9,173 research outputs found

    The use of learning management platforms in school context - a national study

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    This report results from a national study carried out under the Project “Educational application of learning management platforms”, supported and funded by the Computers, Networks, and Internet in Schools department of the Portuguese Ministry of Education- General Directorate for Innovation and Educational Development. This report has been developed by the ICT Competence Centre of the Faculty of Sciences- University of Lisbon, during the school year 2007/2008

    Sustaining interaction in a mathematical community of practice

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    This paper focuses on an activity in which students explore sequences through a game, using ToonTalk programming and a web-based collaboration system. Our analytical framework combines theory of communities of practice with domain epistemology. We note three factors which influence the length and quality of interactions: facilitation, reciprocation and audience-awareness

    Robot phase entrainment on quadruped CPG controller

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    Central Pattern Generators are used in several kinds of robot locomotion, from swimming and flying, to bipeds, quadrupeds and hexapods. It is thought that this approach can yield better results in dynamical and natural environments. In this work we expand a previous quadruped locomotion controller and propose a method to couple the step cycle phase onto the locomotor CPG of a quadruped robot, creating a feedback pathway to coordinate the phases of each leg to the phase of the step cycle. This approach is tested in a simulated quadruped robot and the performed locomotion is evaluated. Results demonstrate that the proposed phase coupling synchronizes the swing step phase of ipsilateral legs to the respective step phase of the cycle and show an improvement in stability of the performed walk gait.(undefined

    Uma proposta de sistema Business Intelligence para a gestão pública: maximização da eficiência com foco na necessidade popular

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Ciências Contábeis.Com a crescente demanda da sociedade brasileira por satisfação de suas necessidades reais e por atingimento do bem estar coletivo, os gestores públicos necessitam, cada vez mais, de ferramentas que os auxiliem em suas tomadas de decisões e que gerem informações legítimas e tempestivas. A utilização de sistemas advindos da tecnologia da informação torna-se, então, essencial, pois possibilitam agilidade ao acesso a importantes informações, entre muito outros benefícios. Verificase que há assimetrias informacionais internas e externas às entidades públicas, causando insatisfação popular, por não atenderem suas reais prioridades, e causando desperdícios na utilização dos recursos públicos. Desta forma, este trabalho descritivoprescritivo propõe um modelo de sistema Business Intelligence a ser adotado como apoio as tomadas de decisões na gestão pública. O modelo de sistema apresentado permite a otimização da eficiência na utilização dos recursos públicos, minimizando assimetrias informacionais dentro da administração pública e para com a sociedade, e, também, aumentando a satisfação da população com os serviços prestados pelo Estado. Portanto, entende-se que a implementação do sistema, como apoio aos processos decisórios na gestão pública, pode otimizar a eficiência na utilização dos recursos públicos e gerar serviços que foquem na necessidade popular

    Omnidirectional locomotion in a quadruped robot : a CPG-based approach

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    Quadruped locomotion on rough terrain and un- predictable environments is still a challenge, where the concept of Central Pattern Generators (CPG) has brought interesting ideas. In this contribution we present a CPG design based on coupled oscillators, generating the required stepping movements of a limb for omnidirectional motion. Movements are on- line modulated through small value changes in the CPG’s parameters as required to perform the desired omnidirectional locomotion in a quadruped robot. We also present a method- ology to modulate the CPG’s parameters, reducing the control dimensionality, described in terms of the robot’s translational speed, angular velocity and walking orientation. Results show the proposed controller is well suited for the online generation and modulation of the motor patterns required to achieve the desired omnidirectional walking motion

    Gait transition and modulation in a quadruped robot : a brainstem-like modulation approach

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    In this article, we propose a bio-inspired architecture for a quadruped robot that is able to initiate/stop locomotion; generate different gaits, and to easily select and switch between the different gaits according to the speed and/or the behavioral context. This improves the robot stability and smoothness while locomoting. We apply nonlinear oscillators to model Central Pattern Generators (CPGs). These generate the rhythmic locomotor movements for a quadruped robot. The generated trajectories are modulated by a tonic signal, that encodes the required activity and/or modulation. This drive signal strength is mapped onto sets of CPG parameters. By increasing the drive signal, locomotion can be elicited and velocity increased while switching to the appropriate gaits. This drive signal can be specified according to sensory information or set a priori. The system is implemented in a simulated and real AIBO robot. Results demonstrate the adequacy of the architecture to generate and modulate the required coordinated trajectories according to a velocity increase; and to smoothly and easily switch among the different motor behaviors.The authors gratefully acknowledge Keir Pearson for all the discussions and help. This work is funded by FEDER Funding supported by the Operational Program Competitive Factors COMPETE and National Funding supported by the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology through project PTDC/EEACRO/100655/2008

    De volta às origens: a reinserção da filosofia nos currículos escolares brasileiros

