7 research outputs found

    Metode Alternatif Hitung Ipkm yang Memiliki Korelasi Lebih Tinggi dengan Ipm

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    Human Development Index (HDI) is one of important multi dimension indicators that has been used to monitor population life development based on three dimensions (health, education and adequate living standard). Ministry of Health developed an Public Health Development Index (PHDI) in 2008 and 2014 that covered 30 selected health indicators, to support the health dimension of HDI. This paper used secondary data analysis of PHDI aimed to compare alternative of PHDI formulation method using geometric and arithmatic means.The analysis used data of Indonesia 2013 HDI from Central Bureau Statistic (BPS) Indonesia and 2013 districts PHDI from NIHRD MoH. Result of this study showed statistically difference results of PHDI between geometric mean equation and arithmetic mean equation, which was showing only very few districts remains in the same index range. The geometric mean equation showed slightly higher correlation between PHDI and HDI compare to the arithmetic mean equation. The geometric mean equation in PHDI formulation showed more stable index toward extreme value of its indicator components. The results implicate that the PHDI consider all of the constructed indicators in more equal way

    Daya Proteksi Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix) Terhadap Nyamuk Demam Berdarah

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    . The used of chemicals as mosquitos repellent may causing health problems. Extract of caffir lime (Citrus hystrix) as mosquitos repellent can be used as another option. The study aimed to analyze the protection capacity of C. hystrix against Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Experimental studies using completely randomized design was done. The obtained data were calculated using the protection capacity formula and analysed using t-test. The result indicated that protection capacity of Citrus hystrix extract for 6 hours on average gave 34.82% of protection against Ae. aegypti and 41.44% of Ae. albopictus. The caffir lime extract has been able to reject Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Although the thrust of the caffir lime is not as good as chemical products, but can be use as alternative mosquitoes repellent

    Gambaran Puncak Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Wilayah Utara Dan Selatan Kota Sukabumi Tahun 2012

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    . Incidence of dengue virus infection in Sukabumi city is still as major public health problem because of its case, its distribution, and occurs almost throughout the year. Geographically, Sukabumi city located in mountainous landscape with vary altitude among regions. Based on dengue incidence data reported by Health District of Sukabumi, tracking and plotting patient location and time of the incident was conducted in 2012. Also, the incidence in each village and months was determined. Result shows that there were difference peaks of cases in the northern region where the cases mostly occur in the second half and at the end of the year. Whereas, in Southern region mostly occurred in early first half of the year. North-South division was determined based on altitude differences which Northern-Southern part of Sukabumi city has altitude range that relatively consistent than Western–Eastern part of this city. It concludes that pattern of dengue case was different between the Northern and the Southern part of the city. This condition requires a specific approach to cope dengue case in every region of the city

    Motivasi Dan Peran Serta Masyarakat Dalam Pengendalian Populasi Aedes Spp Di Kota Sukabumi

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    DHF is a public health problem in Sukabumi city. The incidence rate of dengue infection in Sukabumi is 350 / 100,000 population and it's relatively high. Many efforts have been done by Sukabumi government through the district health office, cross-sector, and by the community but so far the results have not been satisfactory yet. The purpose of this study is to observe the differences in the presence of Aedes spp. at the time before and after a treatment carried out. The treatments were given in the form of triggering the community meetings to raise awareness and continued search for a solution for dengue vector control by the community themselves. Increased public participation begins by motivating communities through triggers in the treatment area (RW 11 Baros village and RW 3 Sriwedari village). Larvae survey conducted one month before treatment and two months after treatment. The success of the intervention, decreased the presence of larvae in the intervention area. During post-triggering assistance period, the commitments implementation in RW 03 Sriwedari run relatively well. While in RW 11 Village Baros was less, because not all people carry their mutual commitment. There is a significant difference (p-value <0.05) between the larvae survey before and after the intervention. This shown a success in triggers to motivate the community in controlling Aedes spp. in the study area

    Health Seeking Behavior of Dhf Patient in Sukabumi City in 2012

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    Upaya dan kecepatan pencarian pengobatan akan mempengaruhi proses penularan virus Dengue. Individu yang mengalamiviremia akan menjadi sumber virus bagi Aedes spp. Lama waktu ketidaktahuan individu dalam kondisi viremia memperbesarpeluang menjadi sumber infeksi bagi lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi upaya pencarianpengobatan penderita infeksi virus Dengue di Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional.Sampel penelitian sebanyak 125 penderita yang didiagnosa Demam Dengue (DD), Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD), danDengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). Wawancara dilakukan kepada penderita di rumah sakit untuk memperoleh data upayapengobatan dan dukungan lingkungan terhadap upaya pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 83,2% penderitalangsung berobat ke RS, 9,7% berobat ke dokter praktek, 1,2% berobat ke puskesmas dan 5,3 % melakukan swamedikasi.Upaya lain yang dilakukan responden untuk mempercepat kesembuhan dengan mengkonsumsi jus (46,74%). Kesimpulandari penelitian ini, sebagian besar (94,1%) upaya pencarian pengobatan pada penderita infeksi virus Dengue di KotaSukabumi sudah tepat. Sementara upaya swamedikasi sebaiknya tetap disertai dengan upaya pengobatan ke fasilitaspengobatan modern milik pemerintah ataupun swasta