33 research outputs found


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    A utilização de sementes de alta qualidade é fundamental para que os sistemas de produção de soja apresentem adequados resultados técnicos e econômicos. No entanto, para que esses insumos sejam ofertados com alta qualidade, em geral, são necessários expressivos investimentos. Assim, buscou-se verificar se a implantação de uma unidade de beneficiamento de sementes (UBS) de soja no Estado do Mato Grosso constitui, no longo prazo, alternativa financeiramente viável. Para tanto, com base em um horizonte de planejamento de 10 anos de operação da UBS, com capacidade instalada anual de 500 mil sacas de sementes, foram elaborados os fluxos de caixa e calculados alguns indicadores financeiros (sob condições determinísticas e de riscos), como o valor presente líquido e a taxa interna de retorno. Dentre os resultados obtidos, se verificou que, embora os indicadores apontassem para a maior chance de ocorrência de resultados financeiros positivos, existem grandes riscos do projeto não gerar os resultados esperados. Isso significa que o investimento em uma UBS de soja no Mato Grosso, em nenhuma hipótese, pode ser considerado como desassociado de risco.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------The use of seeds of high quality is fundamental for the soybean production systems generate good technical and economical results. However, the supply of those inputs with high quality, in general, needs great investments. Thus, we evaluated if the establishment of a seed processing unit (SPU) of soybean in the State of Mato Grosso is an alternative financial viable in the long-term. Based on a planning horizon of 10 years of operation of the SPU, with capacity installed of 500 thousand bags of seeds by year, we elaborated the cash flows and calculated some financial indicators (under deterministic and risk conditions), as the net present value and the internal rate of return. As results, although the indicators evidenced the largest chance of occurrence of positive financial results, we observed that there are great risks of the project not to generate the expected results. This observation indicates that the investment in a SPU of soybean in Mato Grosso, in any hypothesis, can be considered as disassociated of risk.avaliação de projetos, investimento, probabilidades, risco, project evaluation, investment, probabilities, risk, Crop Production/Industries,

    Viabilidade econômica da irrigação da cultura do café na região de Viçosa - MG

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    The objective of this paper is analyze the economic viability of implanting different technological alternatives of irrigation in the culture of coffee in the municipal district of Viçosa-MG. Technical and financial parameters of coffee cultivation were analyzed in five different technological alternatives: (A) - no-irrigated production with low productivity, (B) - no-irrigated production with high productivity, (C) - irrigated production by leaking, (D) - irrigated production by leaking fertilizing, (E) - irrigated production by mesh. For each one of there alternatives, Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, the Rate Interns of Return Modified and the Payback Period, being made the risk simulations were performed using the Latin Hypercube method. Results showed that the alternatives of production white irrigated were economically superior to the alternatives without no-irrigated, even in traditional producers areas, as the municipal district of Viçosa-MG. In addition to elevating the economical return and reducing the of the Payback Period capital invested, irrigated coffee reduces the risk of the activity.Coffee, Return, Risk, Risk and Uncertainty,


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    Due to growing consumer demands regarding product quality and the social and environmental aspects of the production process, there is a need to redefine the agricultural productive structure so as to make it sustainable. The Integrated Production System in Coffee (CIP) aims to meet these new requirement standards. The system, however, is still very recent and requires more detailed studies to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis of the economic viability and the risk associated to the conventional and integrated systems of coffee production in the farm property of São João, in the Coimbra district in Minas Gerais state. The method used was the calculation of the viability and returns dispersion pointers (internal return tax, net present value, payback and coefficient of variation period). Risk analysis was done through the Monte Carlo simulation. According to the values found for the pointers calculated, it was concluded that the integrated production system is more viable in the property analyzed and also less subject to risks.Coffee, integrated production, viability, risk, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Industrial Organization,

    Coastal erosion. Geometric detached breakwaters indicators for preventing the shoreline erosion. Fringe session

