34 research outputs found

    La diabetes mellitus: una enfermedad silente que se debe prevenir

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    La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica compleja que requiere asistencia multidisciplinar continua y planes individualizados para reducir los factores de riesgo cardiovascular más allá del control glucémico. La diabetes aumenta de forma exponencial en las sociedades avanzadas en alianza con la obesidad. La Sociedad Americana de Diabetes recomienda que se debe evaluar el riesgo de prediabetes y de diabetes futura en adultos asintomáticos de cualquier edad con sobrepeso u obesos (IMC =25kg/m2 o =23kg/m2 en personas de origen asiático), y que presentan uno o más factores de riesgo adicionales para la diabetes. Lo mismo ocurre con los niños, en los que la prevalencia también es ascendente..


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    La Iniciativa de Liderazgo Global sobre Desnutrición (GLIM) requiere una evaluación muscular. La bioimpedancia es el método más utilizado para determinar la masa muscular, pero el documento de consenso acepta otras herramientas como el agarre manual (HG) o circunferencia del brazo. Por otro lado, la ecografía muscular es una técnica novedosa con pocos estudios todavía. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar la intensidad de la correlación entre la masa muscular medida por impedancia (ASMI) y por otros métodos.<br /

    Cost-effectiveness of a specialized oral nutritional supplementation for malnourished older adult patients in Spain

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    Malnutrition has been related to prolonged hospital stays, and to increases in readmission and mortality rates. In the NOURISH (Nutrition effect On Unplanned Readmissions and Survival in Hospitalized patients) study, administering a high protein oral nutritional supplement (ONS) containing beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HP-HMB) to hospitalised older adult patients led to a significant improvement in survival compared with a placebo treatment. The aim of this study was to determine whether HP-HMB would be cost-effective in Spain. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis from the perspective of the Spanish National Health System using time horizons of 90 days, 180 days, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and lifetime. The difference in cost between patients treated with HP-HMB and placebo was €332.75. With the 90 days time horizon, the difference in life years gained (LYG) between both groups was 0.0096, resulting in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €34, 700.62/LYG.With time horizons of 180 days, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years and lifetime, the respective ICERs were €13, 711.68, €3377.96, €2253.32, €1127.34 and €563.84/LYG. This analysis suggests that administering HP-HMB to older adult patients admitted to Spanish hospitals during hospitalisation and after discharge could be a cost-effective intervention that would improve survival with a reduced marginal cost

    Rheological properties and stability of thickeners for clinical use

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    The adaptation of liquids for patients with dysphagia requires precision and individualization in the viscosities used. We describe the variations of viscosity in water at different concentrations and evolution over time of the three compositions of commercial thickeners that are on the market (starch, starch with gums, and gum). By increasing the concentration in water, the viscosity of gum-based thickeners increases linearly, but it did not reach pudding texture, whereas the viscosity of the starch-based thickeners (alone or mixed with gums) rapidly reaches very thick textures. We modeled the viscosity at different concentrations of the four thickeners using regression analysis (R2 &gt; 0.9). We analyzed viscosity changes after 6 h of preparation. The viscosity of gum-based thickeners increased by a maximum of 6.5% after 6 h of preparation, while starch-based thickeners increased by up to 43%. These findings are important for correct handling and prescription. Gum-based thickeners have a predictable linear behavior with the formula we present, reaching nectar and honey-like textures with less quantity of thickener, and are stable over time. In contrast, starch thickeners have an exponential behavior which is difficult to handle, they reach pudding-like viscosity, and are not stable over time

    Institutionalized elderly are able to detect small viscosity variations in thickened water with gum-based thickeners: should texture classifications be reviewed?

