37 research outputs found

    Pendugaan Parameter Demografi dan Pola Penyebaran Spasial Walabi Lincah (Macropus Agilis Papuanus) di Kawasan Taman Nasional Wasur Studi Kasus di Savana Campuran Udi-udi Seksi Pengelolaan III Wasur, Papua

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    The aim of the study was to know the population condition in savannah invaded by plant of Melaleuca sp and Eucalyptus sp specially disavan of mixture Ud-Udi. Useful research as reference data in nimble population walabi management in Wasur National Park. Method used of strip transect and plot the swampy forest animal. Perception conducted at three band that is band ecoton, savana band which abut the ecoton and band of mixture savana. This research is executed by during one month that is from april until may 2008. From result invetarisation obtained by that average of density the nimble walabi at Udi-Udi mixture savana is 0,67 tail per hectare. Highest density that is at band ecoton with the density 1,67 tail per hectare. From this result is known that by the nimble walabi prefer to be at the band ecoton compared to by band of mixture savannah which abut the forest of mixture and band of mixture savana. This density is compared to by smaller of density of savana ukra (pure savana not yet invasion). Structure old age the nimble walabi with the adult composition 17 tail (77,27%), 2 tail (9,09%) and child 3 tail ( 13,64%). Sex-ratio of reproduction at nimble walabi is sex-ratio at adult walabi, adult female and adult masculine comparison is 1 1. Totalizeing child individual is 3 adult female individual amount and tail is 9, is hence obtained by a harsh birth value of nimble walabi in Udi - Udi of mixture savana of equal to 33%. Nimble walabi mortality in Udi - Udi of mixture savana difficult to be known. From perception activity in field is not found by a dead individual. Pursuant to result analyse the test of chi square , obtained by pattern of nimble spreading spasial walabi in Udi - Udi savana is group in band ecoton by ID = 3,52 (more than 1 group d= 12,36; d > 1,96 group)

    Significant Bio-Ecological Parameters in Long Tailed Macaque (Macaca Fascicularis) Business

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    Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is one of a promising export commodities. To be aMe to maintain their preservation alld to reach an optimal and sustainable production level, there need to be captive breeding efforts. Significant information on the biology, ecology and population demographic parameters of these mscsques have been analyled from various literaturea and direct observations, in seven1 captive breeding sites

    Penggunaan Thidiazuron, 2, 4 – D dan Giberellin dalam Pembentukan Embrio Somatik Pule Pandak (Rauvolfia Serpentina (L.) Benth. Ex Kurz) melalui Kultur In Vitro

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    Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz, is one of the tropical forest plant species which is exploited as plant medicine and pertained as world rareness. To be able to make balance to storey, level request of Rauvolfia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz simplisia raw material and saving it from destruction, require to be by activity of conservation, one of the effort by in vitro culture forming of somatic embryo. Somatic embryo by in vitro is forming of embryo from cell is non sexual which is culture. Somatic embryo application beside for the of quickly, also can be yielded by the amount of seed which is not limited its amount, as well as to support program repair of crop. This research to know giving influence and regulator dose grow, consist of 2 attempt. I. Factorial Attempt which use completely randomized experimental disign, what consist of 2 factor, first is thidiazuron concentration which consist of 4 level, that is 0 ppm 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm, 8 ppm, second is concentration 2, 4-D which consist of 4 level, that is 0 ppm, 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, 1.5 ppm, 2 ppm .II. Factorial Attempt which use completely randomized experimental disign, what consist of 2 factor, first is thidiazuron concentration which consist of 4 level, that is 0 ppm, 2 ppm, 4 ppm, 6 ppm, 8 ppm, second is giberellin concentration which consist of 4 level, that is 0 ppm, 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, 1.5 ppm, 2.0 ppm. Pursuant to manner statistical analysis result is non parametric Kruskal-Wallis to callus score and embryo at 14 day after initiation not there are difference between treatment, but 28 and 42 day after initiation there are difference between treatment. The use thidiatzuron + 2,4-D give, forming of somatic embryo with the best treatment (6 ppm Thidiatzuron + 0,5 ppm 2, 4 D). Growth of embryo happened at age 35 day after initiation. Thidiazuron + giberellin forming of callus only

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants\u27 feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories

    Faktor-faktor Penentu Tarif Masuk Pengunjung Taman Nasional (Studi Kasus Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi)

