9 research outputs found

    Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas pada PT. Petrona Mining Contractors di Samarinda

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    Profitabilty is the ratio which aims to determine the company's ability to generate profits for a certain period and also given an idea of the effectiviness of management in their operation. The problem of this papare is fomulated : Profitabilty is at. Petrona mining contractors has increased from year 2011-2012 ? By hypothesis Profitability at. Petrona mining contractors from 2011 to 2012 has increased. The purpose of this study was determine the level of profitability at. Petrona mining contractors in samarinda from 2011-2012. Basic theory used is financial management by using tools of analysis and hypthesis testing are : Net Profit Margin, Retrun On Assets.Based on these discussion, it is generally known that the ratio of profitability at PT. Petrona Mining Contractors tend to fluctuate from year 2011-2012, so in this case the authors hypothesis is rejected, given the propsed hypothesis is the author of “ Profitability in PT. Petrona Mining Contractors from 2011 to 2012 has increased”

    Effect of Product Quality, Promotion, and Brand Image on Purchase Decision of Nike Sports Shoes (Case Study on S1 Fisip Undip Students)

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    Complex consumer needs all critical and followed increasingly competitive market competition lead to Nike Sports Shoes must to compete and also maintain their market consumer seized from its competitors. Consumers who take the decision to choose Nike Sports Shoes will consider various things before buying it. Consideration to make a decision consist of influenced the quality of the product, promotion, and brand image of Nike Sport Shoes. The problem in this research is Sports Shoes Nike fluctuation data during 2011 until 2013 seen from Top Brand Index. The research used explanatory research approach by collect data using questionnaire with a sample of 97 respondents in the S1 FISIP UNDIP students. Collection data used purposive sampling technique based on certain assumptions. Analysis techniques using validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, F test by SPSS 20.0 programs.Based on the results of statistical calculation with linear regression analysis can be shown by the regression equation Y = 4.261 + 0.073 X1 - X2 0.031 + 0.815 X3, from the regression equation is known that the quality of the product, promotion, and brand image has a positive influence on purchasing decisions. The results of the calculation of the determination coefficient is 0.429. It shows that the quality of product, promotion and brand image explain about purchase decision in 42.9% and 57.1% explained by other variables that are not observed.Suggestions for the company consist of to keep innovate and create better product quality, increase the frequency of advertising and sales promotion, and select great and appropriate brand ambassador.Complex consumer needs all critical and followed increasingly competitive market competition lead to Nike Sports Shoes must to compete and also maintain their market consumer seized from its competitors. Consumers who take the decision to choose Nike Sports Shoes will consider various things before buying it. Consideration to make a decision consist of influenced the quality of the product, promotion, and brand image of Nike Sport Shoes. The problem in this research is Sports Shoes Nike fluctuation data during 2011 until 2013 seen from Top Brand Index. The research used explanatory research approach by collect data using questionnaire with a sample of 97 respondents in the S1 FISIP UNDIP students. Collection data used purposive sampling technique based on certain assumptions. Analysis techniques using validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, F test by SPSS 20.0 programs.Based on the results of statistical calculation with linear regression analysis can be shown by the regression equation Y = 4.261 + 0.073 X1 - X2 0.031 + 0.815 X3, from the regression equation is known that the quality of the product, promotion, and brand image has a positive influence on purchasing decisions. The results of the calculation of the determination coefficient is 0.429. It shows that the quality of product, promotion and brand image explain about purchase decision in 42.9% and 57.1% explained by other variables that are not observed.Suggestions for the company consist of to keep innovate and create better product quality, increase the frequency of advertising and sales promotion, and select great and appropriate brand ambassador

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Buah Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) dalam Diluter Terhadap Persentase Hidup dan Motilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Simental Post Thawing