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    Background: The prevalence of dysphagia is very high in institutionalized elderly. Knowledge of the rheological and sensory characteristics of the various thickeners in elderly is limited, although it has been seen that there are differences between the rheological behaviors of gum-based thickeners with different composition. Moreover, we have not found sensory studies of viscosity in institutionalized elderly. Our hypothesis was that viscosity ranges established by the scientific societies, such as the National Dysphagia Diet Task Force (NDD), seem to be very wide and individuals might be able to detect small differences within the same texture range. The objectives of our study were 1) comparing the rheological characteristics of two commercial gum-based thickeners with different composition, dissolved in water under standard conditions, and 2) perform a sensory analysis (with both adults and institutionalized elderly) to detect different viscosities within the same texture (nectar and honey). Methods: Two commercial thickeners based on gums (NC and RC) were studied analyzing their viscosity in water with different concentrations (shear rate: 50 s− 1; temperature: 22–25 °C). A sensory analysis involving 26 elderly and 29 adult controls was carried out to evaluate whether differences within nectar and honey textures among gum-based thickeners could be distinguished. Results: As the shear rate increases, viscosity decreases (non-Newtonian and pseudoplastic behavior). At the same concentration, each thickener produces a different viscosity (p &lt; 0.05). Institutionalized elderly detected viscosity differences in nectar range of 49.9 (2.5) mPa·s (p &lt; 0.05) and 102.2 (4.7) mPa·s (p &lt; 0.0001). They also detected viscosity differences in honey texture range of 134.6 (9.7) mPa·s (p &lt; 0.05) y 199.3 (9.2) mPa·s (p &lt; 0.0001). Their caregivers also detected viscosity differences in both viscosity ranges (p &lt; 0.0001) and with greater intensity than the elderly in honey texture (p: 0.016). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the accepted viscosity ranges by NDD for the different textures might be too wide because institutionalized elderly and their caregivers are able to discern small differences in viscosity in nectar and honey textures. Gum-based thickeners with different composition showed differences in viscosity capacity, so they are not interchangeable. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Oligomeric enteral nutrition in undernutrition, due to oncology treatment-related diarrhea. Systematic review and proposal of an algorithm of action

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    Oncology treatment-related diarrhea and malnutrition appear together in oncological patients because of the disease itself, or the treatments that are administered for it. Therefore it is essential to carry out a nutritional treatment. Enteral nutrition formulas, containing peptides and medium chain triglycerides, can facilitate absorption in cases of malabsorption. There are few references to the use of enteral nutrition in the clinical society guidelines of patient management with oncology treatment-related diarrhea (OTRD). A bibliographic review of the studies with oligomeric enteral nutrition in OTRD found only nine studies with chemotherapy (all with the same oligomeric formula in which oral mucositis improves, while the rest of the outcomes show different results), and eight studies with radiotherapy (with different products and very heterogeneous results). We hereby present our action algorithm to supplement the diet of OTRD patients with an oligomeric enteral nutrition formula. The first step is the nutritional assessment, followed by the assessment of the functional capacity of the patient’s intestine. With these two aspects evaluated, the therapeutic possibilities available vary in degrees of complexity: These will range from the usual dietary recommendations, to supplementation with oral oligomeric enteral nutrition, along with complete enteral nutrition with oligomeric formula, and up to potentially total parenteral nutrition

    The effect of orlistat on postprandial hypertriglyceridemia by oral fat loading test. A systematic review

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    Orlistat induces weight loss by blocking hydrolysis of triglyceride in the intestine, and has thereby been associated with favorable changes in postprandial triglycerides (ppTGL). Some epidemiological studies have identified ppTGL concentrations as a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Oral fat loading test (OFLT) has been used for screening of elevated levels of ppTGL. The objective of the present systematic review is to present available data on the effects of orlistat on OFLT. We found 11 studies, seven of which studied the effect of a single dose of orlistat on OFLT in three healthy volunteers, one with obesity, two with type-2 diabetes and one with hyperlipidemic patients. The other four studied the effect of orlistat on OFLT, but after a previous period of time with daily treatment with orlistat: 1 healthy volunteer, 2 obese volunteers, and one patient with hyperlipidemia. Our systematic review suggests that orlistat can help to reduce postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in obese, dyslipemic and type-2 diabetic patients. Regarding free fatty acids, they could be reduced but not all the authors have found the same results. In relation to type-2 diabetic patients, we have found three studies with conflicting results on the immediate effect of orlistat on the postprandial GLP-1 response. In conclusion, orlistat can help to reduce postprandial plasmatic TGL, especially in patients with postprandial hypertriglyceridemia related to obesity, dyslipidemia or type-2 diabetes