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    Almost all Indonesia's national parks (NP) faced the challenge of managing their finances. One innovative way of raising additional funds was the rate of incoming visitors. Determination of entrance fee for national park was currently based on regional allocation of market system not on conditions and potentials of the respective national parks. Fees for incoming visitors were uniform for all national parks within a single regional allocation market. Such uniformity had resulted in relatively low fees for some NP and relatively high for others. As a price, visitors entrance fee required to be assessed not only from the user side but also from the manager's, especially in national parks with high potential number of visitors, such as Gunung Merapi (GMNP) with 165,851 visitors annually. The objectives of this study were to (1) identify the factors that affect the amount of entrance fee, (2) determine entrance fee based on GMNP annual management expenses using main cost approach, (3) determine entrance fee based on visitors using travel cost method and (4) determine entrance fee based on annual expenses for GMNP management and visitors. Results of the analysis showed that factors affecting GMNP entrance fee were: (1) based on annual management expenses were operational cost and total number of visitors, (2) based on visitors were travel cost, tourism attractions and total number of visitors per group, and (3) based on annual GMNP management expenses and visitors, were travel cost, tourism attractions, number of visitors per group, operational cost and total number of visitors

    Studi Biaya Dan Pendapatan Penangkaran Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis Raffles) Dengan Sistem Terbuka, Semi Terbuka Dan Tertutup (Expenses and Earnings Study of Breeding of Long Tail Macaque with Open, Semi Open, and Closed Systems)

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    The study was conducted to calculate the earning and expenses of three kinds breeding system of long tail macaque i.e open, semi-open and close breeding system, respectively in PT PRESTASI Farma Nusantara, CV New Inquitex Primates Division and CV Wahana Satwa Loka. Discounted cash now analysis for ten years period were used to determine the earning and expenses, using 18% of interest rate. According to NPV, IRR and BCR values for 1000 macaques in captive showed that the earning and expenses were difference between these breeding system, where closed system was higher than the others. Based on product grade, close system was better (level B) than semi-open (level C) and open system (level D)

    Preferensi Dan Pendugaan Produktivitas Pakan Alami Populasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temmick, 1847) Di Hutan Produksi Khusus (Hpkh) Pusat Latihan Gajah (Plg) Sebelat, Bengkulu Utara

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    The isolation of habitat, shrinking of natural habitat and diminishing of habitat quality have increased conflicts between man and elephant to utilize space and abundance of food. This research was carried out from April to June 2007 in Seblat Training Centre for Elephants. The objectives of this research were to recognize the potential of food plants for the elephants, the productivity of food plants, types and parts of food plants favoured by the elephants, and preferential of specific food plants and feeding behaviour. The analysis was conducted by means of vegetation analysis, through cutting and pruning parts of feeding plants, studying them and running statistical procedures to acquire conclusions about the food plant species. The analysis was followed by observing the feeding behaviour of the elephants on foot. Ground plant species which were potential as elephants' feed comprised of 36 species, 29 spesies at seedling level, 26 species at sapling level, 24 species at pole level and 29 species at tree level. The highest productivity for sapling and pole levels are Leea indica and for seedling level is Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea. The feeding plants of elephants comprises of 245 species from which 11 parts of the plants preferred by the elephants. Gigantochloa cf. atroviolacea and Stachyphrynium sp were the most favored plant species, indicated by the highest preferential index. The feeding behaviour of elephants could be categoried into 8 categories

    Analisis Faktor Ekologi Dominan Pemilihan Kubangan Oleh Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    The characteristic of wallow can be one of standard or criteria of the javan rhino habitat which will be used for selection strategy of further javan rhino's wallow. The objective of this study is to identify the wallow characteristic of javan rhino both physical and biological factors that need for identifiying the dominant ecological factor in determining wallow selection strategy for javan rhino. The data that were collected consisted of physical characteristic javan rhino's wallow i.e. the length and the width of wallow, the depth of mud and water of wallow, water pH inside the wallow, the height of wallow site, the temperature and humidity, and the distance from wallow to the coastal, river, and from human access. The biotic characteristic aspects of javan rhino' wallow that were observed consisted of the number of javan rhino' feed and the total density of vegetation spread around the wallow according to result of vegetation analysis. Based on the result of factor analysis, the dominant ecological factor that affect wallow selection are the height of the site (10-87 mdpl), air temperature (26-29°C), and tree density (25-174 ind/ha)