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    Urban planning is a solution to problems that may arise as a result of the continued increase in the population of the city which is also associated with a variety of activities which then affect land use and urban mobility, these causing transportation problems to be identified at this time so that preventive actions can be planned for the future. In Bandarlampung as a Metropolitan City, it can be seen that the population is increasingly dense and its activities are increasingly diverse as seen on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, which is surrounded by heterogeneous land uses like residential areas, trade and service areas and public service areas where Jalan Urip Sumoharjo is a strategic road for in Bandarlampung. So the purpose of this research are to identify the model of trip generation and trip attraction that determine the factors causing the movement of residential area of Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. The research method used are multiple linear regression and descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the analysis result, the factors that influence movement on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo are family members, number of working family members, average distance and time of movement, monthly income, vehicle ownership, purpose and travel destination, and accessibility

    Identifikasi Kemajuan Penerapan Konsep Kota Cerdas di Kota Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRAKKonsep kota cerdas yang populer di dunia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah menjadikan banyak kota lebih efektif dan efisien dalam tata kelolanya. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) melekat dalam proses pengembangannya dengan berbagai macam otomatisasi dan kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang membantu keberjalanannya. Hal tersebut tentu baik bagi kota jika penerapannya dapat berhasil mencapai tujuan. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka penelitian ini melakukan identifikasi kemajuan penerapan kota cerdas pada salah satu kota di Indonesia yaitu Kota Yogyakarta yang juga sudah menerapkan konsep kota cerdas sejak tahun 2018 dan masih kental dengan budayanya sehingga tidak melupakan kearifan lokal yang juga penting dipertahankan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kemajuan penerapan kota cerdas di Kota Yogyakarta yang selanjutnya dibandingkan pada salah satu kota cerdas terbaik pada aspek manajemen dan kebencanaan di dunia yaitu Kota Matsuyama menggunakan analisis gap. Kemudian pada akhir penelitian, diberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil analisis gap berupa rencana pengembangan untuk mengoptimalkan penerapan konsep kota cerdas di Kota Yogyakarta. ABSTRACTThe smart city concept that is popular in the world in recent years has made many cities more effective and efficient in their management. The use of information and communication technology (ICT) is inherent in the development process with various kinds of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) that help it run. It is certainly good for the city if its implementation can successfully achieve the goal. Based on this statement, this study identifies the progress of implementing smart cities in one of the cities in Indonesia, namely the City of Yogyakarta, which has also implemented the smart city concept since 2018 and is still thick with culture so that it does not forget local wisdom which is also important to maintain. This research was conducted by identifying the progress of implementing a smart city in Yogyakarta City which was then compared to one of the best smart cities in terms of management and disaster aspects in the world, namely Matsuyama City using gap analysis. Then at the end of the stud, recommendations are given based on the results of the gap analysis in the form of a development plan to optimize the application of the smart city concept in the city of Yogyakarta