4 research outputs found


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    Meningkatnya fitur dan fungsi smartphone menyebabkan timbulnya efek negatif seperti nomophobia serta beberapa efek negatif terusan salah satunya kelelahan mata. Populasi yang rentan efek dari smartphone adalah remaja dikarenakan penggunaan yang intens. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh penggunaan handphone dan nomophobia terhadap kelelahan mata pada mahasiswa. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa STIKES Insan Unggul Surabaya. Sampel dipilih menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 64 orang. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan uji regresi logistik sederhana dan berganda. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar checklist. Hasil analisis multivariable yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa, durasi penggunaan handphone (0,03; aPR 4,95), nomophobia (0,04; aPR 4,52), gejala menggunakan handphone sebelum tidur (0,03; aPR 12,5), menggunakan handphone >30 kali sehari (0,03 ; aPR 35,6) berhubungan dengan kejadian kelelahan mata pada mahasiswa. Perlu dilakukan tindakan preventif untuk mengurangi dan mencegah timbulnya nomophobia pada mahasiswa sebelum menimbulkan masalah kesehatan lanjutan


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    The government is holding a School Child Immunization Month (BIAS) with the aim of protecting against diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD3I) until school age. The background was when children enter elementary school age there was a decrease in the level of immunity obtained during immunization when infants. The research objective was a description of the BIAS program based on a systems approach (input, process and output) using a descriptive design. Data collection was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with a number of 3 (three) informants consisting of 1 (one) immunization program coordinator, 1 (one) head of surveillance and immunization section, and 1 (one) health information system employee. BIAS activity reports were reported in stages according to the data source (from the Puskesmas) to the District/City Health Office, then the District/City Health Office conducts analysis and interpretation of the data for the needs of the immunization program. The Surabaya City Health Office through the Health Information System (SIK) unit is the first door in the flow of data processing and analysis. The priority problem that needs to be resolved immediately was the availability of the School Children's Health Report Card, as a media for recording the results of health screening in school children in which there was an immunization variable. The health report card for school children was one of the media that can provide education about the health status of school children, in the development of changes to the schedule and types of immunization in the BIAS program, it was necessary to record and report the immunization status of school children in an orderly manner. Strong commitment across programs and across sectors in all lines of society so that the death rate from PD31 will decrease

    Determinants of Multivitamin Supplement Consumption in College Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    One of the areas affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is Sumenep Regency. The vulnerable population is adolescence. Preventive measures that can be taken to maintain exposure to Covid-19 are the consumption of multivitamin supplements. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants that affect the consumption of multivitamin supplements for students in Sumenep Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. Type of quantitative research with Cross Sectional study design. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling.  The study was conducted online with a total of 300 respondents. The research was conducted online. The dependent variable is the consumption of multivitamin supplements. Independent variables are socio-demographic factors, social support and behavior in terms of planned behavior theory. The analysis was performed using multiple regression performed on SPSS 18. The determinant of multivitamin supplement consumption in students in Sumenep Regency is monthly income (aExp (B) 2,233; CI 1.152-4.329), information sources (aExp(B) 2.296; CI 1.091-4.833), residence category (aExp(B) 0.282; CI 0.080-0.989), knowledge (aExp(B) 2.843; CI 1,636-4,939), Family Emotional Support (aExp(B) 2,659; CI 1.422-4.971), Family Informational Support (aExp(B) 4.507; CI 1.824-11.135). It is important to always provide support to adolescents to regularly take multivitamin supplements in an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-1


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    Background: Indonesia is one of countries with a quite high incidence of tuberculosis. One of the regions which has issue of tuberculosis incidence is Bali Province with a case notification rate that tends to increase in the last three years so that it has an impact on increasing the risk of disease transmission. Purpose: This research aims to identify the risk factor based on the environment/spatial incidence of the tuberculosis in Bali Province. Methods: This research used ecological study design through secondary data obtained from the Health Office of Bali Province, Indonesian Statistics of Bali Province, and Environmental Office of Bali Province. The dependent variable was tuberculosis incidence, while the independent variable was the level of PM10, population density, poverty percentage, healthy house percentage, percentage of Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS), ratio of healthcare facilities with the community. Results: The statistical model was obtained in the form of Spatial Error Model (SEM) with model ŷi=1612,57+ 0,96 * level of PM10 + 0,04 * population density - 2,56 * poverty - 0,58 * Healthy house - 3,099 * PHBS - 0,006 * health care facility, where μi  = 0,90  . Conclusion: The risk factor spatially affected the tuberculosis incidence in Bali Province, which were the factors of level of PM10, population density, poverty percentage, healthy house percentage, percentage of PHBS, and ratio of healthcare facilities with the community