6 research outputs found

    Air Pollution: Role of Extracellular Vesicles-Derived Non-Coding RNAs in Environmental Stress Response

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    Air pollution has increased over the years, causing a negative impact on society due to the many health-related problems it can contribute to. Although the type and extent of air pollutants are known, the molecular mechanisms underlying the induction of negative effects on the human body remain unclear. Emerging evidence suggests the crucial involvement of different molecular mediators in inflammation and oxidative stress in air pollution-induced disorders. Among these, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) carried by extracellular vesicles (EVs) may play an essential role in gene regulation of the cell stress response in pollutant-induced multiorgan disorders. This review highlights EV-transported ncRNAs’ roles in physiological and pathological conditions, such as the development of cancer and respiratory, neurodegenerative, and cardiovascular diseases following exposure to various environmental stressors

    Extracellular vesicles based biomarkers in thyroid cancer: development of new diagnostic tools

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    Il cancro alla tiroide (TC) è la neoplasia endocrina più comune e la sua incidenza è in aumento in molti Paesi del mondo. Le donne hanno una probabilità quattro volte superiore rispetto agli uomini di ricevere una diagnosi di cancro alla tiroide. L'approccio diagnostico al cancro della tiroide è una delle questioni più impegnative in oncologia del sistema endocrino a causa della sua elevata incidenza. Attualmente, la diagnosi di routine dei noduli tiroidei si basa sull’agoaspirato, che è un metodo diagnostico invasivo e spesso impreciso, per cui sono necessarie diverse ripetizioni a causa di plausibili risultati falsi negativi. Pertanto, è necessario identificare un nuovo approccio non invasivo per la rilevazione di biomarcatori diagnostici per la diagnosi precoce del tumore, la prognosi e il monitoraggio della malattia. A questo proposito, diversi biomarcatori possono essere utili. Le vescicole extracellulari (EVs) potrebbero essere considerate uno strumento promettente per la biopsia liquida, in quanto sono particelle bilayer nanometriche che vengono secrete da tutti i tipi di cellule e che trasportano un carico specifico rappresentativo delle cellule produttrici, tra cui proteine, lipidi, DNA, mRNA e microRNA (miRNA). Le EVs di derivazione tumorale (C-EVs) svolgono un ruolo cruciale nella patogenesi di diversi tipi di cancro. Inoltre, è stato dimostrato che diverse molecole espresse all'interno delle C-EVs, tra cui le proteine da shock termico e i miRNA, sono coinvolte in tutti i processi chiave associati al cancro, come la proliferazione cellulare, la transizione epitelio-mesenchimale, l'invasione del cancro e la formazione di metastasi. Negli ultimi decenni, il nostro gruppo scientifico ha focalizzato l'attenzione sulle proteine da shock termico come importante gruppo di proteine per la diagnosi, la prognosi e il follow-up di alcuni tumori. Le proteine da shock termico (HSPs) sono proteine coinvolte in molti meccanismi fisiologici nelle cellule normali e i loro livelli di espressione sono comunemente alterati in diversi tipi di cancro umano, come nel cancro della tiroide. Inoltre, è stato dimostrato che le Hsps sono regolate da diversi miRNA. I miRNA sono un gruppo di piccole molecole di RNA a singolo filamento coinvolte nella regolazione post-traduzionale dell'espressione di molti geni. Queste molecole hanno un impatto sui processi biologici cruciali per il corretto funzionamento dell'organismo, tra cui la formazione dei vasi sanguigni, la divisione cellulare, la proliferazione, la differenziazione e l'apoptosi. Inoltre, diversi studi hanno dimostrato che i miRNA sono coinvolti nell'avvio e nella progressione del cancro e sono espressi in modo aberrante in numerosi tumori. In questo scenario, i miRNA presenti nelle vescicole extracellulari circolanti sono stati suggeriti come i candidati più potenziali come biomarcatori utili per la diagnosi e la prognosi dei tumori, poiché sono una classe di molecole disregolate in un'ampia gamma di tumori umani e a causa della loro abbondanza e stabilità. Partendo da questi dati sperimentali, in questo progetto di dottorato abbiamo inizialmente focalizzato la nostra attenzione sui livelli di espressione tissutale di diverse HSPs, come Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70 e Hsp90, attraverso esperimenti di immunoistochimica in campioni di tessuto di carcinoma papillare della tiroide (PTC) e gozzo benigno, come controllo. Abbiamo anche condotto analisi di immunofluorescenza su una linea cellulare immortalizzata di PTC (linea cellulare MDA-T32) per valutare i livelli di espressione delle HSPs già menzionate. Successivamente, ci siamo concentrati sull'isolamento di vescicole extracellulari ottenute sia dal mezzo di coltura cellulare della linea MDA-T32 sia da campioni di plasma di pazienti, con diagnosi iniziale di disturbi tiroidei, prima e dopo la tiroidectomia. L'isolamento è stato seguito da una caratterizzazione morfologica e biochimica delle EVs. Infine, sono stati estratti miRNA specifici dalle EVs per valutare l'espressione differenziale di miRNA tra i pazienti con cancro alla tiroide e un gruppo di controllo con gozzo benigno, con l'obiettivo finale di identificare biomarcatori specifici per il cancro alla tiroide all'interno delle EVs, per lo sviluppo di un nuovo kit diagnostico per la diagnosi precoce e il follow-up del cancro alla tiroide. Abbiamo anche valutato la presenza di miRNA che regolano le HSPs. I risultati più significativi ottenuti in questo studio includono l'isolamento e la caratterizzazione delle vescicole extracellulari circolanti, ottenute mediante biopsia liquida da pazienti con carcinoma papillare della tiroide, che