218 research outputs found

    Ontogenetic colour change in Oreophryne ezra (Anura: Microhylidae) reflects an unusual shift from conspicuousness to crypsis but not in toxicity

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    Ontogenetic colour change (OCC) may signal a switch in defensive strategies across development. Commonly, juveniles use cryptic colours and transition to conspicuous coloration as adults. Extensive theoretical and empirical work suggest such a transition is more likely than the converse. Oreophryne ezra, a newly discovered frog from New Guinea, however, undergoes OCC that belies expectations. We investigated the notion juveniles are aposematic while the adults use crypsis. We quantified the extent of conspicuousness of O. ezra across life stages using spectrophotometry and models of avian vision; and analysed skin extracts for the presence of toxic alkaloids. As predicted, the juvenile colour patterns were estimated to be conspicuous to likely predators against the frogs natural viewing backgrounds, while adults consistently fell below the threshold of discriminability. However, we discovered no alkaloids in either juveniles or adults. This suggests the juveniles use alternative defensive chemicals, or the colour pattern has an alternative origin – to which we offer the hypothesis that juvenile frogs may be Batesian mimics of a synoptic species of weevil. This study highlights the potential for this system, and others like it, to inform our understanding of the adaptive significance of OCC and the selective drivers for different anti-predatory strategies

    Methodological issues in a cross-sectional survey on cervical cancer screening using telephone interviews in Sicily (Italy): a SWOT analysis

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    Objective: A cross-sectional study on knowledge, perceptions, and adherence to cervical cancer screening was conducted using telephone interviews of Sicilian women that were performed in 2016. This study aimed to identify areas that need to be addressed to improve the validity of data collection and to minimize possible biases. Methods: We performed a qualitative study through SWOT analysis, which is a multidimensional method based on evaluation of Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T) of the research project. The contents of the SWOT forms underwent categorical, inductive, and deductive data analysis using the long table analysis method. Results: The full availability of an updated address and phone number list was the main organizational aspect to be addressed. Socio-cultural context played a major role for understanding the questions and for acceptability of the topics. In some cases, a family member was a facilitating element, while in others, the family member hindered the interviews. Active involvement of general practitioners was considered essential for success of the interviews. Conclusions: When performing a cross-sectional survey, organizational aspects and active involvement of general practitioners are crucial in the enrolment phase, regardless of the socio-cultural context

    Chrysomelidial in the Opisthonotal Glands of the Oribatid Mite, Oribotritia berlesei

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    Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analyses of whole body extracts of Oribotritia berlesei, a large-sized soil-dwelling oribatid mite, revealed a consistent chemical pattern of ten components, probably originating from the well-developed opisthonotal glands. The three major components of the extract were the iridoid monoterpene, (3S,8S)-chrysomelidial (about 45% of the extract), the unsaturated hydrocarbon 6,9-heptadecadiene, and the diterpene β-springene (the latter two, each about 20–25% of the extract). The remaining minor components (together about 10% of the extract) included a series of hydrocarbons (tridecene, tridecane, pentadecene, pentadecane, 8-heptadecene, and heptadecane) and the tentatively identified 9,17-octadecadienal. In contrast, analysis of juveniles showed only two compounds, namely a 2:1 mixture of (3S,8S)-chrysomelidial and its epimer, epi-chrysomelidial (3S,8R-chrysomelidial). Unexpectedly, neither adult nor juvenile secretions contained the so-called astigmatid compounds, which are considered characteristic of secretions of oribatids above moderately derived Mixonomata. The chrysomelidials, as well as β-springene and octadecadienal, are newly identified compounds in the opisthonotal glands of oribatid mites and have chemotaxonomic potential for this group. This is the first instance of finding chrysomelidials outside the Coleoptera

    JNK Isoforms Differentially Regulate Neurite Growth and Regeneration in Dopaminergic Neurons In Vitro

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    Parkinson’s disease is characterized by selective and progressive loss of midbrain DAergic neurons (MDN) in the substantia nigra and degeneration of its nigrostriatal projections. Whereas the cellular pathophysiology has been closely linked to an activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and c-Jun, the involvement of JNKs in regenerative processes of the nigrostriatal pathway is controversially discussed. In our study, we utilized a mechanical scratch lesion paradigm of midbrain DAergic neurons in vitro and studied regenerative neuritic outgrowth. After a siRNA-mediated knockdown of each of the three JNK isoforms, we found that JNKs differentially regulate neurite regeneration. Knockdown of JNK3 resulted in the most prominent neurite outgrowth impairment. This effect was attenuated again by plasmid overexpression of JNK3. We also evaluated cell survival of the affected neurons at the scratch border. JNK3 was found to be also relevant for survival of MDN which were lesioned by the scratch. Our data suggest that JNK isoforms are involved in differential regulation of cell death and regeneration in MDN depending on their neurite integrity. JNK3 appears to be required for regeneration and survival in the case of an environment permissive for regeneration. Future therapeutic approaches for the DAergic system may thus require isoform specific targeting of these kinases

