8 research outputs found

    Environmental disposal of large-tonnage industrial waste for the production of fire extinguishing powders

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    [EN] The given research presents the classification of fire extinguishing and explosion suppression compositions. Phosphogypsum is a large-scale waste from the production of orthophosphoric acid, obtained by extraction from phosphorite with sulfuric acid. The presence in phosphogypsum of pollutants in the form of phosphorus and fluorine compounds, during the preparation of which sludge wastes are emitted into the air, adversely affecting not only the human body, but also the environment. As a result of studies conducted on the study of multi-purpose industrial wastes, including phosphogypsum and its use as flame retardants, the study of reactive, physicochemical, thermal and fire-resistant properties, it is shown for the first time that it is useful as a localization and extinguishing of combustible solid combustible materials and the use of phosphogypsum in fire extinguishing powder formulations.Sapargaliyeva, B.; Naukenova, A.; Shapalov, S.; Alipova, B.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. (2019). Environmental disposal of large-tonnage industrial waste for the production of fire extinguishing powders. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3(325):35-42. https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1483.69S3542332

    The definition of the fire-extinguishing efficiency of pulverized industrial waste

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    [EN] Currently, the production of chemical foam fire extinguishers has been canceled, and the main emphasis is on the development of effective powder flame retardant compositions. The standard formulations used are very expensive, so it is promising to study dust-like waste industry due to their low cost, low cost of finalization and the possibility of their utilization. Explosion suppression efficiency of dust waste was determined as follows: the weight of dust fraction < 0.05 mm was weighed on an electronic balance accurate to the fourth digit, and placed in a spray bottle. Further, in the mixer, in a different ratio, a mixture of propane-butane with air is prepared. Then, through the intermediate cylinder, with the help of an electromagnetic valve, the air pulse shoved the canopy and carried the air-gas mixture into a prevacuumed reaction tube. Then, with the help of high-voltage inductor an electric discharge voltage of 1,000 to set to the mixture have been fire. It was shown the examination of the fire-extinguishing ability of expired standard fire extinguishing powders.Shapalov, S.; Sapargaliyeva, B.; Naukenova, A.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. (2019). The definition of the fire-extinguishing efficiency of pulverized industrial waste. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3(325):43-50. https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1483.70S4350332


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    [EN] The given research presents the classification of fire extinguishing and explosion suppression compositions. The effect on the combustion reaction is possible with the help of physical and chemical methods of gas mixture components concentration reducing, cooling the combustion zone and slowing down of chain reactions with the help of a phlegmatizing or inhibiting substances, of which the most universal and perspective are powder materials. In view of the high toxicity and environmental hazard of inhibitors (halides), the most promising search and development of effective powder compositions based on chlorides and substances with pronounced endothermic properties (easy-boiling, easy-decomposing, easy-melting) causing a sharp cooling of the combustion zone. The general laws of the effectiveness of extinguishing powders from their composition was considered in the scope of literature. There are proposed only some unsystematic series of dependence of the studied mineral compounds. Therefore, a necessary condition for solving the problems of developing effective flame arresters is to find common indicators and properties of substances that can become criteria for their phlegmatizing ability.Sapargaliyeva, B.; Naukenova, A.; Alipova, B.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.; Shapalov, S. (2018). THE ANALYSIS OF HEAT AND MASS PROPERTIES OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHING POWDER IN EFFECTIVENESS CRITERIA. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and engineering sciences. 3(430):51-61. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165480S5161343

    Analysis and prospective utilization of technogenic slag waste from a lead plant

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    [EN] The article presents the analysis and results of the study of technogenic slag waste of lead-zinc production. Slags of lead-zinc production contain a large number of toxic compounds: lead, zinc, osmium, cadmium, which are dangerous sources of environmental pollution. Due to the open storage of slags, it was found that the maximum permissible concentrations of lead were exceeded. Utilization of man-made slag waste is of great importance for reducing the negative impact on the safety of life and improving the environmental situation in the region. At the same time, slags are valuable raw materials containing compounds of non-ferrous and rare-earth metals. The article shows the results of laboratory studies of slags to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of valuable components in the waste of lead production and the possibility of their further processing and disposal. Studies of the material of the heavy slag fraction were carried out on an electron probe microanalyzer of the JEOL IXA-8230 Electron Probe microanalyzer brand. X-ray diffractometric analysis of the average slag sample was performed on a DRON-4 diffractometer with Cu radiation, graphite monochromator. Samples were selected heavy fraction and manufactured artificial polished sections (briquettes). The sections were studied under the microscope of the brand LEICA DM 2500P and immersion in liquids. According to the results of research, it was found that lead slags contain a sufficiently high amount of nonferrous metal compounds: lead oxide up to 0.7 % and zinc oxide up to 8.5 % of the weight amount of slag, which makes the process of recycling toxic waste from lead production technically and economically feasibleBagova, Z.; Zhantasov, K.; Turebekova, G.; Sapargaliyeva, B.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. (2021). Analysis and prospective utilization of technogenic slag waste from a lead plant. News of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of chemistry and technology. 2(446):22-28. https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-1491.22S2228244

    The impact of lead-containing slag wastes on the life safety

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    [EN] The article presents the analysis and results of the study of technogenic slag waste of leadzinc production. Lead-containing slag waste contains a large number of toxic compounds of heavy metals, such as lead, zinc, osmium, cadmium, which are dangerous sources of environmental pollution. Due to the open storage of slags, there is an excess of the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of lead: near the plant, the concentration of lead is more than 3000 mg/kg in the soil, with a MPC of 3.2 mg/kg. Lead and zinc compounds are dangerous for humans due to their significant toxicity and the ability to accumulate in the body. The article presents the analysis and results of studies of lead-containing slags on toxic compounds and their impact on human health. The results of the conducted studies have shown that poisoning with leadcontaining toxic slags leads to such consequences as damage to the brain, nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, kidneys and blood in children and adults. According to the research results, lead gets into products from dishes (covered with lead glaze) and showers. In the blood ¿ basophilic granularity of red blood cells, reticulocytosis. The increase in the lead content in the urine is more than 0.04 mg /l.Bagova, Z.; Zhantasov, K.; Bektureeva, G.; Sapargaliyeva, B.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. (2021). The impact of lead-containing slag wastes on the life safety. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 5(339):94-99. https://doi.org/10.32014/2021.2518-1483.83S9499533

    Investigation of endothermic properties of industrial wastes

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    [EN] At the present time the applied fire-extinguishing standard compositions are very expensive and therefore are perspective investigation of fire-extinguishing properties of the pulverized industrial waste. This is connected with their cheapness, low expenses for initial reworking and possibility of their utilization. At the analysis carrying out of patent and scientific-technical literatures on the question of presence the fireextinguishing powders it was identified that basic powder components are in non-combustible metallurgic waste. The searching of effective flash suppressors with waste using is rational in the direction of complex compositions development having low temperatures of endothermic processes of melting, decomposition or evaporation with inert gases formation, but for easy-flammable powders are many-component eutectic mixtures. There are investigated more than 250 minerals and mountain rocks in order to identify endothermic effects.Naukenova, A.; Sapargaliyeva, B.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.; Shapalov, S.; Kerimbekova, Z.; Kenzhaliyeva, G. (2019). Investigation of endothermic properties of industrial wastes. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3(325):19-26. https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1483.67S1926332