2 research outputs found

    Forms of application of nitrogen in different stages of the development of soybean culture / Formas da aplicação de nitrogênio em diferentes estádios do desenvolvimento da cultura da soja

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    In Brazil, inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and B. elkanii strains is the main form of Nitrogen (N) supply to soybean, but there are reports of the use of mineral N as a complement to biological fixation. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different forms and times of N application on the development and yield of soybean. The treatments include a control without N application and in all other treatments 10 kg ha-1 of N was applied, altering the time (V2, V4, R1 or R2) and the application form, namely, at sowing, broadcast on topdressing or by leaf spraying. The application of N provided an increase in leaf area, dry mass of shoot, number of nodules and dry mass of nodules in treatments with application of N at sowing and N at V2 on topdressing. For plant height, the treatment with N at V2 by leaf spraying was superior compared to control. The weight of one thousand seeds was not affected by N application. For grain yield the treatments with application of N by leaf spraying in V2 and R1 were highlighted. The greatest increase in grain yield on soybean is reached with leaf spraying at V2 stage


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    Phosphorus (P) is the most limiting nutrient for cultivation in tropical soils, as they generally have high phosphorus adsorption capacity. Some chemical and physical attributes of soil such as clay content, pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and organic matter influence the adsorption dynamics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of the phosphorus adsorption process in a Red-Yellow Oxisol and a Typic Quartzipisamment from the Cerrado-Amazon transition region, and to evaluate the soil attributes that influence the adsorption dynamics of the soil of the phosphorus. Chemical and physical characterization and Langmuir isotherm construction were performed by the “Bach” method. From the Langmuir linearized equation, the maximum P adsorption capacity (MPAC), the constant with the binding energy (KB) and the maximum capacity factor (PCFmax) were selected. There was a difference in MPAC, KB and PCFmax of the studied soils, and the highest values ​​were found in the Red-Yellow Oxisol, mainly due to the higher clay content in relation to theTypic Quartzipisamment. Organic matter was one of the few attributes that had a negative correlation with the adsorption attributes, highlighting (emphasizing) it’s importance in (soil) management to increase the efficiency of phosphate fertilization.O fósforo (P) é o nutriente mais limitante ao cultivo nos solos tropicais, que, geralmente, apresentam alta capacidade de adsorção de P. Alguns atributos químicos e físicos do solo como o teor de argila, pH, CTC efetiva e matéria orgânica influenciam na dinâmica de adsorção. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o processo de adsorção do fósforo em um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (LVA) e um Neossolo Quartzarênico (RQ) da região de transição Cerrado-Amazônia, e avaliar os atributos dos solos que influenciam na dinâmica de adsorção do P. Os ensaios de sorção foram realizados pelo método “Batch” ou em batelada e à partir dos dados obtidos foram construídas curvas obtendo a equação linearizada de Langmuir, com as quais foram determinados os valores de capacidade máxima de adsorção de P (CMAP), a constante relacionada com a energia de ligação (KL) e o fator capacidade de P máximo (FCPmáx). Houve diferença na CMAP, KL e FCPmáx dos solos estudados, sendo que os maiores valores foram encontrados no LVA, devido principalmente ao maior teor de argila em relação ao RQ. A matéria orgânica foi um dos poucos atributos que tiveram correlação negativa com os atributos de adsorção, ressaltando sua importância no manejo para aumentar a eficiência da adubação fosfatada. Palavras-chave: Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo; Neossolo Quartzarênico; Isotermas de adsorção.   Phosphorus adsorption in soils of tropical regions   ABSTRACT: Phosphorus (P) is the most limiting nutrient for cultivation in tropical soils, as they generally have high P adsorption capacity. Some chemical and physical attributes of soil such as clay content, pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) and organic matter influence the adsorption dynamics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of the phosphorus adsorption process in a Red-Yellow Latosol and a Quartzarenic Neosol from the Cerrado-Amazon transition region, and to evaluate the soil attributes that influence the adsorption dynamics of the soil of the phosphorus. Sorption tests were performed using the “Bach” method, from the Langmuir linearized equation, the maximum P adsorption capacity (MPAC), the constant with the binding energy (KB) and the maximum capacity factor (PCFmax) were selected. There was a difference in MPAC, KB and PCFmax of the studied soils, and the highest values ​​were found in the Red-Yellow Oxisol, mainly due to the higher clay content in relation to theTypic Quartzipisamment. Organic matter was one of the few attributes that had a negative correlation with the adsorption attributes, highlighting (emphasizing) it’s importance in (soil) management to increase the efficiency of phosphate fertilization. Keywords: Red-Yellow Latosol; Quartzarenic Neosol; adsorption isotherms