    Predation and the Maintenance of Color Polymorphism in a Habitat Specialist Squamate

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    Multiple studies have addressed the mechanisms maintaining polymorphism within a population. However, several examples exist where species inhabiting diverse habitats exhibit local population-specific polymorphism. Numerous explanations have been proposed for the maintenance of geographic variation in color patterns. For example, spatial variation in patterns of selection or limited gene flow can cause entire populations to become fixed for a single morph, resulting in separate populations of the same species exhibiting separate and distinct color morphs. The mottled rock rattlesnake (Crotalus lepidus lepidus) is a montane species that exhibits among-population color polymorphism that correlates with substrate color. Habitat substrate in the eastern part of its range is composed primarily of light colored limestone and snakes have light dorsal coloration, whereas in the western region the substrate is primarily dark and snakes exhibit dark dorsal coloration. We hypothesized that predation on high contrast color and blotched patterns maintain these distinct color morphs. To test this we performed a predation experiment in the wild by deploying model snakes at 12 sites evenly distributed within each of the two regions where the different morphs are found. We employed a 2Ă—2 factorial design that included two color and two blotched treatments. Our results showed that models contrasting with substrate coloration suffered significantly more avian attacks relative to models mimicking substrates. Predation attempts on blotched models were similar in each substrate type. These results support the hypothesis that color pattern is maintained by selective predation

    Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid Improves Motor Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by severe motor symptoms, and currently there is no treatment that retards disease progression or reverses damage prior to the time of clinical diagnosis. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) is neuroprotective in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of PD; however, its effect in PD motor symptoms has never been addressed. In the present work, an extensive behavior analysis was performed to better characterize the MPTP model of PD and to evaluate the effects of TUDCA in the prevention/improvement of mice phenotype. MPTP induced significant alterations in general motor performance paradigms, including increased latency in the motor swimming, adhesive removal and pole tests, as well as altered gait, foot dragging, and tremors. TUDCA administration, either before or after MPTP, significantly reduced the swimming latency, improved gait quality, and decreased foot dragging. Importantly, TUDCA was also effective in the prevention of typical parkinsonian symptoms such as spontaneous activity, ability to initiate movement and tremors. Accordingly, TUDCA prevented MPTP-induced decrease of dopaminergic fibers and ATP levels, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation. Overall, MPTP-injected mice presented motor symptoms that are aggravated throughout time, resembling human parkinsonism, whereas PD motor symptoms were absent or mild in TUDCA-treated animals, and no aggravation was observed in any parameter. The thorough demonstration of improvement of PD symptoms together with the demonstration of the pathways triggered by TUDCA supports a subsequent clinical trial in humans and future validation of the application of this bile acid in PD.National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) (FCT), under the scope of the projects PTDC/NEU-NMC/0248/2012, UID/DTP/04138/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038, and post-doctoral grants SFRH/BPD72891/2010 (to A.I.R.), SFRH/BPD/95855/2013 (to M.J.N.), SFRH/BPD/98023/2013 (to A.N.C.), SFRH/BPD/91562/2012 (to A.S.F.) and UMINHO/BI/248/2016 (to S.D.S.). This work has also been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Program (COMPETE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Low Concentrations of Methamphetamine Can Protect Dopaminergic Cells against a Larger Oxidative Stress Injury: Mechanistic Study

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    Mild stress can protect against a larger insult, a phenomenon termed preconditioning or tolerance. To determine if a low intensity stressor could also protect cells against intense oxidative stress in a model of dopamine deficiency associated with Parkinson disease, we used methamphetamine to provide a mild, preconditioning stress, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) as a source of potentially toxic oxidative stress, and MN9D cells as a model of dopamine neurons. We observed that prior exposure to subtoxic concentrations of methamphetamine protected these cells against 6-OHDA toxicity, whereas higher concentrations of methamphetamine exacerbated it. The protection by methamphetamine was accompanied by decreased uptake of both [3H] dopamine and 6-OHDA into the cells, which may have accounted for some of the apparent protection. However, a number of other effects of methamphetamine exposure suggest that the drug also affected basic cellular survival mechanisms. First, although methamphetamine preconditioning decreased basal pERK1/2 and pAkt levels, it enhanced the 6-OHDA-induced increase in these phosphokinases. Second, the apparent increase in pERK1/2 activity was accompanied by increased pMEK1/2 levels and decreased activity of protein phosphatase 2. Third, methamphetamine upregulated the pro-survival protein Bcl-2. Our results suggest that exposure to low concentrations of methamphetamine cause a number of changes in dopamine cells, some of which result in a decrease in their vulnerability to subsequent oxidative stress. These observations may provide insights into the development of new therapies for prevention or treatment of PD

    Comparative effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonists for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: GLORIA-AF Registry

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