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pumpkin juice (Cucurbita moschata) addition in diluter on motility and viability of simmental spermatozoa post-thawing. This study used semen from healthy bull with normal libido. Each sample was divided into five group of treatments; (PO-) diluter only, (Po+) diluter mixed with aquadest, (Pl) diluter mixed with pumpkin juice 10%, (P2) diluter mixed with purnpkin juice 20%, and (P3) diluter mixed with purnpkin juice 30%. All of treatments were processed into frozen semen then followed by evaluation of sperm motility and viability post-thawing. Data were analyzed using ANOV A and continued by Duncan test. The results showed that addition of pumpkin juice in diluter can improve sperm motility and viability, there were significant differences (P<0.05) between groups. The mean and deviation results of P3 showed the highest rate in maintaining sperm motility and viability among all of treatments, which were 53.3 ± 5.2 and 61.7 ± 5.2 respectively. It can be concluded that addition of pumpkin juice at concentration of 30% is effective in maintaining sperm motility and viability of simmental bull post-thawing

    Peran dan Tanggung Jawab Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dalam Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pendaftaran Tanah

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    The research objective was to determine the Roles and Responsibilities of Land Deed Making Officials in the Implementation of Land Registration Activities as well as the responsibilities of the sub-district head as land deed maker official. While the deeds he made, the approach method used in this study was juridical normative or literature law research or legal research. Doctrinal, namely legal research by examining library materials and secondary materials, which in this case relates to the roles and responsibilities of temporary land deed-making officials in organizing land registration activities. The results of the research show that the Land Deed Authorization Officer has a very important role in assisting the Head of the Land Office to register land. And because of that, it is hoped that a Land Deed Making Official has good spirit and mentality as well as professionalism in carrying out his position serving the community in making land deeds, so that a sense of security and comfort from the community can be created and the purpose of land registration itself can be realized

    Prinsip Kehati-hatian Bagi Notaris/ppat dalam Menjalankan Tupoksinya dalam Upaya Pencegahan Kriminalisasi Berdasarkan Kode Etik

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    This study aims to determine 1) how the precautionary principle for Notary / PPAT in carrying out its position in prevention of criminalization based on Code of Conduct, 2) What factors become obstacles for Notary / PPAT in carrying out its position and 3) What if Notary / PPAT is subject to Code violation until criminalization occurs The problem approach used is the normative juridical approach.The result of this research is that the precautionary principle for Notary / PPAT in carrying out its position in prevention of criminalization based on code of ethics that a Notary must always implement the principle of prudence as an effort to prevent criminalization based on code of ethics related to responsibility both civil, Administration, code of ethics of notary and criminal law, then the factors that become obstacle for Notary / PPAT in carrying out their position related to the principle of prudence is the information given by the parties that facing may not be in accordance with the actual and Notary / PPAT in running His duties and positions are subservient to the NOtaris Office Law. Therefore, if a Notary commits an offense in performing his duties and positions, until the criminalization of Notary is threatened with sanctions as stated in UUJN. Sanctions against a Notary are categorized into 2 (two), namely civil sanction in the form of reimbursement of costs, compensation, and interest is the result that will be received by Notary on the demands of the tapers if the deed concerned only has the power of proof as deed under the hand or deed becomes null for the sake of law. Notary also still have to face the threat of sanction in the form of ethical sanction if Notary do violation to code of ethic of Notary, and even can be sentenced to criminal sanction in case of criminal violatio

    Implementasi Fuzzy C-Means dan Model RFM untuk Segmentasi Pelanggan (Studi Kasus : PT. XYZ)

