3,422 research outputs found

    Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Broadcast in Dynamic Networks

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    Highly dynamic networks rarely offer end-to-end connectivity at a given time. Yet, connectivity in these networks can be established over time and space, based on temporal analogues of multi-hop paths (also called {\em journeys}). Attempting to optimize the selection of the journeys in these networks naturally leads to the study of three cases: shortest (minimum hop), fastest (minimum duration), and foremost (earliest arrival) journeys. Efficient centralized algorithms exists to compute all cases, when the full knowledge of the network evolution is given. In this paper, we study the {\em distributed} counterparts of these problems, i.e. shortest, fastest, and foremost broadcast with termination detection (TDB), with minimal knowledge on the topology. We show that the feasibility of each of these problems requires distinct features on the evolution, through identifying three classes of dynamic graphs wherein the problems become gradually feasible: graphs in which the re-appearance of edges is {\em recurrent} (class R), {\em bounded-recurrent} (B), or {\em periodic} (P), together with specific knowledge that are respectively nn (the number of nodes), Δ\Delta (a bound on the recurrence time), and pp (the period). In these classes it is not required that all pairs of nodes get in contact -- only that the overall {\em footprint} of the graph is connected over time. Our results, together with the strict inclusion between PP, BB, and RR, implies a feasibility order among the three variants of the problem, i.e. TDB[foremost] requires weaker assumptions on the topology dynamics than TDB[shortest], which itself requires less than TDB[fastest]. Reversely, these differences in feasibility imply that the computational powers of RnR_n, BΔB_\Delta, and PpP_p also form a strict hierarchy

    Connected and internal graph searching

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    This paper is concerned with the graph searching game. The search number es(G) of a graph G is the smallest number of searchers required to clear G. A search strategy is monotone (m) if no recontamination ever occurs. It is connected (c) if the set of clear edges always forms a connected subgraph. It is internal (i) if the removal of searchers is not allowed. The difficulty of the connected version and of the monotone internal version of the graph searching problem comes from the fact that, as shown in the paper, none of these problems is minor closed for arbitrary graphs, as opposed to all known variants of the graph searching problem. Motivated by the fact that connected graph searching, and monotone internal graph searching are both minor closed in trees, we provide a complete characterization of the set of trees that can be cleared by a given number of searchers. In fact, we show that, in trees, there is only one obstruction for monotone internal search, as well as for connected search, and this obstruction is the same for the two problems. This allows us to prove that, for any tree T, mis(T)= cs(T). For arbitrary graphs, we prove that there is a unique chain of inequalities linking all the search numbers above. More precisely, for any graph G, es(G)= is(G)= ms(G)leq mis(G)leq cs(G)= ics(G)leq mcs(G)=mics(G). The first two inequalities can be strict. In the case of trees, we have mics(G)leq 2 es(T)-2, that is there are exactly 2 different search numbers in trees, and these search numbers differ by a factor of 2 at most.Postprint (published version

    AFM Dissipation Topography of Soliton Superstructures in Adsorbed Overlayers

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    In the atomic force microscope, the nanoscale force topography of even complex surface superstructures is extracted by the changing vibration frequency of a scanning tip. An alternative dissipation topography with similar or even better contrast has been demonstrated recently by mapping the (x,y)-dependent tip damping but the detailed damping mechanism is still unknown. Here we identify two different tip dissipation mechanisms: local mechanical softness and hysteresis. Motivated by recent data, we describe both of them in a onedimensional model of Moire' superstructures of incommensurate overlayers. Local softness at "soliton" defects yields a dissipation contrast that can be much larger than the corresponding density or corrugation contrast. At realistically low vibration frequencies, however, a much stronger and more effective dissipation is caused by the tip-induced nonlinear jumping of the soliton, naturally developing bistability and hysteresis. Signatures of this mechanism are proposed for experimental identification.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Phys Rev B 81, 045417 (2010

    Line-Recovery by Programmable Particles

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    Shape formation has been recently studied in distributed systems of programmable particles. In this paper we consider the shape recovery problem of restoring the shape when ff of the nn particles have crashed. We focus on the basic line shape, used as a tool for the construction of more complex configurations. We present a solution to the line recovery problem by the non-faulty anonymous particles; the solution works regardless of the initial distribution and number f<n−4f<n-4 of faults, of the local orientations of the non-faulty entities, and of the number of non-faulty entities activated in each round (i.e., semi-synchronous adversarial scheduler)

    Solitons and exact velocity quantization of incommensurate sliders

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    We analyze in some detail the recently discovered velocity quantization phenomena in the classical motion of an idealized one-dimensional solid lubricant, consisting of a harmonic chain interposed between two periodic sliders. The ratio w = v_cm/v_ext of the chain center-of-mass velocity to the externally imposed relative velocity of the sliders is pinned to exact ``plateau'' values for wide ranges of parameters, such as sliders corrugation amplitudes, external velocity, chain stiffness and dissipation, and is strictly determined by the commensurability ratios alone. The phenomenon is caused by one slider rigidly dragging the density solitons (kinks/antikinks) that the chain forms with the other slider. Possible consequences of these results for some real systems are discussed.Comment: 12 pages 6 figures. Small fixup after Referee's comments. In print in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Hysteresis from dynamically pinned sliding states

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    We report a surprising hysteretic behavior in the dynamics of a simple one-dimensional nonlinear model inspired by the tribological problem of two sliding surfaces with a thin solid lubricant layer in between. In particular, we consider the frictional dynamics of a harmonic chain confined between two rigid incommensurate substrates which slide with a fixed relative velocity. This system was previously found, by explicit solution of the equations of motion, to possess plateaus in parameter space exhibiting a remarkable quantization of the chain center-of-mass velocity (dynamic pinning) solely determined by the interface incommensurability. Starting now from this quantized sliding state, in the underdamped regime of motion and in analogy to what ordinarily happens for static friction, the dynamics exhibits a large hysteresis under the action of an additional external driving force F_ext. A critical threshold value F_c of the adiabatically applied force F_ext is required in order to alter the robust dynamics of the plateau attractor. When the applied force is decreased and removed, the system can jump to intermediate sliding regimes (a sort of ``dynamic'' stick-slip motion) and eventually returns to the quantized sliding state at a much lower value of F_ext. On the contrary no hysteretic behavior is observed as a function of the external driving velocity.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, ECOSS 200
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