1,403 research outputs found

    Hypertension as a Determining Factor in the Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysms, Diagnosed by 64-MDCT Angiography

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    Background: To determine a correlation between risk factors and the rupture of intracranial aneurysms. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 29 patients with a saccular intracranial aneurysm was obtained using consecutive sampling and examination of 64-MDCT angiography. Bivariate statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test was arranged using cross-tabulation to determine the correlation between each risk factor of age, sex, hypertension, and smoking with the occurrence of ruptured intracranial aneurysms. Results: The highest incidence of ruptured intracranial aneurysms were in patients aged <60 years (70%), male (75%), experienced hypertension (85%), and were smokers (85.7%). Only the risk factor of hypertension had a correlation with the occurrence of a ruptured intracranial aneurysm (p < 0.05). The prevalence ratio of age and sex were 1.0 and 0.9, whereas hypertension and smoking were 2.6 and 1.3. Conclusions: The risk factor of hypertension leading to a ruptured intracranial aneurysm was 2.6 times higher than non-hypertensive patients, and as such hypertension is a risk factor associated with the occurrence of ruptured intracranial aneurysm

    Design and control of a multi-fingered robot hand provided with tactile feedback

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    The design, construction, control and application of a three fingered robot hand with nine degrees of freedom and built-in multi-component force sensors is described. The adopted gripper kinematics are justified and optimized with respect to grasping and manipulation flexibility. The hand was constructed with miniature motor drive systems imbedded into the fingers. The control is hierarchically structured and is implemented on a simple PC-AT computer. The hand's dexterity and intelligence are demonstrated with some experiments

    Using of Straw Ash as Additive Material Cement

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    In this research, Portland cement type 1 made by using raw material clinker and gypsum from production unit in cement plant and also with adding straw ash from the combustion of straw rice plant, the adding of straw ash performed on a particular composition which is 0%, 5%, 8%, 12% and 15%. The purpose of the research is to know the effect of adding straw ash opposite the quality of Portland cement type 1 and to know about the best composition of adding straw ash to get Portland cement type 1 according with SNI-15-2049-2004. The benefits of the research are to reduce the level of environmental pollution and to increase the value of straw rice plant. Portland cement type 1 that has been created will be done some analysis to determine the quality of the cement, such as cement chemical composition analysis using X-Ray spectrometer, determination of free lime, determination of lost on ignition, determination of Blaine and determination of compressive strength mortar. So hoping the Portland cement type 1 that has been created is according SNI 15-2049-2009. The result of the research show that the all of adding straw ash is got cement with compressive strength, free lime disposal, loss on ignition disposal, and Blaine of cement according with SNI 15-2049-2009 with the maximum adding of the straw ash is 15 % where at this adding straw ash is got compressive strength equal 476 Kg/cm2, free lime equal 1, 01 %, loss on ignition equal 2, 78 %, and Blaine equal 6125 cm2/gr

    Spesies Mikrofilaria pada Penderita Kronis Filariasis secara Mikroskopis dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    Filariasis merupakan penyakit menular menahun yang disebabkan oleh cacing filaria. Di Indonesia terdapat 3 spesies cacing filaria yaitu; Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi dan Brugia timori. Spesiesutama yang ditemukan di Sumatera adalah B.malayi. Penularan filariasis melalui gigitan nyamuk daripenderita yang mengandung mikrofilaria. Penderita kronis dapat menjadi sumber penular filariasis bila masih mengandung cacing filaria dalam darahnya. Hasil pemeriksaan secara mikroskopis pada penderita kronis sering tidak menemukan adanya mikrofilaria, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemeriksan dengan polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan menentukan tingkat endemisitas dan status penderita filariasis kronis dan spesies mikrofilarianya secara mikroskopisdan PCR. Jumlah penduduk positif hasil pemeriksaan darah sebanyak 9 orang (Mf rate 0.31-1,75%). Pemeriksaan PCR terhadap 25 sampel mendapatkan 8 sampel positif mengandung DNA cacing filaria. Metode PCR dapat digunakan untuk membantu pemeriksaan secara mikroskopis dalam penentuan spesies mikrofilaria. Hasil sekuensing DNA mikrofilaria menunjukkan adanya spesies B.timori yang tidak ditemukan pada pemeriksaan secara mikroskopis.Kata Kunci: filariasis, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori, PCR AbstractFilariasis is a chronic infectious disease caused by filarial worms. In Indonesia there are three species of filarial worm that is: Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. The main species found inSumatra is B.malayi. Filariasis transmission can occurred by mosquitoes bite of the patient containing microfilariae. Chronic sufferers can become a source of transmitting filariasis if it still contains filarialworms in his blood. Microscopic examination results in chronic sufferers often do not find the microfilariae, so that the necessary examination by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Therefore conducted research aimed at determining the level of endemicity and status of chronic filariasis patients and its microfilariae species using microscopically and PCR. The total population of the positive results of blood tests as many as 9 people (Mf rate 0.31-1,75%). PCR on 25 samples get 8 positive samples containing DNA filarial worms. PCR methods can be used to assist in the determination by microscopic examination microfilariae species. DNA sequencing results indicate the presence of microfilariae B.timori species are not found on microscopic examination.Keywords : filariasis, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori, PC

    Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Industri Jasa Melalui Pendekatan Integrasi Metoda Servqual-six Sigma Atau Servqual-qfd

