15 research outputs found


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    Dalam perkembangan teknologi yang pesat di zaman era digital saat ini keperluan untuk mengakses suatu informasi ataupun bertukar informasi sangat penting hal itupun saat ini biasa disebut sebagai aktifitas internet. Tentunya dengan dapat mengakses internet akan dapat banyak keuntungan bahkan milyaran keuntungan. Ruang  LAB komputer di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muara Padang belum mendukung adanya akses internet. Untuk itu penulis melakukan perancangan pembangunan jaringan di LAB Komputer SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muara Padang agar dapat mengakses internet. Jenis jaringan yang sesuai untuk ruang LAB adalah jaringan LAN (Local Area Network

    Analisis Performance Progressive Web Apps Pada Aplikasi Shopee

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    Progressive web App is a web-based application development that includes the application of the latest technology from a browser that can be accessed quickly into one application without having to install. Progressive web applications can run like mobile applications in general, and the user interface is like using native applications. Progressive web app was invented in 1990. Progressive web App uses the latest Technology to produce web apps that provide a better User Experience and User Interface than mobile native. Progressive web app that is supported by a system called Service Worker, where the technology provides Offline Functionality, Notifications, Content Updates, Connectivity Changes and others. So that in a slow connection or an unstable connection you can access websites quickly and have the same appearance as the last time you opened the application via a Web Browser. This progressive web app can optimize web app performance to allow users to have an accessible experience with quickly and easily through browsers such as notebooks, personal computers or through mobile devices. This progressive web app is a service worker that allows a web app that can be run through all existing browsers and has a fairly simple and transparent process. So that the page that is opened, on the service worker site which is a proxy client that can be written in javascript, as well as being able to cache the assets needed for offline support which can determine certain events to activate the service worker such as push notifications, camera, and background sync. Keywords : Progressive Web Apps, Web, User Interface, Native Apps, User Experienc


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi persediaan Obat pada Apotek Cahaya Palembang sehingga dalam proses penginputan dan pengolahan data Obat, Lokasi Obat, Supplier, Penjualan Obat, Pembelian Obat lebih muda dan meminimalisisr terjadinya kesalahan.  Untuk merancang aplikasi persediaan Obat digunakan metode pengembangan sistem Waterfall serta didesain dengan menggunakan UML. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Delfi, pada aplikasi ini menggunakan repot sehingga dapat mempermuda dalam proses pembuatan laporan

    Desain Aplikasi Pelayanan Keluhan Pelanggan Icon+ Berbasis Mobile Pada PT. Indonesia Comnet Plus SBU Palembang

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    Along with the increasing number of internet service users at PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+), the number of customer complaints about the services received also increases. At this time PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+) still does not have a system that accommodates customer complaints. Therefore, the author focuses on the purpose of this study to design a Customer Complaint Service Application design for PT. Indonesia Comnet Plus (ICON+) Palembang branch. The customer complaint application at PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+) is designed using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) tool which is used to describe the system designed and to make it easier to visualize the system designed by the author. This application is designed using Figma to design the user interface. Meanwhile, to design the database design the author uses a sqlite database. The research method applied in this research is the development of the waterfall method which describes a systematic and sequential approach (step by step) in software development. (ICON+). Where customers can submit complaints through this application without having to come directly to the ICON + Office to be more effective and time and cost efficient. As for PT PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+) this application can provide convenience in managing customer complaints related to services that are being used by PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+) customers so that they can be handled properly.Keywords : ICON+, Design, Mobile, UML, Waterfal


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    Palembang State Junior High School 58 every year accepts new students, every year SMP N 58 always uses the form in registration and collects diplomas, SKHUN, and other files in hardcopy format so that they often experience file loss for that we need a new student admission information system based client-server and SMS gateway. This information system was designed using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, and an analysis and design were carried out using a Data Flow Diagram. This information system has the function of saving, delete, update, report automatically, and can send information in the form of SMS. The new student admission information system is user friendly so that it can be easily used, so the admission process is more effective and there are no more missing file

    Membangun Jaringan Internet Kampung berbasis Hostpot RT/RW di kelurahan Kemas Rindo Palembang

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    The internet is a communication tool to find the information needed, not all areas are covered by the internet. Internet service providers as internet service providers also offer expensive packages beyond the ability of residents, in this study designing an internet network in Kemas Rindo village to help residents get cheap and good internet facilities. In this study using the waterfaal method in building an internet network, analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance were carried out. Based on the area of 3027 hectares and the number of community units as many as 8 RWs in the Kemas Rindo sub-district, 8 CPE points were built with Bridge mode. After finishing building the internet network, Quality of Service measurements were made on Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay (latency), Jitter and the results obtained were categorized as good or with an index value of 3 based on the reference value of Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks (TIPHON). The value obtained from the QoS measurement is throughput of 81.125, Packet Loss of 0.375, Delay of 150,625 and Jitter of 0.500. Keywords : Hostpot, RT RW Net, Kemas Rindo, Waterfall, Qo

    Perancangan sistem informasi berbasis web Pada Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Palembang