    Asociación de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos y franjas de pista

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    En el presente se analiza la asociación de las SLOs con la franja de pista, superficies de aproximación, superficies de transición entre otros elementos y algunos interrogantes sobre la necesidad o no de esta asociación. La seguridad operacional puede ser analizada a través del SMS, del SSP, mediante matrices de riesgo, estudios de evaluación de seguridad operacional, estudios de compatibilidad, estudios aeronáuticos o bien, mediante la aplicación del Anexo 14 Lo anterior es analizado observando las características de las SLOs a través de las diferentes ediciones del Anexo 14 (desde la tercera hasta la octava edición y la propuesta de modificación de 2020). En la edición vigente del Anexo 14, se observan cambios relacionados con parámetros de diseño sobre la base de un cambio de conceptos respecto a la clave de referencia de aeródromo que se tenía. Los obstáculos que se analiza por medio de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos sigue permaneciendo, casi sin alteración, salvo por, la modificación de algunas dimensiones que son producto del cambio de dimensiones de la franja de pista. Al modificar las dimensiones de franjas de pista, se han modificado como consecuencia los bordes internos de las superficies que en teorías están asociados a la misma. La contribución es un análisis de dicha asociación.Grupo de Transporte Aéreo - Grupo de Ingeniería Aplicada a la Industri

    Asociación de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos y franjas de pista

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    En el presente se analiza la asociación de las SLOs con la franja de pista, superficies de aproximación, superficies de transición entre otros elementos y algunos interrogantes sobre la necesidad o no de esta asociación. La seguridad operacional puede ser analizada a través del SMS, del SSP, mediante matrices de riesgo, estudios de evaluación de seguridad operacional, estudios de compatibilidad, estudios aeronáuticos o bien, mediante la aplicación del Anexo 14 Lo anterior es analizado observando las características de las SLOs a través de las diferentes ediciones del Anexo 14 (desde la tercera hasta la octava edición y la propuesta de modificación de 2020). En la edición vigente del Anexo 14, se observan cambios relacionados con parámetros de diseño sobre la base de un cambio de conceptos respecto a la clave de referencia de aeródromo que se tenía. Los obstáculos que se analiza por medio de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos sigue permaneciendo, casi sin alteración, salvo por, la modificación de algunas dimensiones que son producto del cambio de dimensiones de la franja de pista. Al modificar las dimensiones de franjas de pista, se han modificado como consecuencia los bordes internos de las superficies que en teorías están asociados a la misma. La contribución es un análisis de dicha asociación.Grupo de Transporte Aéreo - Grupo de Ingeniería Aplicada a la Industri

    Asociación de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos y franjas de pista

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    En el presente se analiza la asociación de las SLOs con la franja de pista, superficies de aproximación, superficies de transición entre otros elementos y algunos interrogantes sobre la necesidad o no de esta asociación. La seguridad operacional puede ser analizada a través del SMS, del SSP, mediante matrices de riesgo, estudios de evaluación de seguridad operacional, estudios de compatibilidad, estudios aeronáuticos o bien, mediante la aplicación del Anexo 14 Lo anterior es analizado observando las características de las SLOs a través de las diferentes ediciones del Anexo 14 (desde la tercera hasta la octava edición y la propuesta de modificación de 2020). En la edición vigente del Anexo 14, se observan cambios relacionados con parámetros de diseño sobre la base de un cambio de conceptos respecto a la clave de referencia de aeródromo que se tenía. Los obstáculos que se analiza por medio de superficies limitadoras de obstáculos sigue permaneciendo, casi sin alteración, salvo por, la modificación de algunas dimensiones que son producto del cambio de dimensiones de la franja de pista. Al modificar las dimensiones de franjas de pista, se han modificado como consecuencia los bordes internos de las superficies que en teorías están asociados a la misma. La contribución es un análisis de dicha asociación.Grupo de Transporte Aéreo - Grupo de Ingeniería Aplicada a la Industri