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    The coastline today is undoubtedly in a precarious situation. Many beaches are suffering from erosion and the obvious environmental and landscape degradation of many coastal stretches are problems. Coastal Engineers are spending time in solving. With this in mind, different protection methods have been used over time, most based on the artificial nourishment of beaches and on building structures such as groynes and detached breakwaters. Detached breakwaters are artificial structures, generally parallel to the coastline, inspired on the working of natural formations, protecting a certain stretch from wave action and being able to create accretion areas. This is why these structures have been in general use with different results, since the 1970s, in countries such as Japan, the USA, Israel, Spain, Italy and Australia. The study undertaken for this research centres precisely on this type of structure, with the purpose of providing an overall view of the state-of-the-art in this field and a conceptual model for preventing the coastal erosion. In addition, the effects of a detached breakwater on the shoreline for a series of prototypes on the Spanish coastline and whether the empirical relations given by different researchers for classifying the shoreline’s type of response were fulfilled for them all or not, were researched. There sult of this work showed how sensitive the shore’s response is in relation to the non-dimensional B/X monomial (where B is the length of the detached breakwater and X its distance to the initial coastline) and the range of figures proposed for classifying the shore’s response based on that monomial

    Diseño funcional y ambiental de diques exentos de baja cota de coronación

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    La costa constituye una estrecha y fuertemente presionada franja, sometida a grandes desequilibrios como consecuencia de múltiples y variadas causas: oleaje, mareas y corrientes, construcción de obras marítimas que interrumpen las corrientes litorales y el transporte de sedimentos, subida del nivel medio del mar, desarrollo de áreas costeras y urbanismo masivo en la zona activa de las playas, etc. Todo ello provoca la erosión de un gran número de playas, así como su degradación ambiental y paisajística. Esta situación precaria del litoral constituye, hoy en día, un serio y preocupante problema, al que los Ingenieros de Costas dedican su actividad, en busca de soluciones que garanticen su estabilidad. Con este fin, se han venido utilizando, a lo largo del tiempo, diferentes métodos de protección, basados la mayoría de ellos en la construcción de obras marítimas, de entre las que hay que destacar los diques exentos. La investigación llevada a cabo y que se presenta en este artículo se centra precisamente en este tipo de obras costeras. Plantea como objetivo principal el desarrollo de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que influyen en los cambios experimentados en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y siguiendo una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño de diques exentos, que considera algunas de las relaciones gráficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto

    Demanda industrial de energia elétrica em Minas Gerais, 1970-2002

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    The main objective of this paper was to obtain an estimate for the industrial electricity demand in Minas Gerais in the period from 1970 to 2002. After identifying that the series were nonstationary, it was used the Cointegration approach, being estimated a Vector Error Correction Model (VEC Model). The results showed that both price and income elasticities are inferiors to the unit. The projections for period 2004/2008 indicate that the consumption of electricity should present superior taxes of growth to the observed ones in the decade of 90.Industrial Demand, Electricity, Cointegration, VEC Model, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Viabilidade econômica da agroindústria familiar rural de frutas na zona da mata mineira

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    The called Rural Familiar Agroindustry aims at, over all, the production of value of exchange which takes place in the commercialization. From the presuppose that exists an important pass between the agricultural production and its draining, the article brings an analysis of the economic viability of the rural familiar agroindustry, bringing as case study a typical agroindustry of candies of fruits in the Zona da Mata Mineira region. By the elaboration of the box flow of the project, a sensibility analysis and a risk analysis by the Mont Carlo simulation method were realized. The joined results were favorable to the stimulation to the implantation in a bigger scale, with public policies, of projects as the studied one, as a proposal of regional development.Risk analysis, Familiar agriculture, Fruit agroindustry, Risk and Uncertainty,