potrebbero essere considerate un'eccellente fonte di biomarcatori tumorali. Abbiamo anche identificato 3 candidati miRNA (miR-1-3p, miR-206, miR-221-3p), espressi in modo aberrante nelle vescicole extracellulari isolate dal plasma di pazienti con carcinoma papillare della tiroide, che potrebbero essere considerati validi candidati come biomarcatori non invasivi clinicamente utili per il cancro della tiroide. Infine, abbiamo proposto un approccio tecnologico innovativo ed economicamente vantaggioso per la rapida individuazione di biomarcatori del carcinoma tiroideo mediante biopsia liquida, che al giorno d'oggi rappresenta un passo importante per migliorare lo standard di cura delle persone affette da questa patologia; è quindi necessario trovare soluzioni diagnostiche innovative per apportare un significativo beneficio economico e per i pazienti.Thyroid cancer (TC) is the most common endocrine malignancy and his incidence is increasing in many countries of the world. Women are four times more likely than men to be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The diagnostic approach to thyroid cancer is one of the most challenging issues in oncology of the endocrine system because of its high incidence. Currently, routine diagnosis of thyroid nodules relies on a fine-needle aspirate biopsy, which is an invasive diagnostic method and often inaccurate, so repeated aspiration are needed due to plausible false-negative results. Therefore, it is necessary to identify a novel non-invasive approach for the detection of diagnostic biomarkers for early tumor diagnosis, prognosis, and disease monitoring. In this regard, several biomarkers can be useful. Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) could be considered a promising tool for liquid biopsy as they are nanosized bilayer particles that are secreted by all kinds of cells and that carry a specific cargo representative of the producing cells, including proteins, lipids, DNA, mRNAs and microRNAs (miRNAs). Cancer-derived EVs (C-EVs) play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of different cancer types. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that several molecules expressed inside C-EVs, including heat shock proteins and miRNAs, are involved in all the key cancer-associated processes, such as cell proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, cancer invasion and metastasis formation. In the last decades, our scientific group has focused the attention on heat shock proteins as important group of proteins for the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of some tumors. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are proteins involved in many physiological mechanisms in normal cells and their expression levels become commonly altered in several types of human cancer, such as in thyroid cancer. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that HSPs are regulated by several miRNAs. MiRNAs are a group of small single-stranded RNA molecules implicated in the post-translational regulation of the expression of many genes. These molecules have an impact on biological processes that are crucial for the correct functioning of the organism, including blood vessel formation, cell division, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Plus, several studies have now shown that miRNAs are involved in the initiation and progression of cancer and also aberrantly expressed in numerous cancers. In this scenario, miRNAs in circulating extracellular vesicles have been suggested to be the most potential candidates as useful biomarkers for TC diagnosis and prognosis, since they are a class of molecules dysregulated in a wide range of human cancers and because of their abundance and stability. From this experimental data, in this PhD project we initially focused our attention on the tissue expression levels of several HSPs, such as Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90, through experiments of immunohistochemistry in tissue samples of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and benign goiter, as control. We also conducted immunofluorescence analysis on an immortalised cell line of PTC (MDA-T32 cell line) to evaluate the expression levels of the HSPs already mentioned. Next, we focused on the isolation of extracellular vesicles obtained from both cell culture medium of MDA-T32 cell line and plasma samples of patients, initially diagnosed with thyroid disorders, before and after thyroidectomy. The isolation was followed by a morphological and biochemical characterization of EVs. Finally, specific miRNAs were extracted from EVs in order to evaluate differential miRNA expression between patients with thyroid cancer and a control group with benign goiter, with the final aim of identifying thyroid cancer-specific biomarkers within EVs, for the development of a new diagnostic kit for the early diagnosis and follow up of thyroid cancer. We also assessed the presence of miRNAs regulating HSPs. The most significant results achieved in this study include the isolation and characterization of circulating extracellular vesicles, obtained by liquid biopsy from patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma, which could be considered an excellent source of cancer biomarkers. We also identified 3 miRNA candidates (miR-1-3p, miR-206, miR-221-3p), aberrantly expressed in extracellular vesicles isolated from the plasma of patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma that could be considered valid candidates as clinically-useful non-invasive biomarkers for thyroid cancer. Finally, we proposed a novel and most cost-effective technological approach for a rapid detection of thyroid cancer biomarkers by liquid biopsy, which nowadays is an important step in improving the standard of care for people living with a disease, thus it is necessary to find innovative diagnostic solutions to bring significant patient and economic benefit

