2,271 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Artesunat-amodiakuin (Artesdiakuin) pada Pengobatan Malaria tanpa Komplikasi di Puskesmas Penyandingan dan Tanjung Lengkayap Kabupaten Oku

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    Malaria is still a public health problem in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency. The treatment of malaria for Plasmodium falciparum in the OKU regency has been using artesdiaquine since 2007 and for Plasmodium vivax in 2009. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness Artesdiaquine as anti-malarial drugs and the side effects of therapeutic. This research was conducted using an observational surveys, in P falciparum and P. vivax patient, by examination and observation of subjects during 28 days, in 0 day (DO), first day (Dl), 2nd (D2), 3th (D3), 7th (D7), 14th (DI4), 21th (D21) and 28th day (D28). Theraphy of Artesdiaquine on DO, Dl and D2 (10 mg/kg amodiaquine and 4 mg/kg artesunate), while primaquine on DO (0.75 mg/kg) for P falciparum patient and DO-DI4 (0.25 mg/kg) for P.vivax patient. The side effects observed on DO, Dl , D2 and D3, while the assessment of drug efficacy after D28. The results showed that efficacy of Artesdiaquine-antimalarial drugs combinations for P.vivax patients has good (100%), but in P falciparum patients only 87% with criteria of Adequate Clinical and Parasitological Response (A CPR). Plasmodium falciparum patient with early treatment failure (ETF) were found in 3 people (13%). The side effects of artesdiaquine were dizziness, nausea, vomiting and stomach. Patients P falciparum who did not experience medication side effects as many as 5 of 23 patients (21.7%). While in P.vivax patients were 2 of 12 patients (16.7%). Clinical symptom in P. vivax patients higher than P falciparum patients. Artesdiaquine more effective to treatment P. vivax than P falciparum patients. Side effect of treatment anti malarial higher in P falciparum than P. vivax patients

    Hubungan Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Dengan Kejadian Filariasis Di Indonesia

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    Filariasis is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Over 10 years (2000-2009) the spread of filariasis inIndonesia are increasing in all over Indonesia. The numbers of clinical cases found were 6,233 cases in 2000 and increased in 2009 to 11,914 cases scattered throughout 33 provinces. Some factors that led to thehigher number of filariasis cases in Indonesia were poor sanitation and limited access to health carefacilities. The data for this analysis was derived from Basic Health Research 2007. The results showedthere were statistically significant relationship between the characteristics of respondents, the type andcondition of the waste water reservoirs, sewerage conditions, the presence of medium and large livestock, classification of areas and the incidence of filariasis

    Hubungan Kondisi Lingkungan Dengan Kasus Filariasis Di Masyarakat (Analisis Lanjut Hasil Riskesdas 2007)

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    S. Filariasis (elephantiasis disease) in Indonesia is still a health problems, there are still areas with the patient chronic and acute. A total of 1553 villages in 647 health centers scattered in 231 districts in 26 provinces as the location of the endemic, with a number of chronic cases of 6233 people. Elimination program disease elephantiasis has been undertaken by the government, but until today there are still many areas with the number of microfilariae (Mf rate) is still high (> 1%). One of the government\u27s efforts in this regard Litbangkes RI in collecting basic data, including data filariasis is with the activities of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted simultaneously across Indonesia. Based on the results of data collection Riskesdas then further analysis is to look at the environmental conditions and demographic status associated with the incidence of filariasis. Based on the results of analysis show that there were a statistically significant relationship between the type of waste water reservoirs; types of sewage systems and types of livestock kept, the classification of villages with the incidence of filariasis

    Pengaruh Peregangan Terhadap Sifat Fisika Serat Bambu Yang Dipintal Dengan Metoda Pemintalan Basah

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    Tata letak rantai polimer di dalam serat mempengaruhi karakter serat buatan. Peregangan adalah caramemberi orientasi tata letak rantai polimer di dalam serat buatan. Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan judul”Pengaruh Peregangan Terhadap Sifat Fisika Serat Bambu yang Dipintal Dengan Metoda Pemintalan Basah (WetSpinning)”, untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh peregangan (Draft Ratio) terhadap sifat fisik serat bambu.Penelitian dilakukan pada suhu ruangan (30oC), dengan menggunakan variasi konsentrasi larutan viskosa 2%; 4%;6%; 8%; dan variasi ratio peregangan 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 , 1:5. Pada proses ini digunakan spineret lubang tunggalberdiameter 500 mikron dan larutan koagulasi yang terdiri dari campuran asam sulfat, seng sulfat dan natriumsulfat. Peregangan didapat dari perbedaan rpm rol penyuap dengan rpm rol penarik.Dari data hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa semakin besar peregangan yang diberikan, maka kekuatan tarikserat akan semakin besar pula. Kekuatan tarik serat yang terbesar adalah pada draft ratio 1:5. Kehalusan serat yangdiperoleh tampaknya linier dengan draft ratio yang diberikan, semakin tinggi draft ratio yang diberikan semakinhalus serat yang dihasilkan. Pada draft ratio 1:5 diperoleh kehalusan serat yang paling baik. Konsentrasi larutanviskosa mempengaruhi kekuatan dan kehalusan serat. Kekuatan tarik terbesar adalah pada konsentrasi 8%.Kekuatan tarik dan kehalusan serat yang didapat dari variasi draft ratio dan konsentrasi larutan viskosa tersebuttampak belum mencapai titik optimal oleh karena itu penelitian ini perlu dilanjutkan untuk mengetahui kondisiproses yang optimal

