254 research outputs found

    Implementasi Penajaman Peran Dan Fungsi Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Melalui Pemetaan Pemberdayaan Model Syaraf Khan

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    Research paradigm does not only look on the role and function LP2M in contribution to answer various problems of education in public and to recommend solution for decision maker in Kemendikbud. The strategic goal of PTS Darmajaya in 5 years (2012-2017) as analyzer unit in this research, are governance management that effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and continue, and also management of education infrastructure. In order to reach those goals, LP2M arranges road map and master plan with various programs of research and community service for science development. LP2M serves to improve the quality of information services for students and faculty, and also in the search for alternative income by taking the advantage of the facilities and human resources in IBI Darmajaya. By support of human resources with a variety of different qualifications and skills, LP2M IBI Darmajaya take major task to synergize all of the powers into an integrated force and work as its functions


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    Montmorillonite clay polyester nano composite were successfully prepared by melt insertion method at 5wt%, 10wt%, 15wt%, 20wt% and 25wt% of Montmorillonite clay. The electrical and mechanical properties of the produced composites were studied. Five specimens for each test was analysed. Results obtained indicates that while a drastic decrease in the impact energy of 100 was observed, the maximum tensile strength and young’s modulus values of 50.27 MPa and 8.7 GPa respectively were obtained at 10% filler concentration. The compressive strength increases by 48% and 100% at 15wt% and 20wt% filler concentration respectively. An increase in dielectric strength ( 100%) and capacitance (32%) of the samples with each filler addition of up to 25% with 3 times increase in hardness at 25wt%. was observed


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    This paper examined the factors that influenced profit from cocoa beans marketing in Ogun State, Nigeria. Fifty (50) cocoa beans marketers were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire designed to solicit information on the socio-economic characteristics of the cocoa beans marketers, their operating costs and return and problems associated with cocoa beans marketing in the study area. Descriptive statistics, marketing margin analysis, gross margin analysis and the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression technique were em-ployed in the analysis of the study data. The study revealed that men (84%) are more involved in co-coa beans marketing than women. Further, the study finds cocoa beans marketing to be a profitable venture in the study area having a gross margin of ₦137,719.27 (US 885.51)permonthandamarketingmarginofN40,600(US 885.51) per month and a mar-keting margin of N40,600 (US 261.94). The percentage marketing margin was 34.73% which implies that the cocoa beans marketers realize a margin of 34.76% of the farm price. The result of the OLS regression analysis revealed that cost of transportation, communication cost, volume of cocoa traded and membership of market union are the significant determinants of the profit margin that accrue to the cocoa beans marketer. The identified constraints to cocoa beans marketing in the study area in-clude low quality of cocoa beans, poor transportation facilities and inadequate capital. The study con-cluded that cocoa beans marketing is economically rewarding in the study area. It recommends that the government should help to provide good transportation facilities. Also, agricultural and commercial banks as well as other micro credit financial institutions should assist in providing credit facility to the marketers as this will enable them expand their scope of marketing and consequently improve their profit margin

    Stochastic Generation Of Hourly Wind Speed Time Series.

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    In the present study hourly wind speed data of Kuala Terengganu in Peninsular Malaysia are simulated by using transition matrix approach of Markovian process. The wind speed time series is divided into various states based on certain criteria

    Identifikasi Cemaran Logam Timbal Dalam Mainan Gigitan Bayi Yang Beredar Di Purwokerto Dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom.

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    Timbal (Pb) adalah zat xenobiotik yang asing bagi tubuh, dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan timbal biasa digunakan dalam formulasi cat dan mainan anak-anak. Selain itu timbal juga digunakan di berbagai industri seperti industri baterai, paduan logam (alloy), sarung kabel, amunisi, tinta cetak, zat warna/pigmen, stabilisator pada plastik polivinil klorida, keramik dan gelas kristal Telah dilakukan penelitian kandungan cemaran timbal pada mainan gigitan bayi (teether) yang beredar di daerah Purwokerto, dengan metode spektrofotomeri serapan atom. Dekstruksi yang digunakan adalah dengan dekstruksi basah mengunakan campuran H2SO4 dan HNO3. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode simple random sampling . Dari validasi metode diperoleh nilai r = 0,995, RSD = 1,904 %, LOD = 0,32 ppm, LOQ = 1,09 ppm dan nilai recovery = 121,45 ±5,60 %. Dari semua sampel mainan gigitan bayi tidak ditemukan adanya kandungan logam Pb

    Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model(Arima)For Forecasting Wind Speed.

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    For proper planning and efficient utilization of wind energy, wind speed predictions are important. In the present study the hourly wind speed data from 1995 to 2001 at three meteorological stations at a height of 14 m above the ground level have been analysed for fitting autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models

    Assessment of natural radionuclides in rivers of Pahang State Malaysia

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    Investigations were conducted to determine the radionuclide concentration levels in the major rivers in Pahang state, Malaysia. Since the rivers are the main sources for water supply in the state, it is important to measure natural radionuclide concentrations in the rivers. Seventeen water samples were collected from major rivers in Pahang state. The concentration of uranium, thorium and potassium were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The samples were found to contain permissible levels of radionuclides with a mean activity concentrations of uranium, thorium and potassium found to be 8.49 ± 0.34 mBq L-1, 1.74 ± 0.27 mBq L-1and 77.85 ± 0.96 mBq L-1respectively. The ratio between thorium and uranium concentration is found to be 3:4 due to the higher solubility of uranium than thorium in water. Radionuclide concentrations obtained were compared with the terrestrial gamma radiation dose rate measured around the area. A good relation was observed between uranium and thorium concentrations with gamma dose rate obtained around the area while no relation was found between the potassium concentrations with gamma dose rate. Significance of the results obtained is discussed

    Influence of laser power on microstructure of laser metal deposited 17-4 ph stainless steel

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    Abstract: The influence of laser power on the microstructure of 17-4 PH stainless steel produced by laser metal deposition was investigated. Multiple-track of 17-4 stainless steel powder was deposited on 316 stainless steel substrate using laser metal deposition, an additive manufacturing process. In this research, laser power was varied between 1.0 kW and 2.6 kW with scanning speed fixed at 1.2 m/s. The powder flow rate and the gas flow rate were also kept constant at values of 5 g/min and 2 l/min respectively. The microstructure was studied under optical microscope and it revealed that the microstructure was dendritic in structure with finer and lesser δ-ferrite at low laser power while the appearance of coarse and more δ-ferrite are seen at higher laser power

    Focused antenatal care acceptance in northeastern region of Nigeria: clients' perspective.

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    Antenatal care is the medical care of the woman during pregnancy to ensure healthy outcomes for both mother and the baby. World Health Organization (WHO) recommended adoption of a new model of ANC known as Focused Ante-Natal Care (FANC), with four clinic visits during pregnancy for all the women in low risk category. Pregnant women who are at low risk of complication form about 75% of all pregnant women Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine acceptance of Focused Antenatal Care among antenatal clinic attendees in health institutions in northeastern Nigeria. Materials And Method: Focused group discussion was used as a qualitative method of data collection in 6 different health facilities. Results: Majority of the clients preferred the FANC to the old method of ANC. Some clients had already started cutting the number of ANC visits in their own way by late presentation during pregnancy. Such practices may contribute negatively to early detection and prevention of diseases during pregnancies. Conclusion: It is therefore highly recommended to fast track governments efforts towards commencement of FANC as recommended by the WHO in all the health facilities in the region in particular and the whole Nigerian nation in general