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    As exigências do mercado internacional de frutas têm colocado aos produtores que desejem acessá-lo a necessidade de adoção do protocolos de Boas Práticas Agrícolas (BPA), cujo objetivo principal é a geração de produtos de qualidade e livres de resíduos químicos. A Produção Integrada de Frutas (PIF) constitui-se em um desses protocolos e sua adoção tem sido incentivada pelo Ministério da Agricultura como forma de elevar os padrões de qualidade do produto nacional, contribuindo para o acesso dos produtores ao mercado externo. Entretanto, a adoção da PIF, além das oportunidades de acesso ao mercado externo e redução de custos com agroquímicos, impõe aos produtores custos adicionais com investimentos em instalações e com processos de certificação. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da adoção da PIF sobre o retorno dos produtores. Para a consecução da pesquisa, foi necessário escolher uma espécie de fruta para ser analisada em virtude do grande número de espécies produzidas pelo país. Assim, levando-se em consideração aspectos como importância das exportações e o atual estágio de adoção da PIF, a fruta selecionada foi o mamão papaia variedade golden. A realização do trabalho compreendeu, a partir de dados fornecidos por uma empresa produtora de mamão, a elaboração de fluxos de caixa representativos da produção de mamão nos sistemas convencional e integrado, o cálculo de indicadores de viabilidade e a operacionalização de processos de simulação para mensurar o risco envolvido em casa sistema produtivo. Os resultados apontaram pequena vantagem em de retorno e em termos de risco para a produção integrada o que permitiu concluir que a adoção da PIF não garante aos produtores elevação substancial de retornos. -----------------------------------------------The fruit international market’s exigencies have led the producers who wants to have access to it the necessity to adopt Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), whose the principal objective is the production of agricultural products of high quality free of chemical residue. The Integrated Production of Fruit is one of theses protocols and its adoption have received incentive of the Ministry of Agriculture as a form to rise up the standards of quality of the national product, contributing to the access of the producers to the external market. However, the adoption of Integrated Production of Fruit, besides the opportunity of external market access and the reduction of costs with chemical products, imposes additional costs with investments and certifying process. This way, this paper has had as objective to verify the effect of the adoption of the Integrated Production in the producers’ return. To do so, it was necessary to choice one specie of fruit to be analyzed because Brazil produces a lot of species of fruit. Regarding some aspects as the importance of exports and the actual level of Integrated Production in the culture, the select specie was one variety of papaya called golden. Based on some data given by one firm that produces papaya, it was possible to determine representative cash flows of each system of production, Integrated and Conventional. This procedure has permitted the estimation of some viability and risk indicators on both systems. The results aimed small advantage in return and risk terms for the Integrated Production what allowed to conclude that the adoption of Integrated Production of Fruit doesn't guarantee to the producing substantial elevation of returns.Produção Integrada, Boas Práticas Agrícolas e exportações, Integrated production, Good Agricultural Practices and exports, International Relations/Trade,

    Uma análise do setor de distribuição de flores e plantas ornamentais no estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    Uma das principais características da produção de flores e plantas ornamentais é que esta constitui atividade típica de pequenos produtores. Embora a floricultura brasileira venha se expandindo em áreas menos tradicionais como o Nordeste do país, a maior parte da produção ainda se concentra nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, e os dados sobre a distribuição de flores no Brasil indicam o estado de São Paulo como principal centro da produção nacional. O estado do Rio de Janeiro tem-se destacado, nesse contexto, como região potencial de expansão da produção e comercialização de flores e plantas ornamentais, com destaque para as variedades tropicais, de crescente aceitação internacional.Este trabalho analisa o segmento de distribuição de flores e plantas ornamentais no Rio de Janeiro, tendo por referência conceitual o enfoque sistêmico de produto (Commodity Systems Approach). Para consecução da pesquisa, foram realizados amplos levantamentos secundário e primário junto aos principais agentes que atuam no segmento de distribuição de flores no Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os principais entraves ao desempenho do setor estão relacionados com as relações de mercado vigentes e com os aspectos gerenciais.Floricultura, Cadeias produtivas, Rio de Janeiro, Marketing,