422 research outputs found

    Cyber situational awareness: from geographical alerts to high-level management

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    This paper focuses on cyber situational awareness and describes a visual analytics solution for monitoring and putting in tight relation data from network level with the organization business. The goal of the proposed solution is to make different security profiles (network security officer, network security manager, and financial security manager) aware of the actual network state (e.g., risk and attack progress) and the impact it actually has on the business tasks, making clear the relationships that exist between the network level and the business level. The proposed solution is instantiated on the ACEA infrastructure, the Italian company that provides power and water purification services to cities in central Italy (millions of end users

    What-if analysis: A visual analytics approach to Information Retrieval evaluation

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    This paper focuses on the innovative visual analytics approach realized by the Visual Analytics Tool for Experimental Evaluation (VATE2) system, which eases and makes more effective the experimental evaluation process by introducing the what-if analysis. The what-if analysis is aimed at estimating the possible effects of a modification to an Information Retrieval (IR) system, in order to select the most promising fixes before implementing them, thus saving a considerable amount of effort. VATE2 builds on an analytical framework which models the behavior of the systems in order to make estimations, and integrates this analytical framework into a visual part which, via proper interaction and animations, receives input and provides feedback to the user. We conducted an experimental evaluation to assess the numerical performances of the analytical model and a validation of the visual analytics prototype with domain experts. Both the numerical evaluation and the user validation have shown that VATE2 is effective, innovative, and useful

    A Review and Characterization of Progressive Visual Analytics

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    Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) has gained increasing attention over the past years. It brings the user into the loop during otherwise long-running and non-transparent computations by producing intermediate partial results. These partial results can be shown to the user for early and continuous interaction with the emerging end result even while it is still being computed. Yet as clear-cut as this fundamental idea seems, the existing body of literature puts forth various interpretations and instantiations that have created a research domain of competing terms, various definitions, as well as long lists of practical requirements and design guidelines spread across different scientific communities. This makes it more and more difficult to get a succinct understanding of PVA’s principal concepts, let alone an overview of this increasingly diverging field. The review and discussion of PVA presented in this paper address these issues and provide (1) a literature collection on this topic, (2) a conceptual characterization of PVA, as well as (3) a consolidated set of practical recommendations for implementing and using PVA-based visual analytics solutions

    The CLAIRE visual analytics system for analysing IR evaluation data

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    In this paper, we describe Combinatorial visuaL Analytics system for Information Retrieval Evaluation (CLAIRE), a Visual Analytics (VA) system for exploring and making sense of the performances of a large amount of Information Retrieval (IR) systems, in order to quickly and intuitively grasp which system configurations are preferred, what are the contributions of the different components and how these components interact together

    Secure Platform Over Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Life sciences: general issue

    Cumulative learning through intrinsic reinforcements

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    Building artificial agents able to autonomously learn new skills and to easily adapt in different and complex environments is an important goal for robotics and machine learning. We propose that providing reinforcement learning artificial agents with a learning signal that resembles the charac- teristic of the phasic activations of dopaminergic neurons would be an advancement in the development of more autonomous and versatile systems. In particular, we suggest that the particular composition of such a signal, determined by both extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcements, would be suitable to improve the implementation of cumulative learning in artificial agents. To validate our hypothesis we performed experiments with a simulated robotic system that has to learn different skills to obtain extrinsic rewards. We compare different versions of the system varying the composition of the learning signal and we show that the only system able to reach high performance in the task is the one that implements the learning signal suggested by our hypothesis
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