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    There must be changes made to the system being used in order for it to be more effective and efficient if we are to increase the level of quality health care for the common people. Collection of data is crucial for the society as a whole's health care system. With the presence of information retrieval, certain information can be uncovered to support a process of public health care that can address any need for public health information. As the sole facility for providing healthcare services, Muhammadiah Palembang C type Hospital is located on Jl. A. Yani 13 in the nearby village of Ulu II in the city of Palembang. The system's performance in maintaining outpatient patient in Muhammadiyah Hospital Palembang is less than optimal because outpatient data is still collected manually. Many problems that people face in their homes include problems with input, data expansion, and the occurrence of duplicate patient files, making data processing less effective and efficient. This can hinder the course of reports and smoothness in terms of service to patients. Because of this issue, it is necessary to develop a software application that can assist sick households, specifically in the administration of raw land, as well as in the reduction of costs associated with raw land, as well as in providing convenience in obtaining relevant, accurate, and timely information.Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang baik bagi masyarakat, perlu adanya perubahan dalam hal sistem yang digunakan agar lebih efektif dan efisien. Pengolahan data untuk pelayanan kesehatan didalam masyarakat sangat penting. Dengan adanya pengolahan data dapat disusun suatu informasi untuk membantu proses pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat menyajikan segala kebutuhan informasi layanan kesehatan masyarakat. Rumah Sakit Muhammadiayh Palembang merupakan rumah sakit kelas C adalah salah satu pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang berada di Jl. A. Yani 13 ulu kecamatan sebarang ulu II kota palembang kinerja sistem dalam pelayanan rawat jalan pasien yang berjalan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiayh Palembang tersebut masih belum optimal karena pada pengelolaan data rawat jalan masih dilakukan menggunakan media pembukuan yang bersifat manual. Banyak kendala yang dialami oleh pihak rumah sakit di antaranya adanya kesalahan dalam melakukan input, penyimpanan data, serta dapat terjadi kerangkapan arsip pasien, sehingga pengelolaan data jadi kurang efektif dan efisien. Hal tersebut dapat menghambat jalannya laporan dan kelancaran dalam hal pelayanan kepada pasien. Karena masalah tersebut dirancanglah suatu aplikasi yang dapat membantu rumah sakit khususnya bagian administrasi rawat jalan, dalam mempercepat proses penyajian informasi dan menghindari kesalahan dalam perhitungan biaya rawat jalan serta memberikan kemudahan dalam menghasilkan laporan yang relevan, akurat, dan tepat waktu

    Implementasi Clustering K-Means Terhadap Pemilihan Konsentrasi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Bahasa R

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    Some students in choosing concentration are like friends who don't pay attention to their abilities in that field. It is hoped that this research will form a concentration clustering pattern that is in accordance with the interests and abilities of the students. This grouping information in the selection of student concentration becomes one of the most important information, to get this information is to use the concept of data mining. Data mining is grouped based on the tasks performed, one of which is clustering. Clustering is the process of partitioning a set of data objects into subsets. The K-Means algorithm is a method for grouping objects into a number of K clusters.Abstrak Beberapa mahasiswa dalam memilih konsentrasi sifatnya ikut-ikutan teman yang tidak memperhatikan kemampuan mereka pada bidang tersebut. Diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini akan terbentuk pola pengelompokkan (clusterisasi) konsentrasi yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan dari mahasiswa. Informasi pengelompokkan ini dalam pemilihan konsentrasi mahasiswa menjadi salah satu informasi yang sangat penting, untuk mendapatkan informasi ini adalah dengan menggunakan konsep data mining. Data mining dikelompokan berdasarkan tugas yang dilakukan, salah satunya adalah clustering. Clustering merupakan proses mempartisi sekumpulan objek data menjadi subset. Algoritma K-Means merupakan metode untuk melakukan pengelompokkan objek ke sejumlah K klaster. Kata kunci—Bahasa R, Konsentrasi, Algoritma K-Means, Clusterin


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    Narkotika adalah zat atau obat yang berasal dari tumbuhan maupun bukan tumbuhan, baik sintetik maupun semi sintetik yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan atau perubahan kesadaran, hilangnya rasa nyeri dan dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan. Ada beberapa jenis narkotika yang biasa digunakan oleh para pecandu narkoba seperti sabu-sabu, ganja dan ekstasi. Di Kabupaten Banyuasin banyak terdapat daerah yang menjadi pengguna ketiga jenis narkotika tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan potensi lokasi  tingkat kerawanan pengguna narkoba di Kabupaten Banyuasin. Metode yang digunakan adalah Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM). Kriteria yang dijadikan dasar pengambilan keputusan adalah banyak pengguna, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan dan jenis narkoba yang digunakan. Metode ini bekerja dengan cara menentukan bobot dari setiap kriteria yang dibuat dalam aplikasi ini, kemudian dari masing-masing bobot tersebut akan dihitung dari nilai yang didapat dari jumlah pengguna, kemudian dilakukan rangking untuk mengetahui lokasi mana saja yang banyak pengguna narkotika di Kabupaten Banyuasin. Penelitian ini  menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan yang nantinya dapat membantu petugas BNK Banyuasin untuk menentukan potensi lokasi penggunaan narkoba di daerah tersebut

    Pengembangan Sistem Penggajian Berbasis Client Server

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    The payroll system is very necessary for every company, because every month the company has to pay its obligations to employees, PT. Bintang Gasing Persada has experienced problems in the payroll process, so a client server-based payroll system is needed. The system developed using the waterfall method which has 4 stages of analysis, design, coding and testing, the system was developed using the MySQL database and using the PHP programming language. This payroll system has functions of save, delete, update, automatic reports so that the use process is because the system is user friendly and the processing of employee salaries is more effective.Sistem penggajian sangat diperlukan setiap perusaahann, dikarenakan setiap bulan perusahaan harus membayar kewajibannya terhadap karyawan, PT. Bintang Gasing Persada mengalami kendala dalam proses penggajian sehingga diperlukan sistem pegggajian yang berbasis client server. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode waterfall yang mempunyai 4 tahapan yaitu analisa, desain, pengkodean dan pengujian, sistem dikembangkan dengan database mysql dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php. Sistem penggajian ini mempunyai fungsi simpan, hapus, update, laporan automatis sehingga mempermuda proses penggunaan karena sistem bersifat user friendly dan dalam proses pengolahan gaji karyawan lebih efekti