2,577 research outputs found

    Non-axisymmetric instability of rotating black holes in higher dimensions

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    We calculate the scalar-gravitational quasi-normal modes of equal angular momenta Myers-Perry black holes in odd dimensions. We find a new bar-mode (non-axisymmetric) classical instability for D≥7D \ge 7. These black holes were previously found to be unstable to axisymmetric perturbations for spins very near extremality. The bar-mode instability we find sets in at much slower spins, and is therefore the dominant instability of these black holes. This instability has important consequences for the phase diagram of black holes in higher dimensions

    Investigation of potential artefactual changes in measurements of impedance changes during evoked activity: implications to electrical impedance tomography of brain function.

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) could provide images of fast neural activity in the adult human brain with a resolution of 1 ms and 1 mm by imaging impedance changes which occur as ion channels open during neuronal depolarization. The largest changes occur at dc and decrease rapidly over 100 Hz. Evoked potentials occur in this bandwidth and may cause artefactual apparent impedance changes if altered by the impedance measuring current. These were characterized during the compound action potential in the walking leg nerves of Cancer pagurus, placed on Ag/AgCl hook electrodes, to identify how to avoid artefactual changes during brain EIT. Artefact-free impedance changes (δZ) decreased with frequency from -0.045 ± 0.01% at 225 Hz to -0.02 ± 0.01% at 1025 Hz (mean ± 1 SD, n = 24 in 12 nerves) which matched changes predicted by a finite element model. Artefactual δZ reached c.300% and 50% of the genuine membrane impedance change at 225 Hz and 600 Hz respectively but decreased with frequency of the applied current and was negligible above 1 kHz. The proportional amplitude (δZ (%)) of the artefact did not vary significantly with the amplitude of injected current of 5-20 µA pp. but decreased significantly from -0.09 ± 0.024 to -0.03 ± 0.023% with phase of 0 to 45°. For fast neural EIT of evoked activity in the brain, artefacts may arise with applied current of >10 µA. Independence of δZ with respect to phase but not the amplitude of applied current controls for them; they can be minimized by randomizing the phase of the applied measuring current and excluded by recording at >1 kHz

    A Reconstruction-Classification Method for Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography is an imaging technique which distinguishes biological tissues by their unique conductivity spectrum. Recent results suggest that the use of spectral constraints can significantly improve image quality. We present a combined reconstruction-classification method for estimating the spectra of individual tissues, whilst simultaneously reconstructing the conductivity. The advantage of this method is that a priori knowledge of the spectra is not required to be exact in that the constraints are updated at each step of the reconstruction. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of the proposed method to errors in the initial guess of the tissue spectra, and look at the effect of introducing spatial smoothing. We formalize and validate a frequency-difference variant of reconstruction-classification, and compare the use of absolute and frequency-difference data in the case of a phantom experiment

    Imaging fast electrical activity in the brain with electrical impedance tomography.

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    Imaging of neuronal depolarization in the brain is a major goal in neuroscience, but no technique currently exists that could image neural activity over milliseconds throughout the whole brain. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an emerging medical imaging technique which can produce tomographic images of impedance changes with non-invasive surface electrodes. We report EIT imaging of impedance changes in rat somatosensory cerebral cortex with a resolution of 2ms and <200μm during evoked potentials using epicortical arrays with 30 electrodes. Images were validated with local field potential recordings and current source-sink density analysis. Our results demonstrate that EIT can image neural activity in a volume 7×5×2mm in somatosensory cerebral cortex with reduced invasiveness, greater resolution and imaging volume than other methods. Modeling indicates similar resolutions are feasible throughout the entire brain so this technique, uniquely, has the potential to image functional connectivity of cortical and subcortical structures

    Characterisation and imaging of cortical impedance changes during interictal and ictal activity in the anaesthetised rat.

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    Epilepsy affects approximately 50 million people worldwide, and 20-30% of these cases are refractory to antiepileptic drugs. Many patients with intractable epilepsy can benefit from surgical resection of the tissue generating the seizures; however, difficulty in precisely localising seizure foci has limited the number of patients undergoing surgery as well as potentially lowered its effectiveness. Here we demonstrate a novel imaging method for monitoring rapid changes in cerebral tissue impedance occurring during interictal and ictal activity, and show that it can reveal the propagation of pathological activity in the cortex. Cortical impedance was recorded simultaneously to ECoG using a 30-contact electrode mat placed on the exposed cortex of anaesthetised rats, in which interictal spikes (IISs) and seizures were induced by cortical injection of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), picrotoxin or penicillin. We characterised the tissue impedance responses during IISs and seizures, and imaged these responses in the cortex using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). We found a fast, transient drop in impedance occurring as early as 12ms prior to the IISs, followed by a steep rise in impedance within ~120ms of the IIS. EIT images of these impedance changes showed that they were co-localised and centred at a depth of 1mm in the cortex, and that they closely followed the activity propagation observed in the surface ECoG signals. The fast, pre-IIS impedance drop most likely reflects synchronised depolarisation in a localised network of neurons, and the post-IIS impedance increase reflects the subsequent shrinkage of extracellular space caused by the intense activity. EIT could also be used to picture a steady rise in tissue impedance during seizure activity, which has been previously described. Thus, our results demonstrate that EIT can detect and localise different physiological changes during interictal and ictal activity and, in conjunction with ECoG, may in future improve the localisation of seizure foci in the clinical setting

    Comparison of total variation algorithms for electrical impedance tomography

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    The applications of total variation (TV) algorithms for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) have been investigated. The use of the TV regularisation technique helps to preserve discontinuities in reconstruction, such as the boundaries of perturbations and sharp changes in conductivity, which are unintentionally smoothed by traditional l2 norm regularisation. However, the non-differentiability of TV regularisation has led to the use of different algorithms. Recent advances in TV algorithms such as the primal dual interior point method (PDIPM), the linearised alternating direction method of multipliers (LADMM) and the spilt Bregman (SB) method have all been demonstrated successful EIT applications, but no direct comparison of the techniques has been made. Their noise performance, spatial resolution and convergence rate applied to time difference EIT were studied in simulations on 2D cylindrical meshes with different noise levels, 2D cylindrical tank and 3D anatomically head-shaped phantoms containing vegetable material with complex conductivity. LADMM had the fastest calculation speed but worst resolution due to the exclusion of the second-derivative; PDIPM reconstructed the sharpest change in conductivity but with lower contrast than SB; SB had a faster convergence rate than PDIPM and the lowest image errors

    Empirical validation of statistical parametric mapping for group imaging of fast neural activity using electrical impedance tomography

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    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) allows for the reconstruction of internal conductivity from surface measurements. A change in conductivity occurs as ion channels open during neural activity, making EIT a potential tool for functional brain imaging. EIT images can have  >10 000 voxels, which means statistical analysis of such images presents a substantial multiple testing problem. One way to optimally correct for these issues and still maintain the flexibility of complicated experimental designs is to use random field theory. This parametric method estimates the distribution of peaks one would expect by chance in a smooth random field of a given size. Random field theory has been used in several other neuroimaging techniques but never validated for EIT images of fast neural activity, such validation can be achieved using non-parametric techniques. Both parametric and non-parametric techniques were used to analyze a set of 22 images collected from 8 rats. Significant group activations were detected using both techniques (corrected p  <  0.05). Both parametric and non-parametric analyses yielded similar results, although the latter was less conservative. These results demonstrate the first statistical analysis of such an image set and indicate that such an analysis is an approach for EIT images of neural activity
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