    Mengembangkan Kesiapan Mental Calon Tkw Adan Keluarganya

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    Ketidakstabilan kondisi mental dan emosional dirasakan oleh seseorang yang akan meninggalkan keluarganya atau meninggalkan seseorang yang dicintainya, dan atau sebaliknya ketidakstabilan metal dan emosional juga dirasakan oleh keluarga atau orang-orang yang ditinggalkannya. Sikap mental yang dimaksudkan disini adalah kesiapan mental calon TKW dan keluarganya dalam menghadapi berbagai krisis psikologis, konflik psikis dan goncangan batin dalam menghadapi berbagai Perubahan yang muncul baik dari dalam diri sendiri, keluarga, maupun permasalahan yang muncul di tempat penampungan maupun ditempat kerja di luar negeri. Mengembangkan kesipan mental bagi calon TKW dan keluarganya, sebagai upaya mempersiapan mental para calon TKW dan keluargnya dalam menghadapi berbagai krisis psikologis, konflik psikis dan goncangan batin karena adanya berbagai Perubahan dari dalam diri, keluarga maupun tempat penampungan. Aspek kesiapan mental yang dikembangkan yaitu kematangan emosional, rasa percaya diri, dan kemampuan mengatasi masalah untuk membangun keutuhan rumah tangga yang harmonis

    Bioemidiasi Limbah Cair Tahu Menjadi Nata De Soya Sebagai Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terapan Kelas XI Di Smk Negeri 1 Jombang

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    Cellulose is a carbohydrate-shaped fibers that are very abundant in nature and have an important role as raw material for various types of industries. This research used on liquid waste bacteria growth media knows as aA xylinum for cellulose synthesis of nata de soya with addition of granulated sugar and molasses as carbon source in a different concentration. Want to know the influence range of carbon sources and concentration of heavy, thick and heavy rough fiber layers of nata de soya as well as carbon sources and concentration of the best produce heavy, thick and heavy rough fiber. Two kinds of carbon sources examined granulated sugar with molasses and carbon sources, each with three concentrations, i.e. 5%, 7.5% and 10%. Observation of heavy, thick and heavy rough fiber produced is carried out on the 14th. Results of the study showed that the higher the concentration of the carbon source both granulated sugar and molasses that is given it will be the greater weight of the heavy, thick and coarse layer of cellulose fibers produced significant weight differences and demonstrate, thick and weighs roughly after fiber held ujo Anava. Carbon source of granulated sugar 10% generate heavy, thick, and coarse Cellulose fiber weight of the most high. The research results developed into learning materials in the form of handouts on Applied SCIENCE subjects in class XI CMS. in KD. 3.14: Components description of ecosystems, pollution, and the impact of living beings and KD. 4.14: Do the handling of waste in the environmen

    Re-Transmission Assessment Survey Filariasis Pasca Pengobatan Massal di Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2016

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    Agam District finished the repetition of Filariasis treatment for 2 years, so Agam must be conducting the Re-TAS. Re-TAS was conducted on elementary school students grade 1 and 2 in the district of Agam. Survey design using the school cluster. The number of schools selected were 40 schools. Selection of the sample schools were calculated using sample survey builder (SSB). All students grades 1 and 2 in selected schools were examined using Brugia Rapid test to assess the presence of specific antibodies against Brugia malayi and B. timori worms. The number of students who registered as many as 1,999 children, while being examined by RDT as many as 1,717. A total of 282 students were absent during the examination or refused to be examined.Test results showed that 3 positive, 1694 negative, 20 invalid and 3 samples were excluded. The number of samples taken into account to assess the transmission of filariasis as many as 1,697, which is only positive and negative samples. The survey found that the minimum sample was adequate and the number of positive children under the cut of point, so Agam passed TAS 1

    The Importance of Acknowledgement as a High Class Society for Teenager in Alyson Noël's Faking 19

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    This paper discusses the Alex's desire to be acknowledged as a high class person. Alex comes from a middle class background. When she enters high school, she started to change. In this paper I analyze the changes that happened to Alex. In the analysis, I use Georg Simmel's theory about fashion and metropolitan lifestyle. I divided this analysis into three parts. The first part, it discusses what Alex does to get the acknowledgement. Second, it discusses the reasons and result behind her desire to be acknowledged as a high class. Finally, it discusses what Alex learns from her encounter with the high class. Through the analysis I find that Faking 19 shows an important moral lesson. Being acknowledged as a high class is not the most important thing in life. The most important thing in life is when someone can be themselves