21 research outputs found

    Ectopic thymoma presenting as a giant intrathoracic tumor: A case report

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    Ectopic thymoma rarely presents as an intrathoracic tumor. We report a case of ectopic thymoma presenting as a giant right intrathoracic tumor that was treated with resection. The patient was a 50-year-old Japanese woman who presented with the chief complaint of chest pain. Detailed examination revealed a solid tumor measuring 15 × 10 × 8 cm in diameter, with a clear border. The Imaging findings suggested a solitary fibrous tumor, and surgery was performed. At surgery, the tumor was found to beadherent to the diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, and lower lobe of the lung, although it could be dissected with relative ease and was removed. Pathological diagnosis indicated a type B1 tumor with no capsular invasion according to the World Health Organization classification, and a diagnosis of Masaoka stage I thymoma was made. No continuity with the normal thymus tissue was seen, and the thymoma was considered to be derived from ectopic thymic tissue in the pleura

    Nuovi materiali biocompatibili nella ricostruzione dello scheletro osteocartilagineo del torace

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    Dottorato di ricerca in metodologie sperimentali e tecnologie applicate alla chirurgia. 7. ciclo. Tutore G. Daddi. Coordinatore F. CaramiaConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Surgical margins in breast-conserving therapy: current trends and future prospects

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    Inadequate surgical margins represent a high risk for adverse clinical outcome in breast-conserving therapy (BCT) for early-stage breast cancer. The majority of studies report positive resection margins in 20% to 40% of the patients who underwent BCT. This may result in an increased local recurrence (LR) rate or additional surgery and, consequently, adverse effects on cosmesis, psychological distress, and health costs. In the literature, various risk factors are reported to be associated with positive margin status after lumpectomy, which may allow the surgeon to distinguish those patients with a higher “a priori” risk for re-excision. However, most risk factors are related to tumor biology and patient characteristics, which cannot be modified as such. Therefore, efforts to reduce the number of positive margins should focus on optimizing the surgical procedure itself, because the surgeon lacks real time intraoperative information on the presence of positive resection margins during breast-conserving surgery. This review presents the status of pre- and intraoperative modalities currently used in BCT. Furthermore, innovative intraoperative approaches, such as positron emission tomography, radio-guided occult lesion localization, and near-infrared fluorescence optical imaging, are addressed, which have to prove their potential value in improving surgical outcome and reducing the need for re-excision in BCT

    Cervical Spine: Minimally Invasive and Open Surgery

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    Anesthesia in cervical spine surgery (CSS) is peculiar and sometimes challenging. Injuries from CSS could be severe and often permanent and disabling. Complications are more frequent in patients with comorbidities such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and pulmonary diseases. The surgical field is near the airway and the patient\u2019s mouth and the endotracheal tube (ETT) could be not easily accessible. Postoperative edema and/or hematoma could lead to deviation and compression of larynx, trachea or medulla. The patient positioning should be done by expert anesthesiologists in order to avoid eyes, peripheral nerves and skin injuries

    iI myotomy plus diverticulopexy suitable for symptomatic Zenker's diverticula?

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    The aim of the study was to prospectively evaluate the outcome of myotomy plus diverticulopexy over short and long-terms. A prospectively collected consecutive series (2007–2017) of 37 patients undergoing myotomy plus diverticulopexy was analyzed for clinical condition, operative information, peri-operative events, and follow-up by means of interview and physical examination. Diverticulopexy was scheduled regardless of the diverticulum’s features and patient condition, other than operability. There was no choice or selection between possible treatment options. Patients were evaluated pre-operatively, at post-operative day 30 and after 1 year. Follow-up aimed at assessing the subjective condition following treatment. During the interview, patients were asked to self-assess their ability to swallow before and after surgery. No patient had peri-operative events, complications associated with the procedure, wound infection or impaired swallowing. All patients could start drinking the day after operation, could return to solid diet on post-operative day 2 and be discharged on post-operative days 3–4. Barium swallowing was not necessary before discharge. Full solid diet was resumed according to patient’s compliance from post-operative day 2 (some patients refused solid diet soon after the operation even if asymptomatic). Follow-up ranged between 1 and 8 years. No patient was lost at follow-up. No disease recurrence was observed. Finally, no patient needed or sought for a clinical examination between the follow-up calls. Patients reported at least 50% improvement of symptomatology after 1 year. Diverticulopexy appears to be clinically safe, methodologically reproducible, and an effective procedure; it avoids suturing and offers good outcome results along with high patient satisfaction