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    SERVQUAL merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan pelanggan atas jasa yang telah diterimanya yakni dengan cara membandingkan tingkat persepsi dan ekspektasinya. Servqual menilai kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan lima dimensi kualitas, yaitu dimensi empathy, assurance, reliability, responsivenes, dan tangibles. Six Sigma merupakan suatu metode atau teknik pengendalian dan peningkatan kualitas dramatik yang merupakan terobosan baru dalam bidang kualitas dan selalu berorientasi pada Kepuasan Pelanggan dengan suatu pengukuran target Sigma Quality Level. Langkah-Langkah Six Sigma adalah Define (D), Measure (M), Analyze (A), Improve (I) , Control (C) Quality Function Deployment (QFD) adalah suatu metode terstruktur untuk merencanakan dan mengembangkan yang memungkinkan tim pengembangan untuk mengklasifikasikaan keinginan dan kebutuhan konsumen serta mengevaluasi masing-masing kegunaan kemampuan produk atau jasa secara sistematis daalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen [Cohen, 1995. Hal 11]. QFD berusaha menerjemahkan apa yang dibutuhkan pelanggan menjadi apa yang dihasilkan Perusahaan. Dengan demikian QFD memungkinkan suatu Perusahaan untuk memprioritaskan kebutuhan pelanggan, menemukan tanggapan inovatif terhadap kebutuhan tersebut, dan memperbaiki proses hingga tercapai efektifitas maksimum. Struktur QFD biasa digambarkan dalam House Of Quality Integrasi metoda Servqual-Six Sigma, bertujuan agar hasil pengukuran SERVQUAL yang dianalisis dengan Importance Performance Matrix untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel kritis, dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan DPMO dan nilai sigma variabel-variabel kritis tersebut sehingga dapat diketahui variabel-variabel yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan. Sedangkan dengan metoda Servqual-QFD, diharapkan suatu Perusahaan dapat memprioritaskan kebutuhan pelanggan, menemukan tanggapan inovatif terhadap kebutuhan tersebut, dan memperbaiki proses hingga tercapai efektifitas maksimum Kombinasi-kombinasi tersebut merupakan upaya alternatif yang bisa dilakukan oleh industri jasa dalam meningkatkan kualitas jasa pelayanan. Dalam studi ini kesenjangan yang diukur adalah kesenjangan antara persepsi pihak penyedia jasa dengan harapan pelanggan yang sebenarnya (Gap 1) dan kesenjangan antara persepsi pelanggan dengan ekspektasi pelanggan (Gap 5)

    Refleksi Kritis Atas Metode Berfilsafat Damardjati Supadjar

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    The strength-ness of Damardjati Supadjar philosophical thought method is: unique, operational, and testified. Unique consist in that his thought are special and different from the other philosophers. The meaning of operational is applicable by one who ready to experience it. Testable has a meaning that someone who doing with the method, necessarily acknowledge that the method effective enough to developing the new consciousness. The weakness of the method are: style of the forwarding of ideas which sometime too vulgar (look-likes porno) and to the indigent beginner difficult to catch the substance of ideas, so that they impress the ideas less systematic. The contribution of Damardjati Supadjar method for the developing of philosophy, specially for Indonesian philosophy is to be able to offer the pattern of typical patterned thinking and attitude, representing result of cultural local genius of Java, Nusantara, Islam, And world culture

    Pengaruh Leader Member Exchange dan Kepuasan terhadap Bonus pada Motivasi Kerja Karyawan PT. Garuda Nusa Indah Jaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh leader member exchange dan kepuasan terhadap bonus pada motivasi kerja karyawan PT. Garuda Nusa Indah Jaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang karyawan bagian produksi PT. Garuda Nusa Indah Jaya. Sampel penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampel jenuh , maka ditetapkan sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh melalui angket penelitian yang telah diisi oleh responden yang sudah ditentukan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis regresi linier berganda.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel independen leader member exchange dan kepuasan terhadap bonus secara parsial maupun simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan PT. Garuda Nusa Indah Jaya

    Kajian Penerapan GCG, Kinerja Keuangan Dan Kaitannya Dengan Nilai Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Lq-45

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    This study examines the influence of good corporate governance mechanisms consisting of the number of independent Commisioner members, institutional ownership, the number of audit committee members, the number of board members, return on assets and the price to book value ratio of the selected companies. This study uses as its sample, the 36 companies listed in the LQ-45 from the period August 2008 until January 2010. The data used are taken from the annual reports of the companies from 2008 to 2010. Data are analyzed with classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 16. The normality test shows a normal distribution of data in this study; there is no multicollinearity or heteroscedasticity, and no autocorrelation. Hypothesis testing shows variable X1 (number of independent commisioner members), variable X2 (Institutional Ownership), and variable X3 (number of audit committee) had no significant effect on firm value. However, variable X4 (number of board members) and variable X5 (return on assets) show significant effect on firm value. Simultaneous testing demonstrated a significant effect from the five independent variables on firm value. The analysis indicates that applied good corporate governance will significantly affect company performance and hence will be transferred to company

    Kebijakan Manajemen Leverage Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kenaikan Profitabilitas Perusahaan Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan PT Charoen Pokphan Indonesia, Tbk

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    The use of leverage in running a company aims to increase its profit. Leverage can be differentiated into two; operating and financial leverage. In the daily operations, the company uses both leverages simultaneously. In other words, the company uses a combined leverage. The aim is to increase the shareholders net income or earnings per share because of the increase in the sales resulted from the use of leverage. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of using combined leverage to increase return on equity and earnings per share. The study was conducted using case study method. The poultry feed company, PT Charoen Pokphan Indonesia, Tbk (CPIN), became the object of the research. The results show that CPIN used a fairly large leverage in its operation during 2005 to 2008. However, the company management took another policy which was to reduce the use of operational leverage in 2009. The result indicates that the use of leverage did not bring significant impact on improving ROE and EPS. This happened because the cost of the company's operations outside the fixed costs as a result of using leverage was very large. Therefore, CIPN should control its operational costs in the future