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    Era globalisasi yang disertai dengan berlakunya MEA menyebabkan persaingan dalam berbagai sektor bisnis, termasuk sektor industri. Hal ini memaksa Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor industri di Indonesia untuk bersaing dengan negara-negara tetangga di ASEAN, termasuk PT. XYZ. Banyaknya Perusahaan kompetitor yang menawarkan harga rendah membuat pelanggan PT. XYZ beralih pada kompetitor. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, PT. XYZ telah melakukan berbagai kegiatan promosi dalam rangka mengelola hubungan dengan pelanggan. Namun kegiatan promosi selama ini diimplementasikan kepada semua pelanggan tanpa adanya segmentasi sehingga strategi promosi menjadi tidak efektif dan efisien. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah pelanggan tersebut, salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah menentukan segmentasi pelanggan. Segmentasi yang dilakukan menggunakan metode clustering Fuzzy C-Means. Sedangkan untuk menentukan jumlah K, metode yang digunakan adalah metode Elbow. Dalam proses clustering, diterapkan variabel RFM yang menggambarkan perilaku pelanggan dalam melakukan transaksi. Setelah hasil clustering muncul, cluster tersebut akan divisualisasikan sehingga memudahkan untuk menganalisa setiap cluster. Hasil dari clustering dengan Fuzzy C-Means dan model RFM adalah tiga segmen pelanggan. Segmen 1 adalah segmen terburuk dengan rata-rata nilai CLV 0.0538. Segmen 2 adalah segmen menengah dengan rata-rata nilai CLV 0.1674. Segmen 3 adalah segmen terbaik dengan rata-rata nilai CLV 0.3516. Segmen 1 memiliki 42 anggota, segmen 2 memiliki 64 anggota, dan segmen 3 memiliki 17 anggot

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Pulmonary TB Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic

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    Tuberkulosis paru merupakan salah satu penyakit menular kronis. Di Indonesia penyakit ini termasuk satu prioritas nasional untuk program pengendalian penyakit karena berdampak luas terhadap kualitas hidup dan ekonomi, serta sering mengakibatkan kematian. Untuk itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisa terhadap penyakit tb paru menggunakan logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic). Dalam penelitian ini informasi tentang tb_paru didapat dari para pakar dengan melakukan wawancara dengan pakar. Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka dibuat sebuah aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa tb_paru menggunakan fuzzy logic. Aplikasi sistem pakar berbasis web untuk mendiagnosa penyakit tb paru merupakan kebutuhan dari asisten dokter dan masyarakat umum. Oleh karena itu agar mendapatkan nilai informasi yang tepat dan cepat aplikasi sistem pakar ini akan dalam bentuk website. Dari 7 gejala yang ditimbulkan oleh penyakit tb paru ini dalam perhitungan fuzzy logic di dapat sebanyak 128 rule dan untuk perhitungan persentase keakuratannya sendiri sebesar 70,33%. Pembuatan aplikasi ini akan sangat membantu dalam melakukan diagnosa terhadap penderita tb paru

    Web E-commerce Dengan Sistem Prediksi Transaksi Penjualan Menggunakan Metode K-nearest Neighbor

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    Besarnya angka pengguna internet di Indonesia semakin membuka peluang bisnis baik di tingkat lokal maupun global. Perusahaan kecil dan besar berlomba-lomba memanfaatkan internet demi menunjang bisnis mereka. Penerapan teknologi e-commerce merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan penjualan suatu produk dari sebuah Perusahaan. Sistem prediksi jumlah transaksi penjualan dapat diterapkan pada aplikasi e-commerce. Metode K-Nearest Neighbor digunakan karena memiliki akurasi yang tinggi dengan rasio kesalahan kecil. Adapun hasil dari prediksi atau peramalan bermanfaat untuk membantu meningkatkan omzet penjualan Perusahaan. Studi kasus penelitian ini dilakukan di Distro Folder yang merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang penjualan pakaian seperti baju, jaket, celana, topi, tas dan aksesoris lainnya di Sukabumi. Dengan menggunakan website pembeli dapat lebih mudah dalam memilih dan memesan barang kapanpun dan dimanapun tanpa harus mengunjungi distro. Pembangunan website e-commerce yang memiliki sistem prediksi transaksi penjualan menggunakan metode K-Nearest Neighbour diharapkan dapat meningkatkan angka penjualan dengan lebih cepat, lebih luas jangkauan pasarnya serta lebih mudah dalam mengelola laporan penjualan. Kata Kunci: E-commerce, K-Nearest Neighbor, We