    The Neurochaperonopathies: Anomalies of the Chaperone System with Pathogenic Effects in Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disorders

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    The chaperone (or chaperoning) system (CS) constitutes molecular chaperones, co-chaperones, and chaperone co-factors, interactors and receptors, and its canonical role is protein quality control. A malfunction of the CS may cause diseases, known as the chaperonopathies. These are caused by qualitatively and/or quantitatively abnormal molecular chaperones. Since the CS is ubiquitous, chaperonopathies are systemic, affecting various tissues and organs, playing an etiologic-pathogenic role in diverse conditions. In this review, we focus on chaperonopathies involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems: the neurochaperonopathies (NCPs). Genetic NCPs are linked to pathogenic variants of chaperone genes encoding, for example, the small Hsp, Hsp10, Hsp40, Hsp60, and CCT-BBS (chaperonin-containing TCP-1- Bardet–Biedl syndrome) chaperones. Instead, the acquired NCPs are associated with malfunctional chaperones, such as Hsp70, Hsp90, and VCP/p97 with aberrant post-translational modifications. Awareness of the chaperonopathies as the underlying primary or secondary causes of disease will improve diagnosis and patient management and open the possibility of investigating and developing chaperonotherapy, namely treatment with the abnormal chaperone as the main target. Positive chaperonotherapy would apply in chaperonopathies by defect, i.e., chaperone insufficiency, and consist of chaperone replacement or boosting, whereas negative chaperonotherapy would be pertinent when a chaperone actively participates in the initiation and progression of the disease and must be blocked and eliminated

    Recombinant mussel protein Pvfp-5β: a potential tissue bioadhesive

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    During their lifecycle, many marine organisms rely on natural adhesives to attach to wet surfaces for movement and self-defence in aqueous tidal environments. Adhesive proteins from mussels are biocompatible and elicit only minimal immune responses in humans. Therefore these proteins have received increased attention for their potential applications in medicine, biomaterials and biotechnology. The Asian green mussel Perna viridis secretes several byssal plaque proteins, molecules that help anchor the mussel to surfaces. Among these proteins, protein-5β (Pvfp-5β) initiates interactions with the substrate, displacing interfacial water molecules before binding to the surface. Here, we established the first recombinant expression in Escherichia coli of Pvfp-5β. We characterized recombinant Pvfp-5β, finding that despite displaying a CD spectrum consistent with features of a random coil, the protein is correctly folded as indicated by MS and NMR analyses. Pvfp-5β folds as a β-sheet-rich protein as expected for an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like module. We examined the effects of Pvfp-5β on cell viability and adhesion capacity in NIH-3T3 and HeLa cell lines, revealing that Pvfp-5β has no cytotoxic effects at the protein concentrations used and provides good cell-adhesion strength on both glass and plastic plates. Our findings suggest that the adhesive properties of recombinant Pvfp-5β make it an efficient surface coating material, potentially suitable for biomedical applications including regeneration of damaged tissues