to 50 m depth); a drillability index was realised to identify the potential of the GEOTeCH drilling machine in different geological and hydrogeological conditions; 2 the map of thermal parameters at appropriate depths (up to 50 m depth); estimations of ground temperature and depth and thickness of neutral zone, where the weather ambient becomes negligible, were performed, to identify the optimum depth of installation of GEOTeCH heat exchanger; 3 the map of areas suitable for the installation of innovative GEOTeCH technologies; a suitability index was realised to provide a qualitative evaluation of the potential of market introduction and practical application of integrated GEOTeCH technology (drilling + heat exchanger + dual source heat pump). Together with the Market Assessment (D7.1, M18), the maps provided in the present Deliverable will be used by Project Consortium Members to develop the Business Models (D7.3, M36), the Business Plans (D7.4, M48) and the Final Plan for the Exploitation of Results (D7.6, M48) of the GEOTeCH Project technological outputs

    Законодательная техника в условиях инновационного развития общества

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    The exploitation potential of shallow geothermal energy is usually defined in terms of site-specific ground thermal characteristics. While true, this assumption limits the complexity of the analysis, since feasibility studies involve many other components that must be taken into account when calculating the effective market viability of a geothermal technology or the economic value of a shallow geothermal project. In addition, the results of a feasibility study are not simply the sum of the various factors since some components may be conflicting while others will be of a qualitative nature only. Different approaches are therefore needed to evaluate the suitability of an area for shallow geothermal installation. This paper introduces a new GIS platform-based multicriteria decision analysis method aimed at comparing as many different shallow geothermal relevant factors as possible. Using the Analytic Hierarchic Process Tool, a geolocalized Suitability Index was obtained for a specific technological case: the integrated technologies developed within the GEOTeCH Project. A suitability map for the technologies in question was drawn up for Europe