391 research outputs found

    How are hospitals disseminating their patient confidentiality policies to their employees?

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    Depending on a patient\u27s illness, as many as 100 health professionals and administrative personnel may have access to the hospital record, all with a legitimate reason. Many people are understandably concerned about confidentiality because of the range of information in medical records that is often necessary to ensure an accurate diagnosis and successful treatment -- including very personal information about a person\u27s physical, mental, and sometimes even emotional well-being. This thesis examined how 20 Delaware Valley hospitals communicate their patient confidentiality policies to their employees. The survey specifically asked the channels through which their confidentiality policies are communicated (i.e. training programs or memos) as well as what messages are communicated. The results were recorded through percentages. Based on results, it appears that patient confidentiality is taken seriously in most hospitals and specific measures have been implemented to ensure that hospital employees understand just how easily confidentiality can be breached and how it can be protected

    O romance pós-revolucionário português : propostas de uma nova construção do sujeito nacional

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    pp. 221-233A crítica literária, quando confrontada com o dinamismo e a revitalização que têm caracterizado a ficção portuguesa dos últimos anos, não pode deixar de formular uma série de perguntas acerca dos efeitos que a Revolução de 1974 teve sobre a literatura que se produziu em Portugal depois dessa data. Não há dúvida que este momento libertador atingiu todos os elementos da sociedade portuguesa, iniciando processos de reforma que obrigaram e continuam a obrigar o país a lançar um olhar extremamente crítico sobre si. Será, então, o caso que esta revolução política que teve repercussões econômicas, sociais e demográficas provocou uma "crise de identidade" no imaginário português? Em que sentido se tornou preciso reexaminar a experiência vivida colectivamente sob o conceito da nação depois do 25 de Abril? Como é que a reexaminação desta experiência contribui, na literatura, para uma reformulação da concepção do sujeito nacional

    Retratos, paisagens, botões: O percurso artístico de Sarah Affonso (1899–1983)

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    Neste ensaio, interpreto o percurso artístico de Sarah Affonso à luz do seu contexto sociopolítico com o fim de entender melhor a sua opção de deixar a pintura em fins da década de 1930. As diferentes fases da sua carreira mudam conforme as várias fases da cultura política do seu país e estas fases talvez sejam ainda mais evidentes na obra de Sarah Affonso pelo facto de ser uma mulher artista. A actividade pública desta artista começou durante a segunda década da República e passou a ganhar novas dimensões sob o Estado Novo. Embora a produção artística de Sarah Affonso não reflicta explicitamente esta mudança de regime e a nova política cultural que condicionou os estilos e gostos da época a partir da década de 1930, é importante reconhecer, ao mesmo tempo, que, com a mudança de regime, impunham-se novas medidas que limitavam a liberdade e os direitos da mulher portuguesa.In this essay, I interpret Sarah Affonso’s artistic career in light of its socio-political context in order to better understand her decision to abandon painting at the end of the 1930s. The different phases of her career change in accordance with the various phases of her country’s cultural politics and it is possible that these phases are more evident in her works due to the fact that she was a woman. Sarah Affonso’s public activity began during the second decade of the Portuguese Republic and it acquired new dimensions under the Estado Novo. While her artistic production does not explicitly reflect this change in government and the new cultural policies that conditioned styles and taste during the 1930s, it is worth recognizing that, with the change in government, new measures were takenthat limited women’s freedom and rights

    Electrical control of optical orientation of neutral and negatively charged excitons in n-type semiconductor quantum well

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    We report a giant electric field induced increase of spin orientation of excitons in n-type GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. It correlates strongly with the formation of negatively charged excitons (trions) in the photoluminescence spectra. Under resonant excitation of neutral heavy-hole excitons, the polarization of excitons and trions increases dramatically with electrical injection of electrons within the narrow exciton-trion bias transition in the PL spectra, implying a polarization sensitivity of 200 % per Volt. This effect results from a very efficient trapping of neutral excitons by the quantum well interfacial fluctuations (so-called "natural" quantum dots) containing resident electrons.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As nanowires grown by Mn-assisted molecular beam epitaxy

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    (Ga,Mn)As nanowires were grown by molecular beam epitaxy using Mn as a growth catalyst on GaAs(001) substrates at 485 °C, i.e., at intermediate temperatures higher than ones used for the growth of (Ga,Mn)As thin films, but lower than the ordinary temperatures of Au-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires. (Ga,Mn)As nanowires obtained with typical lengths between 0.8 and 4 μm and diameters 50–90 nm do not have defects, such as dislocations or precipitates, except for the stacking faults lying parallel to the growth direction. The investigation of magnetic and optical properties has been carried out not only for as-grown samples with nanowires but also for peeled off nanowires from the host substrate. The results obtained demonstrate that (Ga,Mn)As nanowires exhibit ferromagnetic ordering around 70 K.Peer reviewe

    The motive of solitude in the Hermann Hesse’s novel «Journey to the East»

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    The artistic realization of the Eastern theme in Hermann Hesse’s work «Journey to the East» («Die Morgenlandfahrt », 1931) is considered through the analysis of loneliness motive. It is shown that this motive is used by the author for the disclosure of the multifaceted soul of an individual's creative mindset. The sense of loneliness of the hero in the novel H. H. is caused by his inability to accept the world of the denial of moral values and art. H.H. aimes to find the destiny of the artist-creator, to gain inner integrity and harmony, a state of true happiness. The influence of the philosophical processes of China (Taoism, the concepts of yin and yang) on the novel H. Hesse «Journey to the East » is revealed

    The motive of loneliness in Hermann Hesse`s lyrical heritage

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    We consider the figurative realization of motive of loneliness in the lyrics of H. Hesse, and specifically the images of the artist-creator and wanderer. It is shown that these images are inextricably linked to one another in the writer's works: creative personality is doomed to loneliness and the eternal search for his true mission in the world. The evolution of the image of a lonely artist and creator is traced in the article. In the early poems of H. Hesse lyrical hero steps into the complex way of the search for meaning in life and self-knowledge. Later, worried about the misery of the world, he comes to the conclusion that the mission of the poet is to teach people goodness, compassion and generosity. In the lyrics of the late period the lyrical hero reconciled with loneliness and suffering, as an essential attributes of the poetic mission; he finds the solace in such concepts as "eternity" and "unity.