    Micro HTA as a tool for clinical governance: the experience of the Breast Unit in “Santa Maria” Terni Hospital

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    The last decade has witnessed the affirmation of the paradigm Health Technology Assessment (HTA) as a tool for government innovation technology in health care. As is known, this is an approach of evaluation oriented policy making that, in addition to provide for the disclosure of its results, it is proposed to consider simultaneously the clinical, economic, organizational, ethical and social issues arising from the introduction or disposal of a health technology, understood in the broadest sense of the term. In order to reconstruct a realistic picture of its level of implementation we have reproduced a micro HTA which served to assess the Harmonic Focus® device usefulness in breast surgery

    Health technology assessment and thyroid surgery

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    The growth of technological innovation, the request for assistance, the rising patient’s expectations and the interest of the industry have led to a rise in the cost of health care systems. In this context the role of the National Health System is not to delay the development or adoption of new technologies, but rather to drive the development selecting priorities and promoting its use. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach for analyzing the medical-clinical, social, organizational, economic, ethical and legal implications of a technology (devices, drugs, procedures) through the assessment of multiple parameters such as effectiveness, safety, costs of the social and organizational impact. A health technology assessment is a comprehensive, systematic evaluation of the prerequisites for estimating the consequences of using health technology. Main characteristic of HTA is that the problem is tackled using an approach focused on four main elements: - technology; - patient; - organization; - economy. The authors have applied the HTA method for the analysis of the ultrasonic focus dissector on thyroid surgery. They compared the cost of the surgical procedure using the ultrasonic dissector and without it in a case study of 440 patients who underwent thyroidectomy

    Fresh autologous stromal tissue fraction for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis related pain and disability

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a very common condition with multifactorial etiology leading to severe pain and disability in the adult population. Although KOA is considered a non-inflammatory arthritis, upregulation of inflammatory and catabolic pathways with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to cartilage degradation and extracellular matrix degeneration has been reported. Intra-articular injection of fresh fat derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) fraction has been proposed as a valid and alternative treatment for symptomatic KOA that guarantees mechanical support through viscosupplementation, anti-inflammatory, and anabolic action. We retrospectively reviewed a case series of 84 consecutive adult patients with KOA who underwent intra-articular injection of fresh fat derived SVF. Significant improvement in pain levels (NRS score decrease 3.5 +/- 1.1, p<0.001), WOMAC pain (-7.02 +/- 3.45 score change, p<0.001), WOMAC stiffness (-1.97 +/- 1.02, p<0.001), and ROM improvement (+17.13 +/- 5.22 degrees, p<0.001). The only complication noted was knee joint swelling lasting for less than 7 days after the injection in 7% of the patients

    Fresh autologous stromal tissue fraction for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis related pain and disability

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    Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a very common condition with multifactorial etiology leading to severe pain and disability in the adult population. Although KOA is considered a non-inflammatory arthritis, upregulation of inflammatory and catabolic pathways with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to cartilage degradation and extracellular matrix degeneration has been reported. Intra-articular injection of fresh fat derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF) fraction has been proposed as a valid and alternative treatment for symptomatic KOA that guarantees mechanical support through viscosupplementation, anti-inflammatory, and anabolic action. We retrospectively reviewed a case series of 84 consecutive adult patients with KOA who underwent intra-articular injection of fresh fat derived SVF. Significant improvement in pain levels (NRS score decrease 3.5 +/- 1.1, p<0.001), WOMAC pain (-7.02 +/- 3.45 score change, p<0.001), WOMAC stiffness (-1.97 +/- 1.02, p<0.001), and ROM improvement (+17.13 +/- 5.22 degrees, p<0.001). The only complication noted was knee joint swelling lasting for less than 7 days after the injection in 7% of the patients