4 research outputs found

    Do patients diagnosed with a neurological disease present increased risk of suicide?

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: Las enfermedades neurológicas representan la principal causa de discapacidady la segunda causa de muerte a nivel mundial. El dolor físico y psicológico, la desesperanzay la desconexión con el medio están presentes tras el diagnóstico de numerosos procesosneurológicos y especialmente de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas.Desarrollo: Existe un mayor riesgo de suicidio en pacientes con enfermedades neurológicascomunes como la epilepsia, la migra?na y la esclerosis múltiple, así como en quienes padecentrastornos degenerativos como la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la enfermedad de Huntington, laesclerosis lateral amiotrófica o la enfermedad de Parkinson. En la mayoría de los casos, la idea-ción suicida aparece en la etapa próxima al diagnóstico, ante sintomatología invalidante, y/oen pacientes que presentan comorbilidad psiquiátrica (a menudo asociada con dichas dolenciasneurológicas).Conclusiones: Para una prevención efectiva del suicidio en este grupo de la población debeevaluarse el riesgo principalmente en pacientes recién diagnosticados, ante la expresión demarcada desesperanza, ante sintomatología invalidante y en pacientes que presentan comorbi-lidad psiquiátrica (especialmente síntomas depresivos). La formación de los especialistas paradetectar signos de alerta es fundamental tanto para que puedan hacer un correcto abordajecomo para que sean capaces de determinar cuándo es necesaria la valoración de un especialistaen psiquiatría.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Neurological diseases are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. Physical and psychological pain, despair, and disconnection with the environment are observed after the diagnosis of numerous neurological processes, particularly neurodegenerative diseases. Development: A higher risk of suicide is observed in patients with such common neurological diseases as epilepsy, migraine, and multiple sclerosis, as well as in those with such degenerative disorders as Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. In most cases, suicidal ideation appears in the early stages after diagnosis, in the presence of disabling symptoms, and/or in patients with psychiatric comorbidities (often associated with these neurological diseases). Conclusions: Effective suicide prevention in this population group requires assessment of the risk of suicide mainly in newly diagnosed patients, in patients showing unmistakable despair or disabling symptoms, and in patients presenting psychiatric comorbidities (especially depressive symptoms). It is essential to train specialists to detect warning signs in order that they may adopt a suitable approach and determine when psychiatric assessment is required

    Noise disturbance and well-being in the north of Spain

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    Environmental noise is considered one of the main risks for physical and mental health and well-being, with a significant associated burden of disease in Europe. This work aims to explore the main sources of noise exposure at home and its effect on well-being in northern Spain. A transversal opinion study has been performed through a closed questionnaire. The questionnaire included three different parts: sociodemographic data, noise disturbance, and the 5-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5). A Binary Logistics Regression model was performed to analyze the relationship between noise exposure and well-being. Overall, 16.6% of the participants consider that the noise isolation of their homes is bad or very bad. The noise generated by the neighbors (air and impact noise) is considered the most disturbing indoor noise source, while street works are the most disturbing outdoor noise source in urban areas and road traffic is the most disturbing in rural areas. People who indicate that noise interferes with their life at home have a worse score on the WHO-5 (decreased perception of well-being). The exposure to outdoor noise (specifically the noise coming from the street and trains), internal impact noise produced by neighbors, and in general, the noise that wakes you up, is related to receiving a worse score in the WHO-5 (p < 0.05). Administrative bodies must ensure that laws regulating at-home noise levels, which are continually being updated with stricter restrictions, are enforced.Funding: This work was partially supported by the Government of Cantabria (CONTRATO PROGRAMA GOB. CANTABRIA-UC)

    Calidad de vida en pacientes con fosfatasa alcalina persistentemente baja portadores o no de mutaciones del gen ALPL

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    Introducción: Los niveles bajos de fosfatasa alcalina (FAlc) en suero son el sello distintivo de la hipofosfatasia, un trastorno debido a variantes patogénicas del gen ALPL. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en adultos con fosfatasa alcalina baja y explorar las diferencias entre pacientes con y sin mutaciones en ALPL. Material y métodos: Estudiamos 35 pacientes adultos con FAlc persistentemente baja en los que se excluyeron causas adquiridas y se secuenció ALPL. Se compararon con 35 controles de igual edad. Se completaron tres cuestionarios sobre dolor (Brief Pain Inventory, BPI), discapacidad física (Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, HAQ-DI) y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (36-item Short-Form Health Survey, SF-36). Resultados: Las puntuaciones medias de intensidad e interferencia del dolor en el BPI fueron mayores en el grupo de pacientes (p=0,04 y 0,004, respectivamente). Todos los dominios del instrumento HAQ tendieron a puntuar peor en los pacientes, con diferencias significativas en la puntuación de "alcance" (p=0,037) y la puntuación media general (0,23 frente a 0,09; p=0,029). Los pacientes puntuaron peor que los controles en varias dimensiones del SF-36 (rol físico, p=0,039; dolor corporal p=0,046; rol emocional, p=0,025). Sin embargo, los pacientes con y sin variantes patogénicas puntuaron de manera similar en todas las pruebas, sin diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con niveles persistentemente bajos de FAlc tienen puntuaciones significativamente peores en dolor corporal y otras dimensiones de calidad de vida relacionadas con la salud, sin diferencias entre pacientes con y sin variantes patogénicas en el gen ALPL. Esto es consistente con la hipótesis de que estos últimos presenten mutaciones en regiones reguladoras, habitualmente no secuenciadas, del gen ALPL

    Pain and health-related quality of life in patients with hypophosphatasemia with and without ALPL gene mutations

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    Background: Low serum alkaline phosphatase levels are the hallmark of hypophosphatasia, a disorder due to pathogenic variants of the ALPL gene. However, some patients do not carry ALPL variants and the cause of low alkaline phosphatase remains unknown. We aimed to determine health-related quality of life in adults with low alkaline phosphatase and explore the differences between patients with and without ALPL mutations. Methods: We studied 35 adult patients with persistently low alkaline phosphatase unrelated to secondary acquired causes who had ALPL sequenced, and 35 controls of similar age. Three questionnaires about body pain (Brief Pain Inventory, BPI), physical disability (Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, HAQ-DI), and health-related quality of life (36-item Short-Form Health Survey, SF-36) were delivered by telephone interviews. Results: The mean BPI intensity and interference scores were higher in the patient group (p=0.04 and 0.004, respectively). All domains of the HAQ instrument tended to score better in the control group, with significant differences in the ?reach? score (p=0.037) and the overall mean score (0.23 vs 0.09; p=0.029). Patients scored worse than controls in several SF-36 dimensions (Role physical, p=0.039; Bodily pain p=0.046; Role emotional, p=0.025). Patients with and without pathogenic variants scored similarly across all tests, without between-group significant differences. Conclusions: Patients with persistently low levels of alkaline phosphatase have significantly worse scores in body pain and other health-related quality of life dimensions, without differences between patients with and without pathogenic variants identified in ALPL gene. This is consistent with the latter ones carrying mutations in regulatory regions.HypophosphatasiaAlkaline phosphataseQuality of lifePatient-reported outcomesPainDisabilit