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    Abstrak: Hasil PISA 2015 dan PIRLS 2011 menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat literasi siswa SMP Indonesia. Gerakan literasi nasional sekolah yang digerakkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan hanya dilakukan perminggu sebagai basis kegiatan sekolah yang membiasakan siswa membaca. Lokakarya ini (dirancang dalam pembelajaran partisipatif) yang bertujuan untuk melatih guru Bahasa Inggris SMPN untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi kritis mereka dengan meneliti fungsi sosial, struktur skema, dan fitur leksiko-gramatikal dari berbagai teks naratif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menyeleksi 200 calon peserta yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Profesi Guru (Penggerak Pendidik Indonesia Jaya) menjadi 50 peserta yang memenuhi syarat berdasarkan desk evaluasi. Pra-tes dan lembar kerja diberikan kepada peserta terpilih sehari sebelum lokakarya. Lokakarya dilakukan dalam 2,5 jam melalui zoom. Post-test diberikan setelah pelatihan selesai. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman mengajar dan pelatihan guru tidak menunjukkan korelasi positif yang nyata dengan keterampilan tata bahasa dasar mereka. Para peserta juga membutuhkan pelatihan literasi kritis lebih lanjut dalam menarik kesimpulan dan memprediksi kemungkinan yang diperlukan secara berurutan dalam teks naratif. Persentase yang meningkat pada dimensi pengetahuan konseptual peserta direkomendasikan sebagai faktor yang dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan para guru tersebut. Abstract:  The 2015 PISA’s result ad the 2011 PIRLS’ result showed the low level of Indonesian SMP students’ literacy. The national as well as school-based literacy movement propagated by the Ministry of Education and Culture merely demonstrated the weekly school-based celebration on student’s reading habits. This workshop (designed in participatory learning) aims to train SMPN English teachers to enhance their critical literacy competence by scrutinizing the social function, schematic structure and lexico-grammatical features of various narrative texts. This was conducted by selecting 200 prospective participants who joined the teacher’s professional association (Penggerak Pendidik Indonesia Jaya) into 50 eligible ones based on their desk evaluation. Pre-test and worksheet were assigned to the selected participants one day prior to the workshop. The workshop was conducted in 2.5 hours via zoom. Post-test was given after the workshop completed. The results show that the teachers’ teaching as well as training experiences do not show overt positive correlation with their basic grammatical skills. The participants also need further critical literacy training on drawing conclusion and predicting possibilities entailing sequential events in the narrative texts. The escalated percentage on the participants’ conceptual knowledge dimension is recommended as the factor that they can further develop for their continuous professional development

    Patriarchal Language Evaluation of Muslim Women’s Body, Sexuality, and Domestication Discourse on Indonesian Male Clerics Preaching

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    Received 31 December 2021. Accepted 28 September 2022. Published online 10 October 2022.This nested case study (multiyear research critical discourse analysis—in this case, the first year) aims to provide support in the form of linguistic recommendations to the law reform, particularly on the issues of Muslim women’s bodies, sexuality, and domestication based on the textual analysis of the patriarchal language used by different Islamic strands: Muhammadiyah’s, Nahdlatul Ulama’s and Salafi’s clerics in their preaching in Indonesia. This is significant because such a study is relatively limited in Indonesian cases. However, it also shed light on how discrepant linguistic manners of these male clerics were deployed to voice their noblesse oblige about Muslim women’s body, sexuality, and domestication as regulatory discourse. The data—six videos of the respective lerics’ preaching— were taken from YouTube1 using purposeful stratified sampling. It is found that Muhammadiyah’s cleric delineated this discourse based on the segregation of dubious religiously correct and incorrect propriety, whereas Nahdlatul Ulama’s cleric, the apparent religious normality, and Salafi’s cleric, the plausible religious propriety