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    EntretextosO ensino e a aprendizagem da filosofia é, antes de tudo, uma arte que desenvolve as faculdades de julgar e raciocinar em geral, e está atualmente revivida nas escolas em todos os níveis. O seu papel, como força reflexiva, assumiu relevância não só no passado, mas, sobretudo, no presente, porque o pensar filosófico possibilita o desenvolvimento de seres humanos mais criativos, críticos, reflexivos, independentes e comprometidos eticamente com as instituições humanas, em um novo mundo, movido pelo empreendedorismo, e põe em xeque o homem robotizado que apertava parafusos. Este novo mundo exige profissionais pro-ativos, capazes de pensar autonomamente e tomar decisões. Todavia, por que ensinar filosofia, se, de um lado, a juventude está apenas interessada em garantir o seu futuro, ouvindo os ditames do mercado, a partir de uma profissão que ofereça as garantias de sucesso, segurança e estabilidade imediatas, e de outro lado, a própria evolução científica e tecnológica nos oferecem facilidades que acabam criando os analfabetos funcionais e reintroduz o homem robô num mundo cibernético, para saber apertar, apenas, algumas teclas de computador. Deste modo, qual o sentido de se ensinar e estudar filosofia se o conhecimento científico e as inovações tecnológicas substituíram a sabedoria? Por que introduzir nos currículos escolares um saber que aparentemente não tem utilidade, numa sociedade em que o espírito dominante é o do utilitarismo, do consumo, do imediatismo e da acumulação de capitais e de riqueza se a riqueza da “mais-valia” da filosofia não combina com a “mais-valia” do mercado?The education and the learning of the philosophy is, above all, an art that develops the faculties of judge and think in general, and is at present revived in the schools in all of the levels. His paper, as reflexive force, assumed not alone relevance in the past, but, especially, in the present, because thinking philosophical makes possible the human beings' more creative, critical, reflexive, independent and committed development, ethically, with the human institutions in a new world moved by the entrepreneurship and that calls into question the man automaton that held tight bolts and, for such need, requires itself professionals for-assets, capable of think with autonomy. However, by that teach philosophy, if, of a side, the youth is barely interested in guarantee his future, hearing the dictates of the market, from a profession that offer the guarantees of success, security and immediate stability, and of another side, to own technological and scientific evolution facilities offer us that finish creating the functional illiterates and reintroduce the man robot in a world cybernetic for know to hold tight barely Keys of any computer. In this way, which the sense of be taught and study philosophy itself the scientific knowledge and the technological innovations replaced the wisdom? By that introduce us school curriculums a knowledge that apparently does not have utility, in a society in that the dominant spirit is the of the utilitarianism, of the consumption, of the immediacy and of the accumulation of capitals and of wealth itself the wealth of the "surplus value" of the philosophy does not combine with the "surplus value" of the market

    Programa de reabilitação com biofeedback e funcionalidade: estudo piloto para identificar a influência do biofeedback na reabilitação funcional do paciente após o AVE

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaObjetivo: Analisar qual o momento em que a terapia combinada é mais eficaz, comparando com a terapia conservadora, de forma a promover um aumento da funcionalidade dos membros inferiores, de um paciente após o AVE. Metodologia: Neste estudo participaram 8 utentes, que sofreram um AVE nos últimos 3 meses, com uma média de idades 74,13 ± 10,26 e foram divididos em dois grupos de 4 elementos (Grupo A: Terapia conservadora e Grupo B: Terapia combinada). Aos participantes foram aplicadas duas escalas de avaliação: Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF) e Avaliação de Fugl-Meyer (FM), juntamente com o aparelho de Physiosensing que nos indica a carga efetuada nos membros inferiores. Resultados: Através da análise dos resultados quando comparamos os dois grupos (A, B), encontramos diferenças estatisticamente significativas apenas nas variáveis: máximo de carga efectuada nos membros inferiores sobre a plataforma, no primeiro momento de avaliação. Conclusão: A combinação da reabilitação convencional com a estimulação do biofeedback visual parece proporcionar resultados significativamente melhores, uma vez que promove o aumento da funcionalidade.Objective: To analyze which time the combination therapy is more effective, comparing with conservative therapy, to promote an increase in the functionality of the lower limbs of a patient after stroke. Methodology: In this study we attended 8 users, who have suffered a stroke in the last 3 months with a mean age 74.13 ± 10.26 and were divided into two groups of 4 elements (Group A: Group B conservative therapy, and Combined Therapy). Participants were applied two scales of evaluation: Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FM), along with Physiosensing device which indicates the load carried in lower members. Results: The analysis of the results when comparing the two groups (A, B), we found statistically significant differences only in the variables: load maximum performed in lower limbs on the platform, at first evaluation. Conclusion: The combination of conventional rehabilitation with the stimulation of the visual biofeedback appears to provide significantly better results since it promotes increased functionality.N/

    People tracking in a smart campus context using multiple cameras

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    Object multi-tracking has been a relevant topic for different applications, such as surveillance, mobility, and ambient intelligence. It is particularly challenging when considering open spaces, like Smart Cities, which demand multi-camera solutions with issues like re-identification. In this paper, we describe a framework aiming to provide multi-tracking of people throughout a university campus as part of a larger project (Lab4USpaces) to develop a Smart Campus initiative. Several object detection models and real-time tracking open-source algorithms were compared. The project contemplates a set of low-cost video cameras covering most of the campus, with or without overlapping. After researching different alternatives, the proposed framework uses the YOLOv7 tiny model for object detection, BoT-Sort for multiple object tracking, and Deep Person Reid for re-identification. We also faced challenges concerning the privacy and security of campus users. The multi-tracking system complies with current regulations since no personal identification is ever performed, and no images are stored for longer than necessary for object detection and re-identification. Besides describing the first prototype, this paper discusses some validation tests and describes some potential uses.- (undefined